Monday, October 31, 2016

Earthquake, Ingv: “the removal of The tyrrhenian coast from the adriatic to the source of the shock, from August to today” – Il fatto Quotidiano

Other eighteen-shock over magnitude 4 in the twenty four hours after the main. And a possible lowering of the soil "up to 70 cm", as announced by the Ingv at'Ansa, and is visible by looking at two shots of the mount Carrier appeared on the site geologists.en a few hours after the earthquake. The earthquake and the consequence of an event, which, he says Alessandro Amato, seismologist of theNew, "has surprised us". A first analysis of the data by the national Institute of geophysics and volcanology (ingv), however, bodes well, because it is not a question of the ' awakening' new fault but the detachment of a piece of that already attivatasi at the end of August. A scenario comforting under the scientific but that does not exclude the options that there is still energy to unleash in a short period of time. It’s all the fault of the removal of the tyrrhenian coast from the adriatic sea, a phenomenon which is slow, but constant, source of the 70 days that have devastated the lands on the border between Lazio, Brands and Umbria.

Alessandro Amato, what is happening along the Apennines?
You have to start from a remote cause. There is a geological process that lasts up to several hundreds of thousands of years: the stretching of the earth’s crust. The Apennines are extending from the Adriatic to the Tyrrhenian sea. We see from the gps. The two parts separate at an average speed of about 5 millimeters every year. This is the engine, the effects were the earthquakes of the last two months, likely related to the rotation of the microplacca of the adriatic which pushes against the Alps and the southern part of this that rotates counter-clockwise. We are still in the field of hypothesis, this is the most probable.

What happened in the last two months?
The deformation process is continuous. Let’s take an example: five millimeters per year, involving over two centuries, a deformation of a meter. The faults, which are branched, and the complex between the Calabria and the Plain of the Po, resist this 'stretching', because they have an friction. When, however, the enlargement 'beats' the resistance, these moving in just a few seconds of space that had not covered in the previous two centuries. The length of the piece of the fault that moves depends on the magnitude of the earthquake. In August and in the past few days we speak about a fault of about 20 miles. In Irpinia, in 1980 and in Avezzano at the beginning of '900 and moves in a normal fault of about 40 km, generating earthquakes of magnitude 7.

Why is the border between Lazio, Umbria and Marche there have been four earthquakes so strong in so little time?
The first earthquake of magnitude 6 has caused a shift in the order of a maximum of one meter in the direction south-south-east and north-north-west. The system was followed by many aftershock (earthquakes smaller in the following days, ed.). The movement of this fault has disrupted the parts of the fault around. It is as if the displacement of the August 24, had whetted the fault nearest. This then it is probably move on before would have done.

let’s Talk about the two earthquakes of last Wednesday?
Yes, the two earthquakes of magnitude 5.4 and 5.9 can be explained as well. Why are the past two months, is unknown: these activations subsequent to a fault – and we know many, historically, have variable times. We go from minutes to days to months, as in the case of the apennines. All we thought at that point that the stored energy from the 'remote cause' of which we spoke at the beginning it had been completely unloaded.

The take place, however, is back to shake the 30th of October, with a shock more powerful than all the others. Why?
We are waiting for the data of the satellites, which are likely to be decisive because we will see exactly the horizontal and vertical movements. Stress where it begins and where it ends in the rupture of the fault that occurred on Sunday morning. What is certain is that we were amazed. We already know, indeed, that the rupture of the October 30, reprises that of 24 August – which occurred from the town of Amatrice, Accumoli and Norcia – Norcia-Visso of the previous days. The last earthquake had its origin in the middle of the other two and it has activated a fault of 20-25 km, nearly 30, ranging from a little to the north of the epicenter to the south, towards the town of Amatrice. At the moment, the most plausible explanation is that the part of the fault that moved on the 24th of August it had not slipped completely, continuing in the last few hours of his landslide. The data processing seismological us has already allowed us to understand that the last event has the same direction of the other faults. And if this is not the same, we’re still talking about a parallel.

This means that the movement has ended?
we don’t know, because you can calculate how much energy has been loaded during the geological process that we spoke of at the beginning. We do not know all the faults that there are, and how much resistance they have to the efforts or how they interact between them. The uncertainties from this point of view, are still many. The fact that the earthquake of 30 October has 'traced' the part of the two faults already active may not be negative. If he 'woke up' another fault would have been more worrying. This does not mean that the recent events may have caused the activation of another piece of the same fault or a contiguous.

the New barbarians infesting the northern Calabria. Sow death and terror, they kill women and children, affect the economy, crushes the businesses with the racket and wear and tear, sell drugs to teenagers, make belluine sold. Edda Costabile, 77 years old, and daughter, Ida Maria Attanasio, 52, never imagined that the "barbarians" they wanted in their lives. A family of solid traditions of the bourgeois to the shoulders; a conduct always exemplary maintained in the country of residence, San Lorenzo del Vallo; a passion for teaching and humanistic culture: a mother and daughter, two normal women who are married to two men, well, yesterday morning had decided to go to the cemetery to clean the chapel in view of the anniversary of the decease d. There are inumate the remains of Franco Attanasio, brother of Ida, and son of the Edda, who died prematurely, thirty years ago. His tomb, in may last, had been first damaged and then given to the flames. Had happened after that another brother, which was given the name of the young man disappeared to perpetuate their memory, had confessed to be the author of a murder. A heinous crime done to make the April 26, 2016. Franco Attanasio junior, a real estate agent with the dot of the business and the passion for the dartboard sports, was killed in a small apartment in the university district of the compatriot Damiano Galicia, 31 years, of which he was a debtor to tens of thousands of euros. The lender demanded the restitution of the loan, and Attanasio, at the climax of a quarrel, killed him. Then he wrapped the body in a rug and escaped. After four days, been in contact with the Police, he did find the corpse, revealing, almost at the same time, the existence of an arsenal concealed inside of a garage place in another stable and which had the availability. Edda and Ida nothing they knew of the affairs of the joint that is then held in the prison of Reggio Calabria. Their had always been a existence absolutely linear. For this, also after the fire of the tomb, they continued to do things. So it was Sunday morning. At 10.30 they were about to leave together to the cemetery after you have lit the candles and put the flowers in front of the picture of that nice guy of which, despite the years, felt to be still the nostalgia. Ida Maria was saying the last prayer with the right hand resting on the headstone dedicated to his brother, while his mother, Edda, was in front of the entrance of the chapel. The barbarian, assassin, backed by an equally barbaric accomplice, appeared suddenly brandishing a pistol, caliber 9 short. The face, discovered he had already gone through the whole cemetery. Everyone had to see it, all they had to understand and all had to be quiet. Ed da did not have time to scream that he unloaded six bullets in the face. Ida, terrified, attempted a desperate escape, leaving the family chapel from a secondary output. The murderer and the accomplice have pursued for about twenty metres away, and the woman, after having lost a shoe in the mad race to salvation, was reached and executed with pistol shots to the back of the neck. The two barbarians have left the scene of the crime at a brisk pace while the people astonished he sought shelter behind the outer walls and the gates of the many chapels. All have seen and heard, no one spoke. Says the prosecutor of Castrovillari, Eugenio Facciolla, who took over the direction of the investigation: “In the graveyard there was a lot of people. Who has seen you work, even in an anonymous form by calling the police. What happened could also happen to those who were present, because he has seen the killers. And nobody can protect if you do not speak”. How to blame him? In San Loren zo, in February of 2011, two other women were slaughtered with equal ferocity: they were called Rose Indrieri, 45 years old, and Barbara De Marco, 25, a mother and daughter. Their guilt? They were, respectively, sister-in-law and the grandson of a man who had killed the son of the boss.


