Monday, December 5, 2016

From Lecco to Syria with her small son to marry a terrorist of Isis – the guardian

It is enchanted in front of the video of the propaganda of Isis on the Internet. And always via the web is also in love with a terrorist, Macedonian. So much to decide to leave the family, husband and two daughters, and fled to Syria, bringing with him the smallest child, dreaming of a future as the wife of a foreign fighter. This is the path of radicalisation of an Albanian woman resident in Lecco: after the investigations of the carabinieri of the Ros against her was issued a protective order.

In December 2014, the woman has abandoned her husband and two daughters to go to Syria, together with the minor child, and to enlist among the ranks of the militants of the Isis. It had been her husband, also Albanian, to denounce to the police the disappearance of the woman and the child. Investigators have traced the route taken by the woman to Syria, also taking advantage of the supports in the balkan area: the junta in Turkey, joined a family from Bosnia, also party to move into the war zone.

the investigations of The carabinieri of the Ros have been coordinated by the office of the district Attorney counter-terrorism of Milan. In order for custody to be borne of a woman, signed by the Gip of Milan Manuela Scudieri, is disputed, the offence of association for purposes of international terrorism. The investigation of Ros, coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Maurizio Romanelli and substitute Alessandro Gobbis, has reconstructed the path of radicalization undertaken by the woman and that led her to decide to leave for Syria, and with the son, still a child.

The Albanian consulted regarding the video and campaign material widely used on the web, published by representatives of the organization can be attributed to the Islamic State. Its transfer to the territory of war was also determined by the anticipation of joining in marriage with a man of macedonia is already a fighter for the Caliphate. The analysis of the material discovered by the police and subjected to a seizure has allowed us to detect a considerable amount of videos of preachers extremists inciting to the Jihad. The husband of the Albanian woman, left with two daughters in the province of Lecco, has several times tried to get in touch with the wife, especially to obtain reunification with the child.

December 5, 2016 | 08:32



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