Thursday, June 30, 2016

The TopClass surpass the Democratic Party, with the Italicum governebbero. Most popular Maio Renzi – The Republic

RECENT local elections have left their mark, even on the national political level. The recent survey by Demos for the Atlas of the Republic confirms Politico. According Italians (respondents) to the administrative of June there is only one winner. The M5S. The only party to have strengthened at the national level (I think about 80 per cent). While others are weakened. Most of all, the Democratic Party Renzi. Election estimates reflect these evaluations.

In the case of policies, in fact, Demos elections gives the M5S more than 32% of valid votes. About 5 more, compared to the previous survey, conducted in April. While the Democratic Party stood at just over 30%. Stable compared to previous months. Behind these two political forces it is nearly empty. League and Forza Italy does not reach 12%. Even if you coalizzassero, “forced” by dell’Italicum rules, with little chance (to be cautious) to get on the ballot. The other parties, all, coming barely 5%.


On this basis, it would further strengthen the M5S, but most importantly, you rewrite any of the system reports power among political actors. The imperfect tripolarismo, emerged in the vote in local elections, at national level would be reduced to a two-party system. In fact, the Democratic Party Renzi and M5S together intercetterebbero almost two-thirds of the votes. While the remaining third of the electorate appears divided and fragmented. The M5S, however, in case of runoff largely win. As, indeed, was the case, the administrative, in the municipalities where the major M5S, managed to reach the second round, managing to establish itself virtually anywhere. In 19 major municipalities of 20. Among them, first of all, Rome and Turin. The M5S, in fact, now see the main channel to collect dissent against the “traditional” parties. But, above all, to intercept the vote “anti-renziano” from the entire political spectrum. Especially in the middle and on the right.

According to the survey, M5S, in case of ballot, would prevail by nearly 10 points on Pd (54.7 to 45.3). While in comparison with the force-leaguers there would be no story. Almost 20 points behind. They will also explain – especially – so the growing concern in the majority, to the Italicum, the electoral law passed by this government. That enters into force today. It reproduces, in many ways, the device adopted for the election of mayors. With effects definitely unpleasant and welcome to the PDR. And its leader.

Moreover, echoing the famous definition of Giorgio Galli, shows a two-party “less” imperfect some time ago. When the M5S is proposed as an opposition, but not as an alternative. Appeared, ie, a collector and a container of resentment. But without hope. No ability to govern. Why it was not voted for this reason. After the local elections in June, however, the views of the electorate, to the way, seem to change. Today, in fact, almost two out of three voters consider M5S able to govern the city where it was stated. While the majority not only retains a steering force at national level. However, the guidelines are changing, even in this respect. Given that more than 4 out of 10 voters think the M5S would be able to govern the country. Still a minority. But large. It grew by more than 10 points over the past months.

The political polarization that emerges in the electoral level, is also reflected on the level of “trust” staff. Beppe Grillo, in fact, reach – almost – Renzi. While Di Maio surpasses it. And De Magistris, re-elected mayor of Naples smoothly, joined him. A sign that even left there is an area of ​​dissent against the prime minister. However, despite the disappointing results of the administrative, personal trust Renzi, in recent months, it remains stable. Around 40%. And the consensus against his government grows by a few points. Up to 42%, probably, for two reasons. The first, internal political in nature, reflects the bipolar tension, fueled by anti-political challenge of M5s. Polarizing the consensus and disagreements around the two protagonists: the M5s and Renzi. On the other hand, there are other factors that attract public opinion around the government. The predominantly external nature. The security question in the first place. Fueled by immigration, which continues to generate concern. Then, the European question, dramatized by Brexit.

Much of Italians feared the effects. And for that we are seeing a growing consensus towards the EU. And with an increase in support for the euro. It is the reflection of known trends. Among Italians, in fact, even in the past the fear of the possible effects of exit from the EU and the euro prevailed largely on dissatisfaction with regard to both institutions. Today this perspective is not so hypothetical and that the European construction creaks alarmingly, the euro-peista feeling is strengthened. By reaction. If it were also proposed in Italy a referendum Itæxit, the output of our country by the European Union, according to the survey by Demos, two thirds of Italian voters would vote against. That is, to stay in the EU. Only among voters of the League a majority would vote to leave. All others, including those of the M5S, would choose to remain “united.” As a precaution, because you never know …

The climate of international tension, the European instability, internal insecurity, therefore, seem to reinforce, to some extent, also the support to the national government. To guide him. Despite everything. Perhaps as a reaction to “threats” that come from outside. But also because, in front of the two-party calling the “policy” becomes stronger between politics and anti-politics, at this stage. More credible.

On the other hand, in times so uncertain, add more uncertainty reasons: raises further uncertainty.

And the lure of the “new at any cost”, at least when it is the national government, it becomes less attractive. The political market, many prefer, as a precaution, relying on the semi-new. At least for now. Tomorrow is another day. You’ll see.


Italicum, Grillo, “Renzi cheater two-bit, changed the cards on the table for fear of losing” – BBC

the hypothesis of all’Italicum changes do not like the M5S. Grillo Di Maio, the the ball without appeal was greater than the movement. The electoral law, already approved in final form, will return to the House in September after the Italian Left has tabled a motion on the possible unconstitutionality of certain parts of the law.

Grillo attacks Renzi: “He wants to change for fear of losing”

reopen, therefore, the debate sull’Italicum but the M5S closes the door to any possibility of dialogue, much less agreement on reforms law. If the vice president of the Chamber Luigi Di Maio changing the electoral law “is not a priority”, uses harsher tone Beppe Grillo wrote on his blog: “Changing the electoral law, postponement of the referendum: Renzi now wants to change the cards in table because he is afraid of losing. A cheater by two soldiers and with their tails between their legs. ” “You can not change the electoral law to try to prevent the inevitable. You can not stop the wind with his hands – continues Grillo – when the M5s will be to the electoral law government will be anchored to the Constitution to prevent the parties can change it when it suits them. ” And again: “Renzi fears the 70 to 30 as in Rome,” he continues. Comes the tweet of Alessandro Di Battista: “Until M5S victories in Rome and Turin #Italicum was the world’s best law (for us it sucks) .Now Renzi ready to cambiarla.Cialtroni!”

The reactions in pd

responds to Grillo Andrea Romano (Pd): “the 5 Star before attacking the Italicum, then defend it. They do everything themselves, real clowns, reeds in the wind. One day they want to leave the euro and Europe, the following is rimangiano everything. Do the acrobats, somersaulted forward and one back immediately. Everything opportunism and zero ideas. Welcome to the 5-star circus. ” On all’Italicum changes, the official position of the Democratic Party, I reiterate the group leaders in the House and Senate Rosato and Zanda, is that the Italian Left motion “is not a tool to change the law.” It also minimizes the Premier Renzi and reiterates: “Only a motion as there are so many.” The ability to change the Italicum is warmly welcomed by hand from dem minority, in this case ready to make even the simplest of the referendum on the reform path. And Senator Dem Miguel Gotor relaunches “the Italicum must be overcome, not correct, rather a law that really ensures greater representation.” It announces that after the summer the minority Democratic Party will make a budget and decide how to stand up for the constitutional referendum. Italicum also speaks of the former Prime Minister Enrico Letta. “The Italicum not be done. My last act as deputy was to vote against a bill that is as Porcellum. Renzi has wanted to measure himself and the Democratic Party at 40 percent. Hard to go back, because it would appear to do so against M5S. But vote with the Italicum would be irresponsible, “he says in an interview with the weekly L’Espresso.