Earthquake: Renzi,is not it time divisions; Grillo, ready to collaborate –

in Front of the tragedy of the earthquake Matteo Renzi, ask the unity to the political forces, overcoming the “controversy and division”. The appeal is raised by all the parties, since the Five Star Movement.

But the Strength of Italy calls on the government to “stop the propaganda”. The request of the unit, enhanced by Palazzo Chigi in view of parliamentary consideration of decree on state aid in favour of those who had damage in the earthquakes of August, comes after the promise of a total reconstruction of the areas devastated by the earthquake. A reconstruction which is not limited to the houses thrown down by the shock but also of the artistic heritage and cultural and commercial enterprises, the soul of a territory, wounded and offended by the violence of the earthquake. For this Renzi calls on the policy of “stop the controversy absurd.”

The reference must be to the fuss sparked by a post of a senator M5S, immediately sconfessata also from his own Movement. But, above all, to the parliamentary examination of the decree, started in recent days in the Senate and that will have to go to the Room. “We now recognize the priority: a bank account are the divisions between the parties, the legitimate and the salt of democracy, the other what are the polemics about the earthquake,” stresses the chairman of the Board (finding identical echo from the Hill) announcing tomorrow a Council of ministers extraordinary to make a first assessment of the damage of the earthquake and to take the first commitments.

“I hope that the political forces stop fighting and be united to Italy”, is the wish of the premier, clearly shared by the Pd and that, in general, finds open doors in political parties: from the M5S. “In situation of emergency, exceptional must be an exceptional response,” reads a post on the blog of Beppe Grillo published while Renzi speaks. “Since 24 August, the M5S has given his availability to collaborate and propose solutions to help the affected populations, in a short time. We do soon.” Even the League, with Roberto Calderoli, ensure “all possible efforts, because the rebuilding of the affected areas takes place in a short time, is complete and allow you to make sure that all of the buildings in case of earthquakes”. And “available to discuss and support all measures for the reconstruction is the Italian Left”.

Brothers and sisters in Italy does not fail to support: “we can defend, prevent, and rebuild. We can answer compact, work shoulder-to-shoulder. Brothers of Italy has already presented many proposals to be submitted to the government in the aftermath of the shock of August. Are available. We are at your disposal”, he writes in the evening, Giorgia Meloni. The appeal, Renzi also responds Forza Italia, but with a distinction. Renato Brunetta, ensuring that “without controversy” the support of the blue he warns: “to collaborate and dialogue must be at least two, and Renzi has made, and continues to do, instead, is all.” And by asking some questions, fact-asks if the absence of contacts with Fi or, more in general, with the opposition, on the part of Renzi is not due to ‘distractions’ referendum: “to remind you of our readiness to work together, mr President of the Council, writes the leader of Fi in the Room ̵ 1; we ask you, however, to do a bit of self-criticism and change behavior: you talk less, less interviews, less television, less press conferences, the less propaganda and more good government in the interest of the Country”.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Car flips over on the Aurelia, a dead 14-year-old –

(ANSA) – GROSSETO, October 20 – A girl of 14 years died in a car accident on the Aurelia at the height of Rispescia (Grosseto). From what you learned from the police, on the spot for the measurements, it seems that the car in which she travelled the girl on the lane to the north, carrying three people, it is reversed. The strada statale Aurelia state road has been closed.
There is also a child of three months, also, among the injured in an accident on the’ superstrada il palio because of a collision at the junction Greve-Impruneta-the Graveyard of the Americans. In addition to the small, led to the paediatric hospital Meyer. there are three others injured: all slightly.

In Tuscany from last night have died, however, two centaurs: a young scooter-rider in Florence and a 59-year-old in Siena.

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Earthquake today, a strong quake of 6.5, epicentre in Norcia. Curcio: “No scattered” –

The earth is still shaking: at 7.40, there was a shock of magnitude 6.5 in Umbria, with its epicenter between the Norcia, Preci and Castel Sant’angelo sul Nera. The earthquake was 10 kilometres deep. A new strong shock, of magnitude 4.0, was recorded at 19.21. According to the Ingv, the epicentre is about 5 kilometres from Norcia.

THE AUDIO FROM NORCIA, and the envoy of the LOOP – LISTENS to

The shock of the 7:40 was felt very strong in the centre of Italy but also throughout italy, from Bolzano, Puglia. There are neither victims nor dispersed. The injured are minor, except for one person that is reported of some gravity. In addition, three people were extracted alive from the rubble of Tolentino, where there have been several collapses. “There are roads everywhere, starting from the Salaria closed”, explained the head of civil Protection.


Ingv: in one day, 200 seismic events – the border between The Marche and Umbria after the earthquake of 07:40 have been located about 200 seismic events. The area affected by the replica extends for about 30 km from Accumoli in the south to Visso in the north. Resume, then, the northern part of the fault system was activated with the earthquake of August 24, and which also affects the southern part activated on the 26th of October. At 16:00 there are 15 earthquakes of magnitude between 4 and 5.

Shock stronger of the Friuli and The Eagle, the same entity Irpinia

the high part of The village of Castelluccio of Norcia, was virtually razed to the ground.

the Alarm of the governor of the Marche Region. “The displaced are 25 thousand”: reiterated the president of the Marche Region, Luca Ceriscioli stating that it had made reference earlier to the number of one hundred thousand people to assist them in terms of purely hyperbolic. Ceriscioli wanted to clarify the exact scope of’ emergency after that on web sites and social was bounced with concern the figure of a hundred thousand people, he assumed in a generic way.

Norcia collapsed the Basilica of San Benedetto and the cathedral of Santa Maria argentea: – have remained at the foot part of the facades and structures.

Reactivated the number supportive 45500 – by Using Tim, Vodafone, Wind, H3G and Poste mobile is it possible to donate two euros by sending an sms or by making a call from landline to the number 45500. The funds collected will be transferred, without charge, at the Civil Protection, which will assign them to the regions hit by the earthquake.

THE STORIES, AFTER THE quake – ‘And’ collapsed all, I see columns of smoke, and this is a disaster, disaster!”, he had told the mayor of Ussita, one of the municipalities most affected by the earthquake of October 26, Marco Rinaldi. “I slept in the car, I have seen hell…”. “it came all the way down, now there are more countries” said mayor of Arquata del Tronto Aleandro Petrucci. “Luckily, they were the red zones, he adds. The few people that remained is fallen in the street, you are embracing it. Now we’re going around to the hamlets to see what happened”. “We are in a pitiful state. I still have 800-900 people in the village, a village destroyed, many of the farmers in the hamlets of the mountain who can’t get away. There are breakdowns, and I still do not know if the injured. I, alone with a mar shal, working from a container of 2 meters to 5, and I requirement”. The mayor of Pievetorina, Alessandro Gentilucci, launches an appeal through the LOOP: “we need the means, the container”. Only 400 residents, who went out in the hotel on the coast.

The “strong earthquake” that struck the area of Norcia has destroyed the basilica of St Benedict: “We monks are all fine, but our hearts go out immediately who was struck, and the monks of the monastery trying to figure out if someone is in need of extreme unction,” said the sub-prior, father Benedict. “We rely, as always, your prayers and your support,” he added.

The Pope’s prayer – “I Express”, said the Pope, after the Angelus – my closeness to the populations of Central Italy affected by the earthquake. Also this morning, there was a strong shock. I pray for the injured and for the families that have suffered major damage, as well as for staff involved in rescue and assistance operations. The Risen Lord give them strength and the Madonna to protect them”. A long round of applause from the piazza, welcomed the Pope’s words.


