Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Calabrese kidnapped in Syria – Compare video on Youtube: ‘… Intervene –

Calabrese kidnapped in Syria – Compare video on Youtube: '… Intervene –


Thursday, January 1, 2015



 Greta Ramelli and Vanessa Marzullo



“We Greta Ramelli and Vanessa Marzullo. We implore our government and their brokers bring us back home before Christmas. We are in great danger and can be killed. The our government and the mediators are

responsible for our lives. ” This translation of the brief video dated December 17 but released yesterday, December 31, which depicts the two Italian aid workers kidnapped in Syria and of which you have no news from the July 31, 2014.

In the video, which would seem authentic, of which, however, has not yet been established that originality, shows for 23 seconds the girls who ask, in fact, the intervention of the government for their salvation.

Greta and Vanessa in the video dressed in black, holding a sign in his hand and appear in good condition. The two, unlike the news spread that initially saw prisoners Isis, would be held hostage by al-Qaeda’s front Jubath al-Nusra Front.


Italian kidnapped in Syria: YouTube video with the two girls – BBC

Italian kidnapped in Syria: YouTube video with the two girls – BBC

Milan , December 31, 2014 – 22:56


Greta Ramelli and Vanessa Marzullo, the two Italian aid workers kidnapped in late July in Syria, appeared in a video posted on YouTube. A short movie – just 23 seconds – registered in mid-December. One of the girls is holding a ticket that says 17.12.14, the other reads a text: “We Greta Ramelli and Vanessa Marzullo, we beseech our government and its mediators to bring us back home before Christmas. We are in grave danger and could be killed. The government and the mediators are responsible for our lives. ”

shadow carousel

Syria, who are the Italian volunteers kidnapped



It is not clear why the video is released only now. Maybe it was previously sent to the mediators and the Italian government, so it was posted on the Internet. According to some sources, the girls would be in the hands of a core of the Nusra Front, a movement inspired by Al Qaeda, but on this point there is no confirmation. And besides, there have never been public claims of the seizure. So the “signature” is all to ascertain. Vanessa, 21, and Greta, 20 years, they had gone to Syria for a humanitarian mission to help the people of Aleppo. Their action within the “My freedom” was abruptly truncated by the seizure by commandos. The girls would end in a trap set by a group of rebel-raiders. It is also assumed that they had been sold to another faction, fairly common practice in hell Syrian. Details to be verified in a situation where you need the utmost caution.

December 31, 2014 | 22:56



San Silvestro in the snow for Renzi (waiting Napolitano) – BBC

San Silvestro in the snow for Renzi (waiting Napolitano) – BBC

Milan , December 31, 2014 – 11:22


The President of the Council, Matteo Renzi, spends in the shadow of Mont Blanc on the last day of 2014. With his family arrived Tuesday evening in Curmayeur for a short ski vacation. Elsewhere ‘trendy’, in short, after last August had chosen Forte dei Marmi for its summer break.

shadow carousel


Renzi skiing in Courmayeur


Ski day

In the morning Renzi came out to driving a car at 10 around the barracks Perennials of alpine training center, where he resides, and headed to the cable car that will take him on the ski slopes of the resort of Mont Blanc. Accompanying him, among others, also some ski Aosta Valley.

Waiting Napolitano

Free of institutional commitments, the head of government spending thus far from Rome the year-end break, waiting to hear the message tonight Italians of the President of the Republic. During the year-end press conference at Palazzo Chigi, Renzi had declined to answer questions from reporters on the succession to the Quirinale, taking refuge behind a ritual phrase that Napolitano will decide when to resign themselves and only then can begin to think about the new tenant del Colle. The head of state has hinted that he will not resign before the formal closure of the Italian Presidency of the EU and, therefore, with the handover scheduled for January 13. But in his speech this evening should refer to the end of his experience at the helm of the nation explaining Italians that this will be his last New Year message. And then the games for the succession will actually open.

shadow carousel


The summer holidays of Renzi all sports


December 31, 2014 | 11:22



Ferry on fire, no news of 98 castaways of Norman … – TGCOM

Ferry on fire, no news of 98 castaways of Norman … – TGCOM

– The prosecutor of Bari, Joseph Volpe, said that in the tragic accident of the Atlantic Nroman “There are 98 people of which there is no news.” Tugs Company brindisina Barretta are meanwhile managed to hook the ferry, but the wreck, due to bad weather, will be temporarily towed behind the bay of Vlora waiting to be brought to Brindisi.