Ncd conducive to change

And if the Five Stars there are no openings at possible changes to the rules for the award of the majority come from ‘Ncd of government ally. “We are willing to discuetere improvements” made it known spokeswoman Valentina Castaldini. For the prize of the majority coalition also Psi Riccardo Nencini while Paul Sixtus Forza Italy says: “For us the Italicum was changed before and must be changed now»

June 30, 2016 (edited June 30, 2016 | 19:09)



Italicum, in the Democratic Party back the guerrillas. Renzi: “I do not want to change it.” The M5s: “It ‘a cheater, change the cards on the table” – The Daily

Italicum is born and already it is unknown whether and how shall live. The Election Law enter into force in a few hours, at midnight on July 1, but the local elections won by M5s and lost by pd (with a center-pleasure dose) had the effect of the rewind button. Start over the whole discussion of quotas, prizes, preferences and so on. As if the three steps between Camera and Senate to get final approval had never occurred. Of course, the cards are reshuffled. It remains the guerrillas in the Democratic Party between renziani and the rest of the party, but for example, Luigi Di Maio , Five Star Movement, writes on facebook that than changes to the electoral law “priorities are other”, while in full spoke of the debate before approval of a law “pro corruption” because it was like the porcellum or, on the other hand, Angelino Alfano you want the majority of the premium to the coalition and not to the list. For now at least those who resist – despite the background of the newspapers by the contradictory tones every day – is the President of the Council Matteo Renzi : “They write to me: ‘Do not you try to change the Italicum …’. To me you say? “He cut short during his #matteorisponde by night from Palazzo Chigi. The same line to take her, at all levels.

But the suspicion (which for some is hope for someone else’s fear) is that actually the election law really come back into question. How to write the TopClass Blog Beppe Grillo between “amendment of the electoral law” and “postponement of the referendum” (which for now there is no news), Renzi “now wants to change cards table because it is afraid of losing. A cheater two-bit and with his tail between his legs “. But the M5s warns that no use “change the electoral law to try to prevent the inevitable. You can not stop the wind with his hands. When the M5s will be to the electoral law government it will be anchored to the Constitution to prevent the parties can change it when it suits them. ” According to the leader of the short TopClass “you make the rules to partitum , and when they go to the not well change by engaging the Chamber which costs 100 thousand euro a day to take care of their business and not the interests of ten millions of Italians who live in poverty or companies closing hundreds every day. ” Finally, the movement claims as having “fought against Italicum, presented an electoral law written on the Net and sought dialogue with the Democratic Party for a law which was to guarantee the citizens, not the party. Renzi thought only to his. Now he wants to change the cards on the table because it is afraid of losing. ” The ballot, according to them, Renzi is afraid of being beaten with a 70-30 success as in Rome. “

It resurfaces even those who have suffered the advent of Renzi in power, that is, the former president of Council Enrico Letta : “the Italicum did was wrong – he says – My last act as deputy was to vote against a bill that is as porcellum. Renzi has wanted to measure himself and the Democratic Party at 40 percent. Hard to go back, because it would appear to do so against M5S. But vote with the Italicum would be irresponsible. ” According to Letta “serving leaders who unite, not leaders that simplify and divide. When you simplify, by dint of clear and cut any complexity, someone comes along that makes it easier for you and that eventually sends you home. ” For Italy, in short, want to introduce a faux-presidential system like the one that comes out dall’Italicum is a profound error, an artificial boost that will cause the same damage suffered by other European countries today. Presidential systems give you the power, but do not force you to include. But this is the time to unite. Do

But on no changes to the electoral law, indeed, by the time all the renziano leadership seems compact:” With the Italicum – tells the Corriere della Sera the leader of the House Ettore Rosato – we have built a solid system, which guarantees the governability and representation and that solves those problems that even today we can see again in Spain. That said, we never denied the dialogue. ” And coincidentally uses the same words of Di Maio: “The priorities of the country” are “other, simplification, to combat unemployment, the fight against poverty.” The same prudence of the group leader in the Senate Luigi Zanda , also of undoubted faith: “It would be the first time you change an untested electoral law.”

Less surprising is the position the left of the Democratic party – part of which did not vote the law – who returns to ringalluzzirsi after the Italian left motion that will be debated in September (although the constitutionality and not on the merits). The restart of the juke box of sull’Italicum statements is mainly about them. Miguel Gotor , for example, do not miss the turn even this around and do not settle for generic changes: the law should be changed right, wrong, she says. “Why – adds talking to Republic – between cosmetics and a law that ensures greater representation really prefer the second way.” The motion is not enough: “It’s up to Renzi take the initiative.”

The change is most in demand at the time of the introduction of the majority of the premium to the coalition and not to the list. He asks Forza Italy and this is very well known because Silvio Berlusconi want to join the front of the center with Lega Nord and Brothers of Italy because otherwise none of the three parties has hope of playing any role Policies. But now it also asks Popular Area – key segment of the majority – and the idea is in fact shared also by the slice renziani following the minister Dario Franceschini . The real point of all this discussion is that any changes you decide to do, serve in parliament votes: those who want to achieve them, in short, observes renziano Andrea Marcucci , has to find a majority that votes in Parliament. And on the first lap it was not easy at all.

Then there is the political reflection, though. Here also fits the advice of an extra-parliamentary renziano, the constitutionalist Stefano Ceccanti , a former Democratic senator: “There are no technical time to change an electoral law before the constitutional referendum of autumn: and if Renzi win, many things will change … – declares the Print – But the fund would seem suicidal ask to change an electoral law because are you afraid of the Five Star . A position that would define ‘sconfittistica’. Do not hold up in front of the country. ” Renzi seems to share this view. For now.