Shock stronger of the Friuli and of the Eagle, the same entity Irpinia


Fear in Rome for the new shock of the earthquake. The people, frightened, went down on the road in different areas of the city. The metro has been temporarily halted for checks. The Basilica of St. Paul was closed for verification after the fall of ledges and cracks.



analysis of the Ingv, the possible ‘double’ replica – LAWS

Amatrice a month after THE SPECIAL LOOP.EN


Norcia, earthquake 6.5: 20 injured, 25 displaced only in the Marche | it was the shock more strong from 1980 – reuters uk

For all you are trying to find accommodation. “We don’t want to deport people, but they can spend a quiet night. Does not make sense to sleep in the car,” said the commissioner of the government for the rebuilding, Vasco Errani, while also highlighting how “now the first problem is to give assistance and security to the population that is experiencing a situation very heavy”, the commitment is to “rebuild everything in order to give perspective to these territories and to this community.”

The shock felt from Bolzano to Bari – A shock, that Sunday morning, which was followed by more than 200 seismic events, and that was felt not only in the central regions but in large parts of the Country, from Bolzano to Bari, and very strong in Rome, where it was closed as a precaution, the underground, and where, on Monday schools will be closed to allow the inspection of any damage to the buildings.

No victim “thank you” to the earthquakes previous - This new earthquake has struck many of the areas already affected by the earthquakes of 24 August and 26 October, and probably for this reason there are the victims: the historical centers of the countries, in fact, had already been largely cleared and declared as “red zones”.

Many of the damage: collapsed the churches of Norcia, razed to the ground Castelluccio di Norcia - But these same villages have suffered now an additional, heavy, searing, and especially in Norcia, where the Basilica of San Benedetto and the church of San Francesco collapsed. The high part of the village of Castelluccio of Norcia, has been razed to the ground. Amatrice is collapsed, the civic tower and the church of San Benedetto. Heavy damage to the architectural and artistic heritage also Civita di Bagnoregio, in the province of viterbo, and the church of the Collegiata in San Genesio (Macerata).

Road conditions in the chaos, many roads interrupted - there Are many national roads and provincial roads closed in the Marche, Lazio, Umbria and Abruzzo to the collapse or to the risks related to the earthquake. The road that connects Visso with Norcia has fallen to around two kilometres from the town of marche and, therefore, is totally unfit for use; also closed stretches of the via Salaria. The roads, stressed the head of the civil Protection Fabrizio Curcuio, is “greatly compromised” in the affected areas and the wounded were carried away with the helicopters.

Problems also to the railway lines: the movement of trains was suspended and is pending verifications along the lines of the Foligno-Terontola railway, Orte-Falconara, Ascoli-Porto d’ascoli-Ascoli piceno, Terni-Sulmona, Pescara-Sulmona, and then restored.

Alfano: “the Police and the police against the looting” – the minister of The Interior, Angelino Alfano, has ensured in turn that the forces of law and order, defend the territory and protect the homes of citizens affected by the earthquake. “We have a mandate”, he pointed out that in the places affected by the earthquake, 120 units between the police and the carabinieri, which were added to those already existing in those territories, and in these hours, an additional 200 military you are adding to the 220 operating in the red zones since the 24th of August last”. On the front of the relief, Alfano explained that “we have 1.313 firefighters in the field, of which 323 have reached in these hours the places affected”.

firefighters save thanks to daylight saving time - fire Department and engineers work tirelessly for hours and hours. And many of them are alive thanks to daylight saving time. Involved in the inspections post earthquake would have been able to stay involved in the collapse of the shock, as they tell themselves, if the hands of the clock were left an hour back. The inspections and interventions in public and private buildings, such as churches, many of which have collapsed with the shock of Sunday morning, beginning usually at 8. The earthquake of magnitude 6.5 occurred at 7.40 am, solar time, at 8.40 a.m. on a Saturday, when it was still in force the daylight saving time.


Earthquake, Matteo Renzi: “There are no resources to rebuild everything” – TGCOM

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Earthquake today, a strong quake of 6.5, epicentre in Norcia. Curcio: “Several injured, no victims,” –

The earth is still shaking. the Shock of magnitude 6.5 in Umbria, the epicenter between Norcia, Preci and Castel Sant’angelo sul Nera. The earthquake was 10 kilometres deep.

THE AUDIO FROM NORCIA, and the envoy of the LOOP – LISTENS to

The quake was felt very strong in the centre of Italy but also throughout italy, from Bolzano, Puglia. the At the moment there are several injured, but we have no news of victims, said the head of the civil Protection, Fabrizio Curcio. The injured are minor, except for one person that is reported of some gravity. In addition, three people were extracted alive from the rubble of Tolentino, where there have been several meltdowns following the last shock. “There are roads everywhere, starting from the Salaria closed”, explained the head of civil Protection.


After this morning at 7,41, were warned the other two shocks in Norcia: the first, around 13, of magnitude 4.6 with the epicentre between Preci and Norcia, and the other at around 15 and 18 minutes.

the high part of The village of Castelluccio of Norcia, was virtually razed to the ground by a strong earthquake this morning, you learn to operating Centre municipal at the gates of the city. “And’ forever changed the landscape of that area on the plateau of Norcia,” stressed one of the ones that have been able to verify the situation on the ground.

the Alarm of the governor of the Marche Region for the displaced. “10 thousand run the risk of getting to 100 thousand people that will need to be assisted,” said the president of the Region, in the operating Room of the provincial civil Protection, to monitor the situation after the last earthquake. “The affected area, he explained, Ceriscioli – tapping, in addition to Macerata, Ancona”. Going forward, this step, with a seismic crisis that does not stop, “you are likely to get 100 thousand displaced persons”.

The Basilica of San Benedetto and the cathedral of Santa Maria argentea, Norcia, are collapsed: – have remained at the foot part of the facades and structures.

THE STORIES, AFTER THE quake this MORNING – ‘collapse all, I see the columns of smoke, and this is a disaster, disaster!”, he had told the mayor of Ussita, one of the municipalities most affected by the earthquake of October 26, Marco Rinaldi. “I slept in the car, I have seen hell…”. “it came all the way down, now there are more countries” said mayor of Arquata del Tronto Aleandro Petrucci. “Luckily, they were the red zones, he adds. The few people that remained is fallen in the street, you are embracing it. Now we’re going around to the hamlets to see what happened”. “We are in a pitiful state. I still have 800-900 people in the village, a village destroyed, many of the farmers in the hamlets of the mountain who can’t get away. There are breakdowns, and I still do not know if the injured. I, alone with a marshal, working from a container of 2 meters to 5, and I requirement”. The mayor of Pievetorina, Alessandro Gentilucci, launches an appeal through the LOOP: “we need the means, the container”. Only 400 residents, who went out in the hotel on the coast.

The “strong earthquake” that struck the area of Norcia has destroyed the basilica of St Benedict: “We monks are all fine, but our hearts go out immediately who was struck, and the monks of the monastery trying to figure out if someone is in need of extreme unction,” said the sub-prior, father Benedict. “We rely, as always, your prayers and your support,” he added.

The Pope’s prayer – “I Express”, said the Pope, after the Angelus – my closeness to the populations of Central Italy affected by the earthquake. Also this morning, there was a strong shock. I pray for the injured and for the families that have suffered major damage, as well as for staff involved in rescue and assistance operations. The Risen Lord give them strength and the Madonna to protect them”. A long round of applause from the piazza, welcomed the Pope’s words.