Two Neapolitans dead and one missing – were formally recognized the two drivers Neapolitan Michele Liccardi of 32 years and John Rinaldi of 34 years victims of the sinking of Norman Atlantic. Also recognized the Georgian priest. The relatives of the third Campanian dispersed, the 57 year old Carmine Balzano, have instead recognized their dear. The wife appeals: “My husband is in Albania, look there.”

38 castaways landed in Taranto – I landed at the port of Taranto from merchant “Aby Jeannette” 38 castaways. At their arrival were also the mayor of Taranto, Ippazio Stefano, the prefect, Umberto Driven, the president of the Port Authority, Sergio Prete and the commissioner, Enzo Mangini. The castaways, all in good condition, but three men with minor injuries were transported by bus in the headquarters of the Port

Authority to be refreshed.

Plane with 105 Greeks landed in Athens – A plane with 105 Greek ship Norman Atlantic, from Brindisi, instead landed at the international airport Eleftherios Venizelos in Athens.

Commander interrogated for 5 hours at Bari – Responded for five and a half hours to the questions of the prosecutor Ettore Cardinals and officers of the Port of Bari, the commander of the Norman Atlantic, Argilio Giacomazzi, who arrived last night in Brindisi on board the ship San Giorgio. Giacomazzi is accused of manslaughter shipwreck, multiple manslaughter and negligent injury

Norman atlantic
Joseph Volpe
Argilio Giacomazzi

Normana Atlantic, the commander: “I have nothing to rimproverami … – The Messenger

Normana Atlantic, the commander: "I have nothing to rimproverami … – The Messenger

“I have nothing to rimproverami. Safety procedures have all been met. When the fire broke out, I triggered alarm in the time and manner provided for by regulation. ‘ Argilio Giacomazzi, the commander of the Norman Atlantic, soon after his discharge from the ship San Giorgio in Brindisi was brought to the harbor master of Bari, where he was heard by the second of the night at 7 this morning.

A marathon which the Attorney Cardinals wanted to reconstruct, hour by hour, what has happened on the ferry. Giacomazzi is under investigation for manslaughter shipwreck, multiple manslaughter and negligent injury serious. Why, asked the judge, many castaways claim not to have heard the alarm? Giacomazzi responded with pique every question, arguing that, as far as possible in such a dramatic situation, the emergency measures have worked. “From the moment we realized at the time of the fire in which it was given the alarm has passed a handful of minutes – said the captain Giacomazzi – I think that the survivors have heard the alarm.”

The testimonies of many passengers, however, are

very critical on the organization of emergency management on board the Norman Atlantic. Tonight on San Giorgio, before landing, were heard dozens of them by the judge of Bari. The interrogations but are continuing even now, in the lobby of the hotel where they were accommodated travelers in Brindisi covered by snow.

The police in Brindisi, as delegated by the prosecutor in Bari, have collected the statements not only about what happened inside the ferry, but also upon boarding on checks of documents. Many survivors have told the police: the alarm was not heard, the distribution of life jackets was chaotic, we almost died for the disorganization.


“Since we no veto for the Hill but it is not an internal affair of the Democratic Party” – BBC

"Since we no veto for the Hill but it is not an internal affair of the Democratic Party" – BBC

Milan , December 31, 2014 – 8:53


ROME Minister Alfano, but Ncd has a candidate for the presidency of Republic?
“We – responds Angelino Alfano, Interior Minister and leader of the new center-right – we have neither names nor do veto. Italy needs a leadership that knows how to represent all delicate and perform the functions that the Constitution assigns. Remember, just as an example, that the head of state chairs the Higher Judicial Council, the Supreme Council of Defense, appoints ministers, promulgates laws, dissolve the Chambers, converses constantly with the government. This is enough to say that this is not a “job” for people outside the institutions. No need then to go in search of women and men, although the curriculum illustrious, have no confidence in the institutions, because in our Republic the President is not an honorary position. ”

By what method should be identified?
“Certainly not making an issue of the party. It is clear that the Democratic Party has a numerical strength in Parliament justifying legitimate aspirations, but I do not think at this time serve Spillino candidates with the party. ”

Are you saying that the next president of the Republic should not be the Democratic Party?
“The Democratic Party, for the election results that had, could not accept and even merit a veto. It is equally true, however, that the presidential candidate does not decide at the meeting of the Democratic Party congress. It will be necessary that there is a preventive work to identify a personality that can be voted on by the Democratic Party and the main forces of the center. ”

It has already spoken with the prime minister, Matteo Renzi?
“No. We have a new president in office and therefore is not the time. ”

And with Silvio Berlusconi? It is true that is seeking an agreement with the leader of Forza Italy on this game?
“There is no stage began research agreement, but I think that the natural forces of moderation and that are part of the EPP, the European People’s Party, should consult and seek a common path.”