Italicum, 5 Stars to the attack: “Renzi is a cheater – BBC

the cinquestelle now make square around all’Italicum, the two-round election law passed a year ago in order to favor a Democratic Party that was traveling at 41% to europeee, simultaneously, to penalize the movement of Beppe Cricket. Now – after the results of the administrative who crowned grillini the runoff samples: they have won 19 out of 20 – Prime Minister Matteo Renzi was convinced that changing the Italicum can (perhaps returning to the majority of the premium to the coalition and not to party): favorable to any changes even Forza Italy, Ncd, Sel, socialists, Brothers of Italy. The one lone voice is that of grillini that, as he admitted the deputy Danilio Toninelli at a seminar on the Constitutional Referendum held in the Senate, “they know they can win elections with Italicum”.

the blog Grillo, “Renzi, cheater two-bit”

Durissimmo surgery published on the blog of cricket against the Democratic party and the parties that now they want to change the Italicum: “the Democratic Party thinks the change in the law not to enter preferences but because the Italicum expected the runoff and Renzi are afraid of being beaten with a 70 to 30, as has happened in Rome.” The media of M5S devotes much space to the debate on the election law: “In Italy the change has begun, but there are those who pretend to nothing and those who try to block it, which is like trying to stop the wind with his hands. The local elections were won by the ideas and proposals of the M5S, the present political force in the municipalities to vote and the one that took the most votes of all the first round. ” Given the results, inherent blog Grillo, ‘they make the rules, and when they go to partitum him no more well change by engaging the Chamber which costs 100 thousand euro a day to take care of their business and not the interests of ten million Italians living in poverty …. ”

the position of the Democratic Party

Conclusion of grillini: “the M5s fought against Italicum … but now Renzi wants to change the cards on the table because he fear of losing. A cheater by two soldiers with his tail between his legs. ” All parties to change the Italicum: Pd, Ncd, FI, socialists, UDC Sel, FDI, former grillini At the initiative of the Italian Left, has been inserted surprise in the September jobs program of the House a motion on the profiles of unconstitutionality of ‘Italicum. The Democratic Party has not made the barricades and, indeed, on the upper floors of the Nazarene also expects a “help” of the Constitutional Court from October 4 will hear an appeal carried by the Court of Messina sull’Italicum giving, where appropriate, some small correction course to meet in the peno 1/2014 ruling that he rejected the “porcellum”. At that point, the vast majority in favor of dell’Italicum changes would be “forced” to respect the ruling of the Consulta maybe assigning the majority of the premium to the coalition and not the list that received the most votes.

June 30, 2016 (edited June 30, 2016 | 19:07)



Legal cannabis: the Chamber – BBC

legal Cannabis? The Chamber shall be discussed by July 25. Meanwhile, the experts interviewed by the Justice and Social Affairs committees of the House already on June 15, they said that yes, cannabis for personal use and you can legalize physician.

the bill in the House on July 25

they did it with ways and with different shades and stressed that to handle the eventual sale should be managed by the state. The hearings were scheduled in the examination of the bill brought forward by the Parlimentary composed of 220 deputies and 73 senators and promoted by Secretary Benedetto Della Vedova it leads, in fact, in the classroom to the House on July 25 for general discussion, almost a year after the filing of the text. From July 26 begins the vote.

Garattini a hearing on July 1

Meanwhile, and hearings resumed. And, on July 1, the fees await Sabrina Molinaro, head of the Epidemiology Section of the Institute IFC-CNR; Luca Navarini, representative of Rosario Livatino Studies Center; representatives of the Agency of Customs and of the monopolies and the Luca Coscioni; and, thereafter, Silvio Garattini, director of the Institute of Pharmacological Research Mario Negri Institute in Milan; Bruno Mazzocchi, head of palliative care unit ASL 9 of Grosseto; Italian representatives of the Agency of the drug, the Association Forum Drugs and Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association.

Statistics: strict laws, higher consumption

On June 15, Carla Rossi, a professor of medical statistics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, said the united commissions:” In Italy, where the law is more restrictive, there is a higher use of cannabis than in Portugal, where the legislation is more tender (but there is no legalization), and Poland, where it is not mandatory prosecution of those who are caught in possession. ” In France, where the law is more restrictive than in Italy, he added Rossi citing data released by the European, cannabis has a higher diffusion: about 8 million compared with the fourth of Italy.

In Italy, is used with increasing frequency

According to a survey by the National Research Council, since 1999 it remains” stable cannabis use among boys aged 15 to 19 years. ” It increased by much the frequency: from 2011 “20 and several times a month.” Always on the basis of the National Research Council data, “the most affected age group is very young in Italy than in other countries.” According to the European Monitoring Guidelines, which coincide with the data of the report of the Anti-Mafia Investigation Department, “the crackdown on complaints and seizures of cannabis is effective on only 5% of the market, it also demonstrated by the fact that prices have not been altered. ”

Reactions: Mr Costa contrast

the landing reactions in the Chamber of the bill in late July are very different. The Minister for Regional Affairs with responsibility for family affairs, Enrico Costa, said: “The state can not afford inconsistencies and, where there are, must be removed or at least mitigated. With one hand we fight ludopatie, cancer, drug addiction, and, with the other hand, we enjoy the resources deriving from the game and the smoke and, maybe tomorrow, the legalization of cannabis. It is consistent all this? “. Conversely Riccardo Magi, secretary of the Italian Radicals, commented: “It is excellent news landfall in plenary at the July exam Chamber of the law for the legalization of cannabis … How Radicals continue collecting signatures on the law of initiative popular legalize the campaign to fight this battle with the citizen and on a front even more advanced. ”

A workhorse of the radicals

it is these radicals who are fighting, since the seventies, for the legalization of soft drugs. On 11 October 1979, the Corriere della Sera he published an article in which he recorded the membership of “de facto” of the Communist Party to the radical proposals. In those days Jean Fabre and Angiolo Bandinelli were locked up in the prison of Regina Coeli, in Rome, awaiting trial for summary. Angiolo Bandinelli, radical Rome city councilor, was arrested on October 4, to have smoked a joint during a session of the City Council; the day after he was arrested the secretary of the Radical Party, Jean Fabre, who made the same gesture during a press conference.

In 1979, the support “de facto” of the Communist Party

Incidentally, 1979 was the golden year of the general election and European radicals of June: one million and 280 thousand votes, 3.7%, more than three times compared to 1976. the radical left well especially in the cities: in Trento and Bolzano they exceeded 8%, in Rome and Cagliari 7%, in Milan took 6.9%, in Torino and Udine 6.7%. In “good” neighborhoods in Rome and Milan they arrived at 12%. Despite this, and despite the support of the Communists, the legalization of soft drugs (the radicals considered them “no drugs”) not passed. The then Minister of Health, the Liberal Renato Altissimo, argued that the law 22 December 1975 n. 685, namely that the Discipline of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, which allowed the personal use in small quantities, was fine.

2002: Gasparri against the therapeutic use

the debate was reopened several times: 3 May 2002 Corriere della Sera announced: “National Alliance is the wall against the order of the day in favor of marijuana for therapeutic use. And not only within the Lombardy Regional Council who voted for the motion across the board, from Forza Italian Rifondazione Comunista. ” Maurizio Gasparri, then Minister of Communications, threatened to raise the issue in the Council of Ministers. The previous Tuesday, the Lombardy Regional Council had approved a document which asked the government to “regulate the medical use of cannabis and its derivatives.” At the same time it approved a text against the legalization of drugs. In essence, the broad front of support was in fact linked to the fact that they spoke only of “medical use.”