Shock stronger of the Friuli and of the Eagle, the same entity Irpinia


Fear in Rome for the new earthquake felt this morning in the Capital, stronger than the past few days. According to what you learned there are dozens of already phone calls are coming to the fire. The people, frightened, went down on the road in different areas of the city. The metro has been temporarily interrrotta for testing. The Basilica of St. Paul was closed for verification after the fall of ledges and cracks occurred after the shock.



analysis of the Ingv, the possible ‘double’ replica – LAWS

Amatrice a month after THE SPECIAL LOOP.EN


The earthquake, roads closed in Central Italy, The Republic

Roads closed, trains blocked, discomfort in many areas. Among the consequences of the earthquake this morning hit the Central Italy there are also difficulties related to the road network and to public and private transport.

Anas said that, because of the damage and of the fall of boulders on the floor roads caused by the earthquake, “is temporarily closed state road 685 `of the Three Valleys of Umbria’ in various sections between Spoleto and Norcia, in the province of Perugia and between Norcia and Arquata del Tronto, province of Ascoli Piceno.

also Closed state road 4 ‘Via Salaria’ between Email and Accumoli, province of Rieti, and in the stretch of the marche in province of Ascoli Piceno. Anas calls on not to proceed on the state road 4 ‘Via Salaria’, at the time the transit is allowed only to emergency vehicles.

it was also temporarily closed the highway 80 `of the Gran Sasso d’italia’ because of' instability some boulders looming on the road, between the localities of Montorio al Vomano and Fano Adriano, province of Teramo. As a precaution, and to allow the operations of the intervention from the part of the Company specialized in emergency assistance, has been placed in the closure in the section between km 60, 300 and 50 km, 500. Currently, the traffic is diverted on the secondary roads indicated on site. The staff and technicians Anas are on-site for the cleaning of the plan viable by boulders fallen, and the verification of the safety conditions of the works and of the slopes.

On Twitter, the civil Protection calls on people to “avoid travelling along the roads towards the area the earthquake to facilitate transport of the forces of order and civil protection”.

The earthquake has created inconvenience also on the railway lines, but the situation seems to have started towards normality in the Marche and in Umbria. The engineers are finishing all the checks and verifications to infrastructure and works of art. Immediately after the earthquake the train – to inform the Railways – has been suspended for the accurate controls, tracks, bridges, viaducts and tunnels, as well as to the systems of traffic management and control, to distance in the safety of the trains on the following lines: Foligno – Terontola railway, Orte – Falconara, Ascoli – Porto d’ascoli-Ascoli piceno, Terni – Sulmona, Pescara – Sulmona, and Albacina – Civitanova Marche. To ensure the mobility were activated replacement services with buses on the lines Albacina – Civitanova Marche, Ascoli – Porto d’ascoli.

earthquake in norcia, October 30
the earthquake August 24, 2016
the earthquake October 26, 2016
road closures

Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Referendum, the piazza del popolo, Renzi is half empty – The Tyrrhenian sea

ROME. People’s square becomes “piazza of the people”, “a square that is of the people,” “the piazza of the people”. From the opening title of the Unit to the tweet of the premier and of the government team: the people in the square, this is the story that Matteo Renzi proposes at the event that was supposed to be for yes in the referendum, but that becomes a great celebration of two and a half years of government. Flags, t-shirts, the pins, there is no need to bring them from home, there is someone who distributes them to the gazebo, just down from the bus coming from all over Italy – but few of the roman – who will return to the destination, promises the premier, “before Juve ntus – Napoli”.

the Referendum, the square Renzi sings Bella ciao A people’s square that is half full welcomes the premier at the event to promote the yes in the Referendum. Between the one who claims an identity of the left and those who only want the “change” (video of Andrea ScutellĂ )

The square, singing of "Bella Ciao". “Today in the square there is the people and not to populism,” says the premier of the stage, before launching his arrows against the face of no, “is the true party of the nation”, because he embraces the League, Forza Italia, the minority Pd, the radical left and the Cinquestelle. A people that fills just half of the square, however, more or less the same result recorded from the homologous Salvini a few months ago. But when the whole event is a nod to the eye: starting from the choice of music, mostly popular, in fact, with the typical songs of Amatrice, to represent the height and a Bella Ciao was sung with pride.

Event, Pd, speaks to Renzi: People’s square view from the top Here’s how it was piazza del Popolo in the moment in which the premier Matteo Renzi took to the podium for his speech at the closing of the manifestation of Pd in favour of the ” Yes ” in the referendum on constitutional reform(video di Marco Billeci)

There are also those who turn with the neck, the sign "old communist “yes," and those who retort with a "partisan” yes". A guy who holds the sign “Left to the “yes” tells us that the reform is of the left “because they are the most weak to have need of a stronger political, not business”. Another admits to have never identified in that policy: “I Think there are two ways of doing things: good or bad,” he explains. One of his companions tells us to want strongly to the “change” – another key word – “because I am 23 years old and has never changed anything.”

the Referendum, in the road back to Rome, the newspaper said, “The December 4 vote No” In the centre of the capital, from Trastevere to the Colosseum, some supporters of the No to the constitutional referendum have returned to use one of the older systems of propaganda: the newspaper talked about. “The December 4 vote No”, this and other slogans have been thrown from a car equipped with a megaphone to address passers-by Francesco Giovannetti

storytelling. The story of the successes of the government starts from the afternoon: it happens on stage stories for each legislative measure. There is the teacher assumed with Good School and moved from Naples to Florence, which ensures they have not been “deported”, there are entrepreneurs and workers that have hired or are hired with the Jobs act, farmers who have benefited from tax relief. But there is also the mayor of Lampedusa Giusi Nicolini, the symbol of hospitality, a victim of the caporalato and the deputy mayor of Arquata, one of the countries most affected by the earthquake. There is so much meat to the fire that when he goes out on stage the premier, highly acclaimed, has to do is say: “The discussion on the merits? It is 35 years that we are talking about it. Not been hasty, like me, is contested. The referendum on the merits is simple to explain. We are the only ones to have two Rooms that give confidence to the government. And we have the house and Senate formed in a different way, and down the mess-ups". So, all that remains is a way of the future, and change, all the rest leads to the past and preservation.

the Referendum, to the surprise Cuperlo in piazza del Yes, and the militants the clapping Contrary to what was declared on the eve, also the deputy for Pd and a representative of the minority dem Gianni Cuperlo has arrived in the piazza del Popolo for the demonstration called by the Democrats in favor of the ” yes ” in the referendum on constitutional reform. The militants in the square – well in the interviews, had harshly criticized the positions of the minority – they appreciated the gesture of Cuperlo and applauded and encouraged. The deputy Pd, however, takes the point: “I’m here with my beliefs, but without a political gesture of the president of the Council on the Italicum, I confirm my negative vote in the referendum”. And a man who urged to give a hand to Renzi, Cuperlo has answered: “it is also Necessary that he wants”di Marco Bil leci


Collapse the overpass, the truck weighed in at 108 tons: buck Anas-the Province – The Republic

An irr of 108 tons, a load of extraordinary than ordinary, a weight is “probably excessive” for a bridge that already gave signs of yielding. The party alarm and remained stranded between the competencies of Anas and the Province; a victim, five wounded. the On the disaster of the overpass along the Milano-Lecco the public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation for manslaughter and disaster culpable, while throughout the night work continued to clear the road, still closed to traffic, from the rubble and remains of the car. A commission of inquiry will be set up by the ministry of Infrastructure, but already a few minutes away from the collapse announced-started the rebound o f responsibility between the Anas and the Province because of the sos launched three hours before the collapse and that piece of paper which would serve to prevent the bridge on the county road 48 at the height Annone Brianza come down. In the viewfinder is the finished weight of the tir, with the national president of Fai Conftrasporto, and vice-president of Confcommercio, Paolo Uggè, reminiscent of the complaint unanswered on “the trucks which are prone to collapsing bridges, but no one says”, and Cinzia Franchini, president of Cna-Fita, which invites us to look in the road transport sector “useful scapegoats”.