Berlusconi has proposed a name, that of former president Minister Giuliano Amato. The would be

“I repeat, I have no names to offer and do it now is to risk burning them. When the time comes, will need to open a consultation between the political forces to find a personality that does not have skeletons in the closet, which has institutional experience and possibly is not too much in later years, to give some coherence to the rejuvenation of the Republic which is triggered by the last government. ”

In the meantime, you will be dealing with the electoral law. It must be approved by January, says Renzi. Do you agree?
“We came into this government to accelerate change. We will not obstacles. As the Jobs Act, Ncd not brake, but rather calls for more than the Democratic Party can give. ”

Ncd asks, however, a safeguard clause so that the use of early voting can not take place before 2016. Before we approve the law, replica Renzi .
“We do not ask a safeguard clause, but of common sense. The electoral law that we are approving is true for a single room and so of course we have to find a time, until the middle of 2016, within which to approve the constitutional reform that clears the Senate, in 2015, and play in the spring of 2016 the referendum. Only then can use the new electoral law, provided that the objective is to get to the natural expiration of the legislature in 2018. If we were not able to make the constitutional reform or the citizens have rejected the referendum, then you can decide that the electoral law applies to both Houses.
This clause is common sense that we think should be included in the body of the electoral law that we are discussing. Then when you insert it would evaluate the premier with the parliamentary groups. I would not hang me on a date which could become subject of controversy and undermine relations of trust, while it is just to implement commitments made. ”

Minister, is in favor of extending the rules of the Jobs Act public workers?
“We hope that public and private work, for reasons of efficiency and equity, are approved. This also applies to apprenticeship, forward contracts, good industrial relations, which also means unlocking the turnover for the young. All this taking into account some specificities of the civil service and entry to the competition. The aim is also to ensure public employees a merit system, without giving the impression of punitive measures for all just because there are some who do craft loafers. ”

December 31, 2014 | 08:53



The prime minister feared state employees – Italy Today

The prime minister feared state employees – Italy Today

On the “controversy” about the favorable treatment that state employees would receive from the Jobs Act, which currently does not include them among the categories licensable for disciplinary reasons, the government gave a modest performance. Especially because it was understood that Renzi goes its own even compared to the two ministers of reference, that of work Poletti and Public Administration Madia. We prefer to take all the good opening of the premier to the possibility that the parliament, in the reform of public administration, the examination at the end of February, you can find a way to remedy this asymmetry.

But the incident, one thing though the shows, even the repeats because it was already clear that the executive, and his boss, have as an awe of the apparatus of public employees, I almost feared retaliation. They are slaves of the Directorates General of the ministries, which expose the government to skinny figures as the one made by the poor Morando in the last phase of the debate on the law of stability, with the lyrics wrong that he did not know how to correct; and, it seems, are slaves of the unions that always defend even the peladroni.

Otherwise, you do not understand how was not realized precisely the labor reform to score a first point is not “against” category the state – there are many who do their job very well and are often underpaid – but precisely against the many pelandroni you thrive.

An example aureus is precisely the theme of the management of the labor market, with the gross inefficiency of the employment centers. Today, replace a worker costs the State 13 000 euro: ie, the annual cost of more than 8,000 employees of the Centres, divided the small number of workers relocated every year on the market through this channel, is just 13 000 euro: a disproportionate amount, equal what a great company to pay a “headhunter” to select a very important leader of the front line. One of the many follies that no “spending review” has so far failed to even the

slightest dent.

He’s talked to “The Room of the buttons” broadcast on Class CNBC, the data is of Confindustria ( direct scarce public sources, who knows why) and quoted the general manager of Assolombarda Michele Angelo Verna. Are these inefficiencies system that weaken any jobs act and that the government Renzi, for now, has carefully avoided making arrangements. Just one of many signs of a kind of helplessness, almost taboo, against the state.

I do not pay for not having included civil servants as part of effectiveness of the new rules of the Jobs Act, for which the state remain a caste of untouchables, not licensable whatever they do, with obvious asymmetry of legal treatment between citizens, exposed to an easy action for unconstitutional; I do not pay not to have found a solution forced (not bloody but serious) for the relocation of 20 000 former employees of the 100 Italian provinces formally dissolved but substantially intact; Renzi now simulates, with the Jobs Act, a decisive intervention in the labor market, introducing the contract to protect the growing and very limiting the usability of the old contracts, but it fails to address thinning the intersection between demand and supply of labor , which is in fact entrusted to the employment centers, facilities that are clearly not combine anything.