The government legalized the medical use

the green light to the cultivation of cannabis for” medical use “is then reached twice by the government: the last in January 2016. in the meantime, however, is complicated at use” recreational. ” Since February 2014 made the Italian legislation registers a vacuum, after a ruling by the Constitutional Court declared the illegitimacy of the law 48 of 2006, better known as Fini – Giovanardi. The law equated soft drugs to hard drugs, introducing criminal punishment (with penalties ranging from 6 to 20 years imprisonment) for “personal use.” Welcomed, from the very beginning by many critics, the Fini-Giovanardi was therefore declared illegal and this determined the return of Iervolino – Vassalli, 1990, which established penalties minor (2 to 6 years old) for the use of drugs read.

Salvini in 2014: first legalize prostitution

Just before the judgment of the Consulta, on January 8, 2014, the Corriere della Sera , was back on the issue with an article by Alessandra Arachi. At the time the fuse had been turned back unexpectedly from the League leaders: the Lombard Gianni Fava commissioner and the deputy Gianluca Pini had called for a review of the Fini-Giovanardi. The then newly-secretary of the Northern League, Matteo Salvini, was immediately intervened: “If the league has to think of a liberalization this will be for prostitution, not for cannabis.” No direct link. But Gasparri you’ll risk against any openings, while the leader of Sel Nichi Vendola twittava: “Fini-Giovanardi law is wrong, fierce, ineffective. Prohibition is godsend to traffickers. It’s time to legalize cannabis. ” Matteo Renzi, in the role of secretary of the Democratic Party, showed cautious: “It seems schizophrenic a country where you pass by prohibition total liberalization of soft drugs. We begin to change the Fini-Giovanardi which is a leggiaccia …. ”

The bill C. 3328

from July 25 it goes further: the bill C. 3328 proposes to legalize the possession of up to 15 grams of marijuana in their homes and up to 5 grams on the outside; then allows the cultivation of up to five plants in your home. Penalties for small market remain unchanged, but the bill provides that groups of individuals can form associations nonprofit, allowed to grow marijuana for its members. In the bill there is also the possibility of opening shops in which sell marijuana for recreational purposes in a tax regime similar to the (salty) in force for tobacco.

June 30, 2016 (edited June 30, 2016 | 24:00)



Italicum, starts the guerrillas in the Democratic Party. Renzi: “I do not want to change it.” Di Maio: “Priorities are other” – The Daily

Italicum is born and already it is unknown whether and how shall live. The Election Law enter into force in a few hours, at midnight on July 1, but the local elections won by M5s and lost by pd (with a center-pleasure dose) had the effect of the rewind button. Start over the whole discussion of quotas, prizes, preferences and so on. As if the three steps between Camera and Senate to get final approval had never occurred. Of course, the cards are reshuffled. It remains the guerrillas in the Democratic Party between renziani and the rest of the party, but for example, Luigi Di Maio , Five Star Movement, writes on facebook that than changes to the electoral law “priorities are other”, while in full he spoke of the debate before approval of a law “pro corruption” because it was like the porcellum . Or, on the other hand, Angelino Alfano that for weeks is developing a way to get to change the electoral reform that his party helped to seal in parliamentary procedures. In this direction it would be followed by none other than franceschiniani and this would really be the first real crack in front renziano. Less surprising is the position of the left of the Democratic Party – part of which did not vote the law – who returns to ringalluzzirsi after the Italian Left motion that will be debated in September (although the constitutionality and not on the merits). For now, those who resist – despite the background of the newspapers by the contradictory tones every day – is the President of the Council Matteo Renzi : “They write to me: ‘Do not you try to change the Italicum …’. To me you say? “He cut short during his #matteorisponde by night from Palazzo Chigi.

At this position around the renziano leadership seems compact:” With the Italicum – tells the Courier della Sera the leader of the House Ettore Rosato – we have built a solid system, which guarantees the governability and representation and that solves those problems that even today we can see again in Spain. That said, we never denied the dialogue. ” And coincidentally uses the same words of Di Maio: “The priorities of the country” are “other, simplification, to combat unemployment, the fight against poverty.” The same prudence of the group leader in the Senate Luigi Zanda , also of undoubted faith: “It would be the first time you change an untested electoral law.”

The restart of the juke box statements on the electoral law is mainly about the left of the Democratic party and Italian left , the group that filed the motion on the constitutionality dell’Italicum which will be discussed in September. Miguel Gotor , for example, do not miss the turn even this around and do not settle for generic changes: the law should be changed right, wrong, she says. “Why – adds talking to Republic – between cosmetics and a law that ensures greater representation really prefer the second way.” The motion is not enough: “It’s up to Renzi take the initiative.”

Among the TopClass attitudes are different. Danilo Toninelli , the man of the reforms in the House, finds the dictionary once to wipe out any misunderstanding: “the Italicum today we could to win – he says – but would lose democracy and for that we want to bring it down.” And yet what is the way to “bring it down”? Vote no in the referendum because the Italicum “can not be changed: we want a new electoral law and ask the Democratic Party to evaluate our proposal. And we will also be presenting a motion, knowing that the motions in Parliament have little value. ” Alessandro Di Battista tweet: “Until M5S victories in Rome and Turin #Italicum was the world’s best law (for us it sucks). Renzi now ready to change it. Scoundrels! “. The location of the Cinquestelle, in short, looks the same as always: either their proposed electoral law, or else it is all garbage, including Italicum.

The change in demand is currently the introduction of majority of the premium to the coalition and not to the list. He asks Forza Italy and this is very well known because Silvio Berlusconi want to join the front of the center with Lega Nord and Brothers of Italy because otherwise none of the three parties has hope of playing any role Policies. But now it also asks Popular Area – key segment of the majority – and the idea is in fact shared also by the slice renziani following the minister Dario Franceschini . The real point of all this discussion is that any changes you decide to do, serve in parliament votes: those who want to achieve them, in short, observes renziano Andrea Marcucci , has to find a majority that votes in Parliament. And on the first lap it was not easy at all.

Then there is the political reflection, though. Here also fits the advice of an extra-parliamentary renziano, the constitutionalist Stefano Ceccanti , a former Democratic senator: “There are no technical time to change an electoral law before the constitutional referendum of autumn: and if Renzi win, many things will change … – declares the Print – But the fund would seem suicidal ask to change an electoral law because are you afraid of the Five Star . A position that would define ‘sconfittistica’. Do not hold up in front of the country. ” Renzi seems to share this view. For now.



Italicum, in September a motion in the House – Il Sole 24 Ore


Italicum and confirmatory referendum on Senate reform and Title V. Closed summit in Brussels which absorbed the blow Brexit, the political debate in Italy back focus on the new electoral law, which otherwise will be applicable only tomorrow, and on plots with autumn referendum which Matteo Renzi has linked his political fate. Only yesterday, in an e-news, the prime minister and secretary of the Democratic Party has reiterated its intention to give way if Italians were to reject the “reform of the reforms” by giving precedence to the No. While the Italian Left Chamber (the grouping that brings together Sel and exiles of the Democratic Party including Stefano Fassina and Alfredo d’Attorre) has re-opened the Pandora’s box of the electoral law by submitting a motion of address which will be discussed in September.