The inquiry. The procedure, to the state, is a model 44 then has not been entered in the register of suspects. Registration will take place when they are needed the findings unique. The judiciary in the lecco district was entrusted to the delegation for the investigation to the police and ordered the seizure of the tractor-trailer that has descended on state highway 36 and of the entire structure fall. Have already been identified in the civil engineers who will analyze the materials with which it was built, the overpass, and make calculations to verify its resistance to the weight. The road is frequently travelled by many heavy vehicles and their transition, over time, may have compromised the stability of the bridge. Checks will be made on the actual weight of the exceptional transport, which yesterday ran through the overpass and that could have caused the collapse. In the video Anas, you can see, however, that at the time of the passage of the tir-the o verpass was already damaged. The agents of the police station of Lecco and the traffic police, they have heard all of the ‘actors’ who have played a role in the afternoon yesterday when collapsed the overpass.
as it is known, the investigators felt the staff of Anas spoke on the place, Province, and would have been also collected the testimony of the driver of the tir, the passage of which coincided with the collapse. The Prosecutor’s office of Lecco is also reconstructing the process that led to the authorization of the passage of the load is exceptional on the artifact.

The controversy. On Facebook, the former mayor of Hanno, arguing: “That bridge went down: already 10 years ago, a colleague of Suello, Giuseppe Mauri, and we went to Milan, and among the proposed solutions, caldeggiammo the demolition of the bridge and the reconstruction of the same on the model of the new bridge of Bosisio. We were told so little likeable that it was not our job to take care of these things, and we, not being engineers, we had to go to make good on the mayor. Today we tap mourn the innocent victims and serious injuries!”.

collapse. The stretch of road 36 theatre of tragedy has become the destination of the sad pilgrimage of the people of the place: young, old, even families with children, arrived to see with their own eyes what happened. On-the-spot, yesterday, the deputy minister Riccardo Nencini: “Immediately a commission of inquiry – had assured – all the responsibility should be ascertained quickly. Who has the responsibility to bring the pain of responsibility”. In the night it was recovered the corpse of Claudio Bertini, the 68-year-old of Civate, crushed by the truck, crashed together at the bridge. Bertini was a professor of physical education in the board, and, for years, had become manager of the club Pro Patria. He leaves his wife and a daughter. The fire department and the technicians have begun to cut into more of the parties to the stretch of the overpass to clear the road, after that yesterday they had been cut into the beams. The road remains interrupted and the traffic diverted along alternative routes. In the morning, the governor Roberto Maroni, explained that the Region, together with the Anas and the minister for Transport Graziano Delrio, intends to make “a reconnaissance of overall infrastructure to see if there were some risk, allocating appropriate resources”. “We as a Region do not have roads, but we’re interested in this overall verification”. The alarm is dropped in a vacuum. the One that the judiciary in Lecco will have to ascertain is if they were the bureaucracy, the lentocrazia, to expose to the deadly risks of motorists passing by and the driver of the tir, after the alarm had started already at 14, three hours before the collapse. A roadman Anas had noticed, in fact, of the d ebris fallen at the height of kilometer 41,900 of the State 36. Anas, as he says – and the fact is, in the course of check – had asked about immediately to close the stretch of road, “having found that the detachment of some rubble from the earthquake. Not only that: “Already about 14″, had suggested, on the contrary, invoked the partial closure of the road, at the overpass. They asked me to act immediately to the Province of Lecco, which, however, according to Anas, had nicchiato: the Province wanted a formal request, which implied “the obligation of a visual inspection and direct part of the agency’s bureau chief Anas”. A procedure maybe formally correct, that has delayed, tragically, the closure of the bridge. In fact, when we arrived the inspector of Anas for the inspection is visual and direct, it was too late.

responsibilities. the One that does not escape the judiciary, it is the game of the buck. “We were doing the inspections and have asked to wait – he had said Flavio Polano, president of the Province of Lecco – this is what I was verbalized”. And again: “The maintenance of the bridge is the responsibility of Anas – he said Polano, who was also the mayor of Malgrate for the Pd and manager of the city of Lecco – because of their properties, while we shall only be entitled to the management of a section of the asphalt.” “The goal was not an ordinance, if Anas was believed to close the road could close it – had supported the charge of Road in the Province of Lecco, Angelo Valsecchi – in an emergency we could close the bridge,” but “the communication from the Anas to the province was not so “explicit”.

The irr, weighed 108 tons. Next to the words, will soon have the documents. The irr was an exceptional transport is authorized by the Province of Lecco, and coils of steel of considerable dimensions and weight, but none had occurred. The transport was organized by the ‘Nicoli Spa of Albino, in the province of Bergamo. The company has been in operation since 1973 and, since 2005, is a joint-stock company. This morning, while continuing to work for the removal, Anas notified the weight of the trailer. “The heavy vehicle had a range of about 108 tons, higher than the ordinary – have made know by the company – and had not been authorized by Anas, which, moreover, did not manage the traffic on the road

the provincial Sp49 where was the seat of the overpass”. The company – for which the collapse is related to the “weight large of exceptional transport – it is entrusted to professor Carmelo Gentile, professor of structural engineering of the Politecnico di Milano: “Already this morning we read in the note – has carried out the first technical investigations on the work collapsed, an overpass built between the Sixties and the Seventies, the Province of Como”.


The Referendum, Renzi: “Piazza of the People, not of populism” – The Republic

the ROME – "This is the Piazza del Popolo, not subject to considerable debate”. So begins Matteo Renzi aIla event has been for the Yes in the Referendum. “Our destiny is to change Italy, not to argue. Our destiny is to change destiny of our children, grandchildren." Then there was the attack without mentioning it, the M5s that invokes in its slogn “Honesty”.

“Honesty is our moto. But if you talk of honesty and not fixing the problems of your Country you are not credible. Not just honesty, it is the pre-condition, without them can not go." Then, referring to the allusion of the mayor of the Capital on the frigodate, the premier joked with the protesters: “I recommend no one allow to leave refrigerators in the square, i chose not to accept them”. “Dear Europe back to yourself. And if you do not return we will return we to the house because we do not accept the word selfishness”.

“The wreck of the sunken ship by the smugglers the mettereno in front of Brussels in front of the headquarters of the Eu. Europe can not afford 4 thousand deaths per year, three times as much for the dead of the Isis”. “Not as the green shirts in Tanzania have led to the money of the public funding, and then they say to help them at their home, the leaguers”.

Matthew that deprive me of sleep, and Matteo Messina denaro, Matteo Salvini. We will make the G8 summit in Taormina and not in Florence (I apologize to firentini) to demonstrate that Sicily is not the mafia as they say abroad. And, my fellow citizens have said, ‘we are with you, we are with Italy’”.

“Trump – says Renzi – is likely to become president of the Usa, the democratic world must find around the fundamental values of its identity card. If the Usa also are at risk of having a populism of the government, something he will want to say. Obama has demonstrated that in 8 years you can write the story. But the left is in trouble in Europe, Europe seems to have lost the soul, and betrayed the ideals of Ventotene. I ask this square the strength to do battle is not demagogic politics against the euro and Europe, but to return the soul to the european continent, which turns the head in front of the immigration”.

