Thursday, February 9, 2017

Rome, elder invested and killed by a bus on the Nomentana: hunting vehicle – The Republic

Rome, elder invested and killed by a bus on the Nomentana: hunt the carhunt to the bus this morning at 12 you would have invested a man on the pedestrian crossing of via Nomentana, at the height of the civic 303, and then continued his run. For the victim there was nothing to do: how they told the witnesses that assisted at the scene they saw him trudging along for a few feet before accasciarsi to the ground and never wake up.

there were cops in the group Wisdom and the the legal practitioner who shall ascertain the cause of death. The victim has been recognized thanks to the documents that he had with him. This is a senior of 79 years, resident in the Trieste district. But now is all to reconstruct the dynamics, according to the experts the driver would urate elder with the back of the bus and, therefore, could not have realised anything. But some witnesses have told of seeing the man stumble just as he was passing the bus, who then would have invested. The body of the victim, in fact, it ended up half on the sidewalk that divides the lane, and half on the road.

At the time the agents of the Municipal police are in contact with the offices of the Company and have already requested the list of the vehicles that circulate on the service, between via Nomentana and via Pola. For the investigation and reconstruction of investment will be crucial to identify the car.

it is Not the first instance in Rome of a man run over and died by a bus: in February

2015, a 20 years old boy, Alessandro Santo, was hit and killed by a bus at night in piazza Venezia, in the centre of Rome.

According to the reconstructions of the time, the driver thirty-year-old bus line N4, which is operated by Roma Tpl, it would have been approached by a group of young people who approach the middle, on the left side, asked the driver through the side window guide, to climb aboard. Not being

in the area of the stop, the driver refused the request and he is not seeing to invest in the young. The driver continued his race until it was stopped by the forces of law and order in rome’s via Nomentana.

In the subsequent examination in the garage, signs of the impact were found near the rear left wheel. The driver was charged with manslaughter and was negative to the test on the assumption of drugs and alcohol.

the bus
rome city hall II

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