“in many are trying not to talk about the referendum – Renzi writes to his supporters -. Think about it: go on TV and do not speak of merit, on merit because they know that reform is an important step forward in the expected direction for decades – Renzi writes to his supporters -. No, they did not speak about. They talk about me. They say that I was wrong to say that if I lose I go home: and you think I can become a chicken from leaking battery and pretends to nothing? Do they think that I can be like them? If I lose I go away, it is normal and logical. ” Renzi For the real question is not whether or not to remain in the government in case of defeat in the referendum, but is trying to de-personalize as much as possible the referendum campaign at the start ( “the goal is 10 thousand committees for the Yes by September») staking everything on merit: the legislative simplification with the overcoming of perfect bicameralism, armchairs and reducing the costs of politics, abolition of useless bodies like the Cnel, return of many economic expertise by the regions to the state. “If we can make truth prevail on a personal controversy we will have a simpler country, that works best.”

How all’Italicum, yesterday it took it was a motion presented by vendoliani address of Si to officially start the discussion on the changes. The motion commits the government to amend the electoral law in places deemed unconstitutional prior to a Consulta and group leaders decided to insert it, as it had to act with the motions presented by the opposition, in the September of the Chamber works program. But for the scheduling real need another group leaders. And the minister for Maria Elena Boschi Reform takes pains to point out right away that “to date nothing has been decided. It also emphasizes that, in particular, to be eventually discussed in plenary would be an act of the government address the scope of its competence (the motion in fact) and not the Italicum or proposals for amendments thereto. ” And Renzi, for its part, minimizes during the evening live on Facebook: “The motion sull’Italicum? It is a motion that will be discussed in Parliament, there are so many …. ” Still a bit ‘all, from the left of the Democratic Party in Forza Italy, have taken advantage of the initiative is to revive the changes to be made all’Italicum. In the viewfinder above the prize to the list, that critics want to change with the prize to the coalition.

We’ve got to write in these columns that really the prize to the list, as well as being pleasing to the M5S that has no allies, it is functional to the idea of ​​calling the majority party wanted by Renzi. No quarrelsome coalition of the past for a handful of votes, is the premier online. However the fact that the all’Italicum changes we speak and that Renzi itself does not close the door completely ( “we discuss everything”) serves to keep open the political channel with the centrist majority, in agitation for their political future and for this favor the reintroduction of coalitions. The truth is that before the celebration of the referendum, between October and December, the Italicum will not be touched. Also because October 4 Consulta will decide on the eligibility of previously submitted questions. And even if the Constitutional Court were to reject complaints for defect of form (the questions have been submitted before the entry into force of the law), constitutional reform – provided it is approved by the people – still provides for the preventive judgment so sull’Italicum as on all the electoral laws that were to be adopted in the future. Just take a look at these temporal and causal joints to understand that the debate on all’Italicum changes is at least premature, if not instrumental by some. But Renzi and his weak so far do not slam doors unnecessarily.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Clash Renzi-D’Alema, replica #Matteorisponde: “He says false things. I am not a usurper” – The Republic

Rome – The bonus for teens and contracts public administration, the referendum and the Italicum and consequences of Brexit. Wide spectrum of topics, as each time, for the president of the Council in occasion with #Matteorisponde Live Facebook . An obvious question and then answer the appointment a football Saturday, Italy’s test with Germany to Europeans: “Let’s hope so, but touch wood – says the President of the Council -. We have seen the goal of super Graziano Pellè with Merkel and Hollande, it was a great joy. and then dispute with Massimo D’Alema after the words uttered by former Prime Minister yesterday in Ballaro . “He said things untrue – says Renzi – sooner or later We tell the truth. “

“D’Alema? Says false things. “” D’Alema in Ballaro said things incredibly untrue, sooner or later tell the truth. “Renzi replication former President of the Council in the course of a ‘interview with talk show RaiTre said the direction of the Democratic party “is a supporter of the premier room”, that “Renzi can not make the party secretary,” that the reforms are “opposed to electoral promises.” “War Renzi? – Said D’Alema – It is he who makes it, I do not even know him, “” He says so many things, not always correspond to the truth. “Finally, on the referendum:” I will not vote according to instructions of the party: we vote on the Constitution conscientiously. “Today, the replica of the Prime Minister: ” Some people consider me a usurper and has not yet digested to have lost the primaries. It is called a democracy. In December 2017 D’Alema or whoever he may apply to do the alternative. But if they used the effort they put against me to make a law against conflict of interest, perhaps the center left would be stronger. “

Italicum: motion in Parliament? Not to worry. “But that worry is a motion proposed by the opposition that will be discussed in Parliament. There are so many …. “So Renzi responded to questions about the Italian Left motion tabled today in the House and asking to avoid unconstitutionality profiles before you utter the Consulta.

abolition of the Senate million saved. Remembering that “the annuities have already been abolished,” Renzi said that “the abolition of the elective Senate will save 90 million to 100 million euro, including related allowances and offices current senators. If the referendum passes, there will be 100 million savings per year of dry, immediately. “

From 1 September operating 18years bonus. How many are waiting for bonuses for 18years, the Prime Minister gives a date: “By August, the ‘app’ special is operational. It will be operational by September the bonus for 18years “to spend on culture and entertainment, has announced. Instead, no good news for housewives: for them nothing 80 euro:” The problem is that they do more work than others, but are not valued enough. Just give them 80 euro does not exist, “said the premier.” We are not in a position to make this commitment, but I think we should think about the benefit of housewives initiatives. In this sense I believe that we will continue to discuss, “he said. And then he noted:” Whenever there is someone doing controversy about 80 euro, but then says to us why not? “. It

civil unions. Although the decrees of the law on civil unions are in the pipeline: “i think it’s a matter of a few days,” said Renzi.

contracts, warning to the unions: “Portino about .” to those who ask about the renewal of public contracts, the prime minister replied that started the negotiations: “I made money, 300 million, are used, but not enough to anything, the discussion will have to see an agreement with the trade unions of public employees, “he clarified. it sends a message to the unions is:” we are willing to revise the block, you bring about in public administration, most of what has been done. Need tools to ensure those who work harder and better. “

Brexit, aid to those who want to return. The Brexit” was a nice hit “and” a long-run will hurt to the British. “But, he guarantees the prime minister,” we will put in place all the measures for those who want to return and for Brits who want to stay with us. It reiterates: “Europe can not be just a set of rules, bureaucracy and rules, in Brussels I saw an atmosphere of enthusiasm and attention.”

Apple in Naples. “Bagnoli is going forward and in the coming hours will come along an Apple ad on Napoli” , continued the premier, who has ensured that we continue “with the table that we set ourselves, from reclamation “. As for broadband, “the delay is finally failing. By tomorrow I think that will come the news of Europe’s judgment on our floor.”

Agreement Meridiana . A difficult agreement, that ended on Meridiana, added even Renzi “because some people will have to leave the job. But a company over was back on its feet thanks to the extraordinary work of Teresa Bellanova and Minister Delrio,” he said.