The front of the ” Yes ” in the Referendum on constitutional Reform is dropped in the square with the premier Matteo Renzi and the presence of “for the respect of the people, the pd, and to reduce the distance”, Gianni Cuperlo, of the minority dem. The front of the No contromanifesta in Sicily with the M5s and Genoa with FdI. The premier Renzi has arrived at the Piazza del Popolo.

‘The Square is of the People,’ the title of the event in Rome. Secretary dem, and the president of the Council in the morning, and has posted some photos of him in the square in the night: “Tonight the inspection: the whole is ready to embrace us #sivainpiazza. Have a good trip to the people dem in the path to Rome,” was his tweet. In Rome also the Italian minister for reform Maria Elena Woods. From all over Italy arrived protesters in the coach.

Referendum, Renzi: "the Square of the People, not of populism"

Rome, Piazza del Popolo. Flags pd waving in the Piazza of the People to the manifestation of Pd. Under the stairs of the Pincio the stage with the transparent roof, the symbols of Pd on a yellow background and the slogan ‘the square is of the people,’ and ‘yes to an Italy that is more strong yes to a fairer Europe’. White balloons, red, and green in the sky. The traditional songs of the mondine and ‘Bella ciao’ warm up the atmosphere before the intervention of Renzi. In front of the stage, the young democrats, with their orange flags. Between them an elderly lady with paper roses tricolori and the sign: “Renzi, whatever the result you do not have to resign”.

Minority dem: Cuperlo in piazza. “A piece of the left present in the square to reduce the distances and to shorten the differences.” So Gianni Cuperlo has motivated his participation. “We are for respect of the people of pd,” he explained. In relation to the political act asked the Pd and to the secretary Renzi on the electoral law, as a condition of the minority to support the Yes vote, Cuperlo he added: “If this act should not be there, we will be forced to not support this reform.” the Pier Luigi Bersani will be ‘on the square’ for the No Monday, November 7, at Syracuse on the occasion of the exhibition ‘South and work. Reforms and democracy’. Absence discounted Massimo D’alema: “outside”, is to know his entourage. On the presence-absence of the minority, Lorenzo Guerini, deputy secretary of the Pd, short cuts: “ ;The Pd called, they should be there.”

up. The opposite of No falls in the piazza in Sicily with the Movement 5 stars who sent you there, Luigi Di Maio, vice president of the Chamber, to support the reasons for the grillini are to the contrary. And to Genoa by the Brothers of Italy (an event organized by the Committee “No, thanks”) and Ignazio La Russa.

The hundred squares against. Thirty young student activists of the committees of the No have manifested in Rome at the Colosseum dressed as ancient romans with the banner “the power in the hands of a few: an old idea of 2000 years”, in the context of the ‘one Hundred squares of No’ organized in different Italian cities, in contrast to the demonstration in the Piazza del Popolo.


Antarctica, created the largest marine park in the world park – Impronta Unika

It was announced today it is the largest marine park ever created in the world: one in the Ross sea, in the Antarctic Ocean. It is a huge win for whales, penguins, and cod from the antarctic that live there and for the millions of people that are on the side of the oceans. It is the result reached after five years of compromises and negotiations failed, by the Commission for the conservation of marine living resources of Antarctica (Ccamlr) which concluded on Friday, the annual meeting in two weeks to Hobart, Tasmania.

For years, Greenpeace, the Antarctic Ocean Alliance and millions of people in the world have asked governments to do the right thing, thinking that sooner or later this request was finally accepted. Year after year, there was always something wrong with it. But this year all the members of CCAMLR have agreed that the time has come to make the Ross Sea a protected area. The Sanctuary of the Ross Sea is the largest protected reserve in the world, with a surface area of 1,550. 000 km2 (an area roughly three times bigger than Texas, 2 times to Spain, or as Mongolia), which will be fully protected about three quarters.

Known as "the last Ocean, the Ross Sea has been recognized by scientists as the last portion of the ocean untouched. It is fantastic that this area has finally found a suitable protection. To reach the agreement was signed, a clause which lays down a term of the agreement, to 35 years, thus the members of CCAMLR will be back to comment on this area in the future. Will be protected more than 1.5 million square kilometers of the Ross Sea, including the 1.1 million sq km, equal to the combined area of France and Spain, which are reserved as "protection zone-general", with an absolute ban on fishing. The protection will not reduce the total amount of catch allowed in the Ross Sea, but take away the vessels from the habitat, the crucial close to the continent itself.

security was considered urgent because of the importance, for the natural resources of the entire planet, the Southern Ocean, which is estimated to produce about three-quarters of the nutrients that support life in the rest of the oceans. The waters that surround Antarctica are among the most pristine in the world, but are also among the most vulnerable and the arm of iron on their fate went on for a long time.

it is significant that the security agreed upon, ending in 35 years, a compromise reached after five years of negotiations failed because of the opposition of China and Russia, which have intense activity of fishing in the region. The definition of a marine area, according to the World Conservation Union requires that it be permanent. The protection also will not decrease the total amount that will be allowed to fish in the Ross Sea, but take the porcherecci off of the habitats crucial close to the continent.

"today’s agreement marks a turning point for the protection of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean," said the scientific director of WWF Australia, Chris Johnson. "It is important not only for the incredible diversity of life that it will be protected, but also for the contribution to the resilience of the oceans of the globe in front of climate change," he added. The Ross Sea is a deep bay, which many scientists believe is the last marine ecosystem remained intact on the Earth – a living laboratory ideal for studying life in Antarctica and the effects of climate change on the planet.

In the Antarctic Ocean, there are more than 10,000 species, including most of the penguins of the world, whales, sea birds, and squid is colossal and the austromerluzzi, who are the main target of the fishing vessels operating in this region to the borders of the world. This year has been incredible for the protection of the oceans. The victory of the Ross Sea comes immediately after the decision of Obama to expand The National Monument Marine Papahanaumokuakea, which had been – at least so far – the largest protected marine area in the world. A few days before, Obama had already done something exceptional in recognizing the first Monument in the National Marine of the Atlantic, to protect the canyons, and underwater mountains!

other nations have taken some steps – such as Chile, which has created a marine protected area around the island of Easter, or the United Kingdom, which has committed to creating belts of protection "Blue belts" around its overseas territories. Although they may be large these Shrines, the Oceans are still vast. Despite the commitment of the international Union for Conservation and Nature, this summer he decided that it is necessary to protect the 30% of our oceans by the year 2030, the road to reach this goal is long. Greenpeace is campaigning for an even more ambitious goal: that 40% of our oceans become Sanctuaries are fully protected.

The science is clear: the marine sanctuaries are essential to protect biodiversity, rebuild fish populations, and increase the resilience of oceans to climate change. A long battle like the one that today has led to the victory of the Ross Sea, they do not only need a good scientific basis, but of millions of people who are felt to defend the seas and oceans. Without your voices, even the best scientific justification would have been too weak to break narrow interests and short-term lobby of commercial fishing.

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Matteo Renzi challenge, Ciriaco De Mita on the referendum: chronicle of a debate, very little democrat – The Huffington Post

For the first twenty minutes, and then here and there every now and then also in the hereafter, seems to attend a conference entitled "The Dc and the governments in the '80s and '90s". With the same effect as soporific. The debate between Matteo Renzi and Ciriaco De Mita on the referendum begins in the name of fair play. And' all the president here and the president there.