Maturity . No reform of maturity exams on the horizon. But, he said Renzi, suggestions are welcome. “For the moment the examination reform
of maturity is not on the agenda. But why do not you send us your suggestions?.”


Regeni case, the first reaction of Italy to Egypt: Stop to supply F-16 – The Republic

ROME – Here comes the first strong signal of Italy against Egypt for the case Regeni. The classroom of the Senate has given the green light to the amendment to the decree law missions that blocks the supply of spare parts of F-16s to Egypt. The so-called amendment “Regeni”, proposed by the Italian Left, – amending paragraph 6 of Article 4 of the measure – comes with 159 votes in favor, 55 against and 17 abstentions after a long and heated debate. Amendment the government had put to the House.

The proposed amendment, which is defined by the same supervisor Gian Carlo Sangalli as “a” signal of the Parliament, a way to “continue to keep pressure on the public opinion and also Egypt on the matter Regeni “, however, does not want to be a hostile act to the Egyptian government. The debate in the House, however, was lively and loud were the protests of the majority of the center-right groups, starting with the parent Fi Paul Romans : “That we are writing is one of the worst pages of the history of this House. I am ashamed to belong to a Parliament that does these things, you are indecent, it is not understandable, do not do this foreign policy. ” And he warned: “This amendment will bring it to the Egyptian ambassador and I will read it to him,” explaining that “with our legislative tightrope walking”, “the letter ‘b’ means that we give no more spare parts. Undersecretary Rossi us tell what he will say to Egypt on this subject, you can not activate a path of this kind, “said the leader.

the Senator Gal and former defense minister Mario Mauro he had instead emphasized that the spare parts on which intervenes amendment were actually already delivered to Egypt. Words to which he replied the chairman of the Defense Nicola Latorre. “I’m casually about this, and take this opportunity to inform you that the supplies were not delivered but spare parts are packed in the port of Taranto,” said Democratic Party Senator reiterating the support of Dem amendment. “It ‘the first time, as a Parliament, we have the opportunity with an initiative to demonstrate the need for stepping up the truth” about the case Regeni. “What we do is an act that wants to stimulate this without compromising any kind of relationship,” said Latorre.

Attack amendment Senator also the blue Maurizio Gasparri . “The Renzi government voted, international military missions in the decree, an amendment to block the supply of spare parts for aircraft used by Egypt in combating terrorism. Practically Renzi makes declarations against terrorism, which has also hit at this time to Istanbul and then boycotted the commitment of countries that are on the front line against those who sow slaughters. the truth about the case Regeni is Italy’s right and claim. choices have been made stricter starting with the withdrawal of the ambassador. But this decision to deny spare parts for aircraft used on the right front is nonsense. Renzi and those who voted for this amendment which side are they?

dl missions
amendment Regeni

Senate green light to the amendment Regeni: stop the pieces F16 Egypt – BBC

Green light by the Senate amendment to the current law missions that blocks the free supply of spare parts of F-16s to Egypt. The so-called amendment “Regeni” – amending paragraph 6 of Article 4 of the measure – comes with 159 votes in favor, 55 against and 17 abstentions after a long and heated debate. Amendment the government had put to the House. The decision, while not officially a hostile act, turns into a retaliation for non-cooperation of Cairo in the investigation to determine who killed the Italian researcher who died last January 25 and was found dead in a ditch on February 3. The measure, which is part of the decree on international missions, now goes to the House for final approval.

the clash in the classroom

the proposed amendment, which is defined by the same supervisor Gian Carlo Sangalli as a signal on Parliament ‘case Regeni “, the debate classroom was lively, amid protests from much of the center-right, starting with the leader of Forza Italy Paolo Romani: “that we are writing is one of the worst pages of the history of this House. I am ashamed to belong to a Parliament that does these things, you are indecent, it is not understandable, do not do this foreign policy. ” And with some insinuations, such as those of Senator Gal and former Defence Minister Mario Mauro he said in Parliament that the spare parts on which intervenes amendment were actually already delivered to Egypt. Words that harshly replied the president of the Defence Committee, Nicola Latorre: “The supplies were not delivered but spare parts are packed in the port of Taranto,” said the Democratic senator reiterated US support of Dem amendment. “It’s the first time, as a Parliament, we have the opportunity with an initiative to demonstrate the need for stepping up the truth” about the case Regeni. “What we do is an act that wants to stimulate this without compromising any kind of relationship,” said Latorre.

shadow carousel


Giulio Regeni, the Italian student found dead in Cairo


The silence of Egypt

The lack of spare parts make it difficult to use the F-16 in military operations in the northern Sinai, where the government of President-general Abdel Fatah al-Sisi has long waged a relentless struggle against the terrorist groups of Islamic origin. But so far there has been no official reaction from Egypt to the decision of the Italian Senate to suspend the supply of spare parts for F-16 aircraft supplied to the Egyptian Armed Forces. An Egyptian official of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives (parliament Cairo unicameral) told “Nova Agency” that “at the time the members of the institutions avoided to comment on each other ’cause they were not informed of this decision.’


The disappeared in Egypt


The student of literature kidnapped in the street


June 29, 2016 (edited June 29, 2016 | 19:57)



Italicum, in September in court a motion is to review the law – Il Sole 24 Ore

The House of the Chamber will vote in September a motion on the constitutionality of the new electoral law, the so-called ‘Italicum’, presented by the Italian Left.
This was established by the Conference of the House leaders. On the revision of the law, he noted the leader Arturo Scotto at the end of the conference of presidents of the Chamber of Deputies groups, “there is an undercurrent debate and request the Parliament to express itself before the Consulta.” The stated aim is to express Parliament on “clearly unconstitutional points” refer, on which you will then pronounce the Consulta.

Italicum, the narrow way of Renzi Di Maio: boomerang change

For This law is an electoral Counter
In the premise of the motion, signed by deputies members of the Italian Left group, and before signing Arturo Scotto parent, it is emphasized that it is “quite clear that Parliament, well before the pronouncement of CorteCostituzionale, acts on the approved reform, eliminating those blatant unconstitutional defects that make the 52 of the law of 2015 a real counter-election meant, in the opinion of the signatories of this guideline, to provoke a new pronunciation of illegality on the part of the consultation. “

All against Italicum, and renziani “reflect”

The vices highlighted daiparlamentari the Italian Left
Among the “flaws” raised the motion It refers to the judgment of the consultation on porcellum stressing that Italicum essentially reoccur them. The two issues highlighted in the text are the “unequal discharge of the vote, and in direct violation of the dates by the enormous majority of the premium assigned rating” and “the lack of provision of appropriate mechanisms to allow citizens to impact on the election of the representatives’ . The first aspect, it says in the motion, “This is grossly nell’Italicum especially in relation to the case where no list obtains at least 40% in the first round”, while in relation to the second aspect of the motion looks as nell’Italicum, albeit preferences “will be admitted, however, provide leaders stuck” with preferential voting “relegated to a subordinate role compared to the leaders, concerned solely the result will list that will win the prize.”

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Decree banks, final go-ahead by the Chamber – The Republic

MILAN – compensation to investors who have been reset bonds and shares of the four banks (Banca Etruria, Banca Marche, Carichieti and Carife) saved by decree in November 2015. New tools for the recovery of debts by banks. They are the main pillars of the decree banks that received the final go-ahead of the Parliament, after the approval of the House as a result of the confidence placed by the government.

tab. The decree on repayments and banks

Deputies has approved definitely the decree banks-savers. The measure, on which the government has placed the trust voted yesterday, was approved the same text of the Senate with 287 votes in favor, 173 against and three abstentions. The approval comes as the credit system is in the spotlight: the bank stocks have lost a lot on the Milan with the outcome of the referendum on Brexit, but in the last hour are experiencing a recovery. The government, meanwhile, has put on the table of the talks with the EU can take direct action to prop up institutions and solve their problem of suffering, without running into the bail-in rules that would address in because savers and investors. A move that has also suffered the push of Dragons, for which “we can not solve the problems of the banks.”

As for the savers of the four banks in resolution , is stretched four to six months the time during which the bondholders may submit the request for the refund is made by 80% of the lost amount. The access to the automatic refund policies are a transferable assets of less than EUR 100 thousand or income for income tax of less than 35 thousand euro and the reference to ‘gross’ income has been replaced with ‘total income’: will assess income from 2014 instead of 2015. When asked refund the investor has to include the purchase contract of subordinated securities; application forms or purchase order; the certification of the orders executed and a statement on the consistency of the movable assets. Remains valid alternative way of arbitration. But this choice does not like consumers Union: “It ‘unacceptable force you to play Russian roulette, choosing beforehand if waive its rights, accepting 80% of what lost, or play the lottery arbitration, hoping to win. a shameful prisoner’s dilemma, “says the president Massimiliano Dona.

the decree law regulating compensation also introduces new guarantees that will enable to banking institutions to speed up the recovery of debts. It is, in particular, the securities possessory pledge not and the long march. The first measure is a guarantee of credit in which the debtor, unlike in the possessory lien, not dispossessed of chattel. During the Senate’s consideration was subject to the possibility for the creditor to promote conservation actions or injunctions if the debtor abuse in the use of the good that remains in their possession. Have also been introduced, in the same venue, rules on the opposition to the collection.

As for the transfer of ownership or property rights provided for in the long march has been extended, in ‘examination to Madame palace, from six to nine months the deadline, the non-payment of three installments not necessarily consecutively, after which triggered the failure. A term extended to twelve months if you have already returned the loan in an amount equal to at least 85% of the principal amount. There remains the possibility of applying the measure also to contracts already in existence at the date of entry into force of the provision.

banks decree
banks refunds
Italian banks

Stabbed to death in the house: murder hunt in central Florence – BBC

Beaten by stabbing in an apartment around the corner from Florence’s central station, Santa Maria Novella. Would be a woman, she died shortly after being admitted to the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova and trans. A third person would be able to save themselves by jumping from the window.

It happened shortly before seven in the morning. The apartment where she consumed the double murder is in Via Fiume at number number 1. The police are hunting down the murderess who seems to have been seen by witnesses fleeing towards the station. The transsexual, Brazilian-born, was found by police in a pool of blood in the room from the first floor of the apartment.

the friend, a young woman of Santo Domingo, was hit by the killer as he fled and was found at the point of life in the entrance hall of the building and died just arrived in the emergency room of ‘ Santa Maria Nuova hospital. Wounded but prejudice, the fall from the first floor window, the third young man, who was also of South American origin, now is heard by investigators. The police standing giving the murderer hunter, a man looks Italian. They were the neighbors of the first to raise the alarm awakened by screams.

June 29, 2016 (edited June 29, 2016 | 10:20)



Berlusconi and the end of “Calippato”: the sunset of Francesca and allied – consumers

It prolongs hospitalization at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan Silvio Berlusconi. The resignation, in fact, slipping to a date between 10 and 14 July after the ‘ open heart surgery for the replacement of a valve, but the turnaround in the house Forza Italy is already in full. Jump in fact the magic circle with the Defenestration of Mariarosaria Rossi, Deborah Bergamini and Alessia Slater (pictured below with Francesca Pascale) and enter loyalists Marina, Fedele Confalonieri, Gianni Letta and Nicolo Ghedini. There are those who, with a strong image but effective, spoke of “the end of Calippato” referring to ice cream that Francesca Pascale advertised with a certain greed in his youth. No coincidence there are sites like that for years Dagospia refer to Francesca ironically calling the Calippa.


Rossi has already resigned

it seems So consumed revenge of the eldest daughter of former prime minister after the tour de force ahead of the first round for starting administrative June which took the blue leader in hospital. Manager against plenipotenziarie party, to start right from Mariarosaria Rossi, who in his hands he held the treasury and did the only administrator. And who has already resigned.


next is Deborah Bergamini

Via also Deborah Bergamini (pictured above), responsible for media relations, role – according to well informed – will go to parliamentary Valentino Valentini, formerly Berlusconi’s interpreter. Blame the disastrous support to Alfio Marchini for the municipal of Rome. It now remains to be seen how will reduced the role of the girlfriend of Berlusconi, Francesca Pascale, which is likely to disappear from important decisions


Berlusconi: now enters also Marinella in the war of succession, the news of the June 16, 2016

in the near future of Silvio Berlusconi, may be a significant return. Obviously women. This is not an affair of the past that recurs, but a professional iron liaison, helped by the necessary rehabilitation after open-heart surgery. It’s the one with the historical secretary Marinella Brambilla (pictured below with the former wife of the blue leader, Veronica Lario, on the day of his wedding) and to talk about it is a character always knowledgeable, Luigi Bisignani, the journalist and manager born in the shadow of P2 which has stood backstage politics that matters despite the judicial stumble.


A partnership lasted 30 years

But who is Marinella Brambilla? Ousted from his role when he imposed the magic circle of Mariarosaria Rossi and Deborah Bergamini, pair of iron alongside Francesca Pascale, has met Berlusconi in childhood, when his mother worked as a housekeeper in Milan residence via Rovani. Then, she is grown and gained a degree at Bocconi University, was more of a secretary has been the most trusted collaborator, always with him around in a camper for conventions Publitalia up in Paris, in the Elysee way home.


the former secretary shakes the magic circle

it was Marinella who ran the contacts of former Knight, which recognized the party’s intentions on the phone and which was available 24 hours a 24. Then came the magic circle, and with that the ouster of the secretary, sent away once got pregnant despite having represented an offshoot of Berlusconi. Summed up by the son of the former prime minister, Louis, in 2014, now that it outlines the possibility of his return, in the war of succession for her other two cheering loyalists marginalized, Fedele Confalonieri and Gianni Letta, deployed alongside the children, while fear is Pascale-Rossi-Bergamini troika.