Then, however, it passes from her to you. The tone changes, a disappointment for those who expected a comparison democrat. And sparks. Until the tranchant closed demitiana: Renzi", ” it is done".

Inevitable that blew in the eyes of the generation gap. And not only because it is objective. The president of the Council that gap rides him from the beginning to the end: on the other hand, how to respond best to D’alema, who says that it is the young that vote no? And it is precisely Renzi, in fact, to pull out the topic of public debt inherited from those management policies that, among those who did melted, there was just De Mita. "In those years – said the premier – we have gone from 57% debt-to-Gdp to 124%. If the Country has to pay a mountain of interests, it is because in those years, someone did the cicada, forcing us young people to make the ants". And the former president of the Council-certainly not if he keeps her. "I don’t do the reading catastrophic from you. The '90s were the last years of growth, there has been the debt, but also growth. In the last three years I do not think we have grown a lot."

The first shots are of the foil. Here is still De Mita: "I am listening to Renzi, I got the impression that he reconstruct the story not from the year in which it begins, but from the year in which arrived him". Then it’s up to the president of the Council. "You have made three dual-chamber and De Mita has participated in all three, all failed". Or still. "The Room of the autonomies is your proposal for thirty years, only that you have not done."

The former secretary of the Dc, criticises the haste with which it was drawn up the reform, but also the way in which it was written. "It is not aesthetically understandable", says so. And he quotes Napoleon. "He said that the laws must be ‘short and dark’". Matteo Renzi, of course, denies, remembering the six steps of parliament and the millions of the amendments presented. "I have the impression – says – that you have not read the reform." The president of the Board then the game is easy to retort, when De Mita accuses the government of having placed its trust on the ddl the Woods, mingling probably with the Italicum. "It never happened . And' the demonstration – replication – that we are immersed in a series of lies."

At this point in the game talk to the one on the other and interrupted each other is started, and virtually unstoppable. "Mica are the Pd where he speaks only of him," says the current mayor of Nusco. "The presidency of the Council – added later – you’re done, you are in every place, every where". Renzi smiles: "This turning point in the gospel of De Mita was not expecting it".

The one in front of the other facing each other and also two languages from very different between them. De Mita is able to pull out phrases that no one is azzarderebbe more to use in any tv debate. An example of that? "The way in which the reform – says – is a collection of wishes than a way that there is. While the legal rules true are the recovery of memory and of habits, it is the norm that urges virtuous behavior". Then the jab: "it’s something a little complex for one that has the speed of speech and thought as your own". The rejoinder: "I don’t know if the speed is in contradiction with the depth, but I don’t think interests anyone at home."

But there is a precise point where the debate changes and the two "contenders" of the yes and no part of the clutch. And' Renzi to open the dances. "Your idea of politics is that it can change the party when they don’t give you a seat" on the premier, referring to disagreements with Veltroni. The aplomb De Mita jumps. "This is a vulgarity that I was not expecting, especially if said by who in politics has invented all. You have no right to speak of the morality of the policy. It is a profession that you want to manage in a way authoritarian". And then. "You made a party that commands only. Your interventions at the meetings should be published to see what has reduced the policy".

The conclusion is in good part dedicated to the famous "conjunction" between the reform and the electoral law. To De Mita will cost the premier’s defeat in the referendum. Even if Renzi reiterates the opening to the changes on the Italicum . Thus ends, with the former secretary of the Dc attacks. “Renzi is irretrievable, has such an awareness that sees no limits to his arrogance”. "The judgment, “answered the premier – the will of the citizens”.

See also:

Renzi: “Ready compared with Grillo”


Collapses an overpass on the highway in lecco, tir rushes on the car: one dead and four wounded – the associated

Are continued throughout the night and are still on-going work to remove the viaduct collapsed in the afternoon of yesterday in the Drive, causing a victim, and some wounded. It has not yet been removed the tractor-trailer that, probably due to his weight, caused the collapse. Hwy 36 is still closed towards Lecco at the height of Annone Brianza and the traffic is diverted along alternative routes.
The four injured are three children and the driver of the lorry, a man of 50 years.

the reconstruction of The Anas – The entity says explicitly to have given the order to block the flyover even with a “repeated reminders of immediate closure.” Anas informs that, from the first reconstruction of the facts, the nursery Anas probation officer of the section of state highway 36 at km 41,900, on which at 17.20 is sold over the overpass and no. 17 of the road SP49, already around 14.00 hours, having observed the detachment of some of the debris from the artifact, he was prepared immediately to their removal, and the shutting of the SS36 state road at the overpass. Immediately after the roadman, in the presence of the Police, he contacted the workers to the mobility of the Province of Lecco, responsible for traffic on the overpass, and he has repeatedly urged the immediate closure of the road SP49 in the stretch, including the overpass. The workers of the Province have required an ordinance by the formal part of the Anas which involved the visual inspection and direct part of the agency’s bureau chief Anas, which is activated immediately, but just when he was on the spot, the overpass collapsed. This has been also verified that the Irr that is thrown from the overpass, the provincial was the transport of steel coils whose significant weight is not currently known”.

The version of the Province – “Not as an ordinance, if Anas was believed to close the road could close it”, explains the responsible of the road network of the Province of Lecco, Angelo Valsecchi, explaining that however “in an emergency we could close the bridge,” but “the communication from the Anas to the province was not so “explicit”.

“At 13: 30 to our operations room in Milan have called us telling us that there was rubble on state highway 36 and I arrived in less than 10 minutes, and then I saw 250 metres away, a patrol of the polstrada and I stop and I warned my office,” said Tindaro Sauta, the capocantoniere of Anas, who immediately went on state highway 36 just received the report of the debris. Anas has jurisdiction over the state, but not on the flyover collapsed, who is provincial.

The investigation – “we will Open promptly a commission of inquiry”, announced the deputy minister to the Infrastructures Riccardo Nencini, who went personally to the place. The Prosecutor’s office of Lecco has opened an investigation that will, with all probability, manslaughter and disaster negligent. To be heard, the witnesses and the acquired documentation.

The video of the flyover collapsed (from YouTube):

The place – the collapse on the ss 36 of lake Como and of the Spluga’ has occurred between the municipalities of Cesana Brianza, Annone. On the artery has yielded a flyover of the provincial road n.49.

The victim – The man who died during the collapse named Claudio Bertini and lived in Civate in lecco. He was on board one of the cars were crushed by the truck that, in the collapse of the bridge, fell on the roadway below.

The traffic on the Highway 36 Milano-Lecco is completely blocked in both directions. The police and road map of Lecco reiterates that along the Highway there are road signs for the outputs required with the next indication of alternative routes. For all those who have to proceed towards Lecco, the compulsory exit is located in Nibionno with the direction of Suello, province of Lecco. For vehicles that are in transit to Milan, the compulsory exit is located at Suello with the direction of Erba (Como) or possible return after Annone. In any case, it is the invitation to avoid where possible the Highway near the work continued without stop throughout the night. The route of Highway 36 is critical to the network viabilistica lecco but also for the connections with the province of Sondrio, Valtellina and Valchiavenna via transit along the lines lecco.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Lecco, collapses overpass in Annone Brianza on the SS36 state road: a dead – reuters uk

Anas: “We have asked for closing the road, but the Province blocked by the bureaucracy” – as The Anas, the company that manages the road network and the Italian highway, in the hours preceding the collapse of the flyover had asked for the closure of the road SP49 in the stretch, including the bridge, but the Province, which has jurisdiction on that road, has asked for an ordinance by the formal part of the institution. In the meantime, the bridge has caved in.