Navy against Francesca: is the war of succession

it’s time to put away the handkerchief because tears are no longer needed. And also it came to reunite the family and the magic circle around his Silvio. Francesca Pascale, the companion of the former prime minister who continues to be targeted by Marina, breathing a sigh of relief after the Silvio transfer to intensive care says: “There, I’ve just seen. He woke up, I can relax, I’m told. “


” my feelings on display? Who do we throw critical “

Then the woman, Neapolitan Fuorigrotta and nearly 50 years younger than Berlusconi, takes issue with which the accused has to showcase its state d ‘ mind being photographed sobbing: “Flaunt my feelings? I prefer to judge rather than to wish him the same thing. Wish him to go through what I have lived and am living. ” Then talk about how you feel 24 hours after open-heart surgery.


” After my mother’s death, I was afraid “

“I do not even know how I feel right now,” says Francesca Pascale. “Relief, hope, malaise, fatigue. He could not say anything. It is in a state of drowsiness. But of course I was tried, now that I greeted. He was very thirsty and Dr. Zangrillo it did drink, wetting her lips gently. And I? Anything. We only shook hands. It was the first time, after the death of my mother, I had so much fear and I saw life from the side of the suffering and insecurity. “


The reference to ‘ units around the former premier

Finally, the young woman wants to put an end to the struggles unleashed after the sudden illness and hospitalization Berlusconi at San Raffaele. Because, according to his account, before the operating room revenue, he said: “Whatever happens, stay united. You are important to me, you do not care divisions, jealousies. “


Marina:” The audience cried? The straw that breaks the camel ‘

Of Berlusconi’s health has also affected his ex-wife, Veronica Lario, while the children are gathered around his father. Marina, the eldest, is still furious and his anger against the female magic circle of former Prime Minister, instead of subsiding, grows. Especially against Francesca Pascale. For the Empress of Berlusconi dynasty, the audience cried the young companion of his father, “was the straw that broke the camel.”

Do not stop the war of succession

Silvio Berlusconi is hospitalized after heart surgery and around the bedside has already opened the struggle for the succession. A succession that, in the feuds that split the center-right does not now, he sees women in the entourage of former premier a more aggressive fronts, but not compact.

The growing fury daughter of former Prime Minister

In the first place there is the daughter Marina, already mentioned several times as the political heir and company by Knight. If on the second side of the scepter has already collected some time, on the political side he declined to subsequent shots flattery of Forza Italy party leader. And now Marina Berlusconi is just angry with the entourage of his father because of the efforts to which Berlusconi has undergone during the election campaign, risking their lives. “Dad does not have to go on the stage,” he said.


the fears of Francesca

the Marina fury will also appeal against Tsarina, Francesca Pascale, a few years the young blue leader companion. Always at his side in public occasions, it is the Neapolitan pasionaria the target of barbs of the daughter of the former prime minister. But against Pascale also focuses the current led by former minister Maurizio Lupi, an ally of the center in Milan.


The hatred Mariarosaria and Deborah

With Pascale, could miss even the harem of Berlusconi composed Mariarosaria Rossi, Special Commissioner of the party since May 20, 2014, and by Deborah Bergamini (pictured above with Rossi and Pascale), another prominent name of the magic circle the leading and most powerful communications manager of Forza Italy. The latter, however, intervenes to deny wars of succession: “The imaginative reconstructions in the newspapers today about the reorganization of Forza Italy are baseless and have obviously intended, in vain, to want to bring confusion in our movement” .


the rise of Mara

And for a troika in pink going down, there are 2 female names already in vogue growing . The first is that of another bell, Mara Carfagna , spokesman of Forza Italy in the House and reinforced by 6,109 preferences taken in the first round of the local elections of June 5. “If Forza Italy held to thank the women,” said no coincidence. Words that constitute an assist its Lombard counterpart, Maria Stella Gelmini, the former minister most votes in Milan with over 12,000 preferences.


Accounts adjusted to September

at this point, since the previous curriculum and the consent in the secrecy of the ballot boxes of the last two, there is more of a blue that fears pending the possible “settling of accounts”, foreseen in the convention that could be convened for September.


Brunetta: “not by wars of succession”

Renato Brunetta, leader of Forza Italy in the House, on the morning of today took the word on Facebook on this alleged “night of the long knives” in the blue house. “It should be noted with regret, writes,” The horrible cynicism of the newspapers that have unduly forced the obvious, sincere and thoughtful words of Prof. personal physician Alberto Zangrillo, to declare the end of Berlusconi’s policy in order to wage a war of succession. They are wrong, big. “



Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Banks and Brexit, Renzi: no risk for Italian savers – Il Sole 24 Ore

mobilized Renzi, like other European leaders to calm citizens’ fears and anxieties after the “Brexit” earthquake by days it occupies the front pages of newspapers and populated by nightmares of many nights Italian savers. Which are a major emergency fronts for the prime minister, he pledged today in Brussels for the summit of Heads of State and Government (with the participation of British Prime Minister David Cameron resigned) dedicated its farewell in London to the European common house . “We are discussing, we will face any emergencies but the citizens are aware that there is no risk to their savings,” he said Renzi left the headquarters of PES with other members of the European Socialist Party before the EU summit, which follows a special session Parliament also this dedicated to the outcome of the British referendum. From a financial perspective, Renzi has admitted the obvious suffering of the markets: “It is normal that there is this fluctuation of the markets, because we are in the presence of an unprecedented fact. It has never happened that a country would go away. In addition we are talking about a country that is not any one country, but the United Kingdom, Great Britain, “concluded the Prime Minister.

Brexit, Renzi: “The British people voted, the vote is valid”

it’s not only austerity, now more ‘space to European values ​​
Speaking to reporters Renzi then reiterated the government line: the Brexit was a “shock”, but can also be a ” good thing “for the European Union, but must abandon the austerity-only way to become the EU values. “If our partners – said the prime minister – at last accept the challenge of a Europe a more values, a Europe with the soul and not only with their wallets, I think the shock of Brexit might even be a good thing . Britain has voted for, now we turn the page. ” For the prime minister is no need, however, that the European Union “to become free from a vision to which only counts austerity: good attention to budgets, but we must also make investments to create jobs because it is obvious that if there ‘ is working citizens always vote against Europe seen as responsible for the crisis although in many cases it does not. “

Renzi live after the vote Brexit

To Italy new cohesion funds 1.4 billion a confirmation of
‘ “Brexit effect” that could radically change the relationship between Member States and Brussels in particular regarding compliance with the budgetary constraints the prime minister also confirmed the green light by the EU commission at the end of a technical re-calculation of the appropriations, an increase of cohesion Funds for 1.4 billion euro “that will go to SMEs and young people for the job.” Speaking on the sidelines of the Pre-Summit PES at the Albert Hall in Etterbeek, one of the municipalities of Brussels, Renzi reiterated the importance of the work: “If there is not, it is evident that some of the more countries will vote against Europe because see Europe as responsible for the crisis. In many cases it is not so “, but inevitably many will think that way, warned the prime minister.

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