“13,30 to our operations room in Milan have called us telling us that there was rubble on state highway 36 and I arrived in less than 10 minutes, and then I saw 250 metres away, a patrol of the polstrada and I stop and I warned my office”, she told Tindaro Sauta, the capocantoniere Anas.

once alerted to the danger, however, the workers of the Province, you can still read in the note issued by Anas, “have required an ordinance by the formal part of the Anas which involved the visual inspection and direct part of the agency’s bureau chief Anas, which is activated immediately, but just when he was on the spot, the overpass came down.”

Tir precipitate was exceptional transport – . Anas has also made it known as the tir thrown from the overpass was an exceptional transport of considerable weight and dimensions authorized by the Province of Lecco. It is not yet verified the actual weight of the vehicle. The flyover concludes the Anas – had been made between the Sixties and the Seventies, the Province of Como.

replication of the Province: “Anas could close Ss 36″ – “Not as an ordinance, if Anas was believed to close the road could close it”. So the head of the road in the Province of Lecco, Angelo Valsecchi, responds to allegations of Anas, noting also “communication from the Anas to the Province was not so “explicit”.

“our staff has arrived at 14.30, we were here, but the structural checks compete with the Anas, we were waiting for the results, we were activated, but Anas has not told us to close the road. If the bridge is not of my property, I have to say, what to do, we explained, Valsecchi museum – we were ready to operate and waiting for their decisions”.



Lecco, collapses overpass on hwy 36: tir overwhelms the two cars. One dead and five wounded – The Republic

One person died and five were wounded due to the collapse of an overpass above state road 36 of lake Como and of the Spluga, along the provincial road 49. Four injured in code yellow, including three children, were taken to hospital. Also the driver 50 of the vehicle heavy, which would have caused the collapse, was admitted with chest trauma in code yellow, in Lecco. The victim was Claudio Bertini and lived in Civate in Lecco. He was on board one of the cars were crushed by the truck. The power of attorney of Lecco has opened an investigation for manslaughter and disaster negligent.

there Are four cars involved in the collapse of the structure. A Audi red remained completely crushed, another part; a third car followed the heavy vehicle, and is precipitated also on the road below, while a fourth remained in the balance on the overpass. The accident would have involved a motorcyclist. was attended by the personnel of 118, the teams Anas, the fire brigade and the forces of law and order for the first investigations and rescue operations. The fire brigade have to remove the deck to see if other vehicles were involved in the collapse. It was found that the Irr that is precipitated from the overpass was an exceptional transport of considerable weight and dimensions authorized by the Province of Lecco.

Anas announces that, following the tragic accident, the road was closed at km 41,000, between the municipalities of Cesana Brianza, Annone, in the province of Lecco. Traffic was diverted onto the local road network with mandatory exit in Bosisio Parini in the direction of the north, and in Suello, in the direction of the south. The minister of Infrastructure and Transport Graziano Delrio is preparing a Commission inspection in order to verify and analyze about what happened.

The railway security guard of the section of state highway 36 affected by the collapse of the cavalacavia had asked for the closure in the afternoon. And’ what emerges from the first reconstruction of the facts provided by Anas. The nursery already about 14 had found “the detachment of some rubble from the building and disposed of immediately to their removal, and the shutting of the Ss36 state road at the overpass”. The failure occurred at 17,20.

“Immediately after – the Anas – the roadman, in the presence of the police, he contacted the workers of the

the mobility of the Province of Lecco, responsible for traffic on the overpass, and he has repeatedly urged the immediate closure of the road Sp49 in the stretch, including the overpass. The workers of the Province have required an ordinance by the formal part of the Anas which involved the visual inspection and direct part of the agency’s bureau chief Anas, which is activated immediately, but just when he was on the spot, the overpass came down.”

Annone Brianza
province of lecco
traffic accidents


Earthquake, a night of shock: at least 100 between the marche and Umbria – La Sentinella del Canavese


ROME. The night in areas affected by the earthquake of Wednesday, October 26 is passed into the full seismic swarm. At least 100 were, in fact, the seismic tremors that are recorded between the Marche and Umbria. Therefore, a night lasts for about 4 thousand people displaced in the province of Macerata, to be accommodated in temporary structures, sports arenas and a few tent. Some groups have already been transferred to the hotels of the coast, such as the displaced of Visso. Will be followed today by other victims of the earthquake. You can face the winter in tents, said yesterday the premier Matteo Renzi on a visit to the dressing room .

According to the detections of the national Institute of geophysics and volcanology (Ingv), eleven aftershocks were of magnitude of between 3 and 3.5: stronger 4:13 with its epicenter in Fiordimonte and 10 km from Ussita province of Macerata; a magnitude 3.4 at 5 in the same area.

exactly the shock of the earthquake more relevant and in order of time were: the magnitude 3 recorded at 23:33 Thursday’ 27 with the hypocenter at 8.3 km deep and the epicentre was near Castelsantangelo sul Nera (Macerata).

the Earthquake, the rain on the ruins Two shocks very strong. In the evening. The first to 19.10, a magnitude of 5.4. The second at 21.18, had a magnitude of 5.9. Collapses, wounded, and dead of a heart attack, a gentleman of 73 years. Thousands in the street. Between Umbria and Marche. In the darkness, surrounded by fear. The earth trembled again. Under a heavy rain, regular and heavy. So the evening became night. The night of the earthquake of the 26th of October in Italiaa by Valeria D’angelo

another of a magnitude of 2.8 at 23:54 with the hypocenter at 10.2 km of depth and the epicenter near Preci

A quake of magnitude 3.1 to 1:35, with the hypocenter at 9 km depth and the epicenter is 3 km from Castelsantangelo sul Nera and 9 from Ussita and Visso (Macerata).

In the same area, three other tremors of magnitude 2.7 occurred, instead, at 00:09, 00:10 and 1:25 with epicenters, respectively, to Mount the Horse, Fiordimonte and Castelsantangelo.

the dressing room, the rector to the students: “a week sharing the lessons” “We have endured earthquakes stronger than this. Not them we fear and we are ready to start. In a week we leave with the lessons”. He speaks so Flavio Corradini, the rector of the University of Camerino, affected by the earthquake. The rector gave to the premier, Matteo Renzi, on a visit in the city, a t-shirt designed for the occasion (the text recited Unicam #ilfuturononcrolla). “Yes, I’ve donated – it has explained – it seems to Me that he really appreciated the gesture”of Francesco Giovannetti

A magnitude 3.3 at 2:14 between the Marche and Umbria in the area of the monti Sibillini. The hypocenter at 10 km depth and the epicenter is 4 km from Visso and 6 from Ussita (Macerata).

Still a quake of magnitude 3 at 3:19 between the Marche and Umbria in the area of the monti Sibillini. The earthquake had a hypocenter at 8 km depth and epicenter 3 km away from Norcia (Perugia) and 9 from Castelsantangelo sul Nera (Macerata).

Earthquake in the Central Italy, inside the red area of Visso of Surreal, immersed in silence and at times spectral. So it seems Visso 24 hours from the earthquake that struck Central Italy. Between the rubble and the cracks of the buildings remained standing, the mannequins prepared for the feast of HalloweenVideo Cristina Pantaleoni/AGF

And in the end of the four shocks of magnitude 3.5, 3.3 and 3.1 were recorded, the first at 4:13 and the other in a rapid sequence at a little after 4:30 between the Marche and Umbria. The first earthquake had its epicenter in Fiordimonte and the other near Ussita (Macerata). Fortunately, you are not registered to now new the collapses.