The fearsome result is that companies suffer new limits on the use of forward contracts much more than will function to the benefit of the liberalization of layoffs and hiring incentives made with the new contract to protect growing. Damage rather than a help.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Norman: 3 Italians among the victims, yellow on the missing – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

Norman: 3 Italians among the victims, yellow on the missing – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

06:45 December 31, 2014

(AGI) – Rome, Dec. 31 . – There are also three Italians among the 11 confirmed victims of the disaster of the Norman Atlantic. And waiting to clarify the yellow of the missing, or how many passengers – including any illegal – are missing, the budget indirectly attributable to the accident is aggravated by the death of two workers Albanians, to work on a tugboat: to kill and ‘state a steel cable that were trying to refloat the ferry on fire. Our countrymen, two on the list of the deceased and a third that of the missing are John Rinaldi, 34, and Michael Liccardo, 32, whose bodies are already ‘been recognized by family members in a first comparison photo, and John Balzano , 55: all three were working as drivers for “Eurofish”, a firm of fish products of Volla. Had traveled to Greece in recent days to take a load of eels. Balzano, married and father of three children, lives in Naples, was unemployed and had obtained from “ ;Eurofish” a contract for one month; Rinaldi was born in Torre del Greek, but lived in Sirignano, in Irpinia, with his wife and two children; Liccardo was Villaricca and had two sons. The three were able to get on a lifeboat but ‘and’ reversed: they would die of hypothermia at sea. With the hours instead grows in Rocca di Capri Leone, in Messina, the anguish Joseph Mancuso, the truck driver of 57 years who was on the ferry and that you do not have some news: the last contact with the family dates back to Sunday morning when he called home by communicating the fire that broke out on board and was asking to be quiet. Ship San Giorgio Navy, identified and recovered the eleventh corpse, and ‘arriving in Brindisi with over 200 shipwrecks.
Yesterday, it was the prosecutor in Bari, Joseph Volpe, to confirm the doubts that still exist on true extent of the disaster. The rescued are officially 427, including crew members and passengers (44 in all Italian s) but according to a reliable estimate on board the Norman Atlantic there were 499 people.

“From this number – said Volpe – and subtracting the number of confirmed dead and people remain saved 179 people we do not know the fate of these many, we hope most, if not all, have embarked on merchant and have provided relief to Greece. ” “Having been established – admitted the prosecutor – that the ship was carrying illegal immigrants also hidden in the holds, our fear and ‘that once recovered the wreck we will find more dead.” In terms of the investigation of responsibility ‘, the captain of the ferry, Argilio Giacomazzi, and the owner of the ship, Carlo Visentini, were recorded under investigation by the prosecutor of Bari with the offense of manslaughter shipwreck, manslaughter plural and unintentional injuries. Fox has confirmed that after a series of contacts with the attorney of Brindisi and Lecce and ‘agreeme nt was reached that the territorial jurisdiction of the investigation on the tragedy of the Atlantic and Norma’ judiciary Bari. The recovery of the wreck and ‘been appointed the company’ brindisina Barretta already ‘intervened with tugs in the area: ok got the autorita’ judicial Albanian, and ‘was arranged that the wreck is hooked and towed to Brindisi. Task made very difficult by the poor condition of the sea. From Tirana, where he ‘paid an official visit, the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi reiterated that “the rescue, and how to’ was conducted, in those conditions, and ‘was heroic. The causes? Sara’ the judiciary to do clarity “. The Prime Minister said to be close “with the prayers” to the families of the victims and announced plans to meet “in the coming days the helicopter pilot who for hours has been the cop with the ship on fire.”


The San Giorgio arrived in Brindisi Yellow on the missing, possibly more deaths – BBC

The San Giorgio arrived in Brindisi Yellow on the missing, possibly more deaths – BBC

Milan , December 30, 2014 – 8:36


shadow carousel


L? Arrival of 49 castaways saved in the port of Bari


The ship San Giorgio carrying about 212 shipwrecks and five victims has landed in Brindisi. The odyssey for these people saved from Norman Atlantic, is over with the embrace of relatives waiting for them at the port of Puglia. From Italian military ship has landed the captain of the ferry Argilio Giacomazzi with 22 crew members will be transferred to Bari for questioning by investigators conducting the investigation into the disaster occurred Sunday morning at 4:30, before the Albanian coast. Prepared blankets and first food to help the shipwrecked, just landed, were still questioned and identified.


” That ship – said a Greek woman just landed in Brindisi – was not totally adequate for carrying passengers. The alarm was raised in net delay, only when the flames had already reached the plans of passengers and on board there was the chaos. ” Many of the survivors complain of not having board assistance in the dramatic hours of the outbreak of the fire. “For 24 hours nobody even brought us a bottle of water,” says a man assisted by volunteers from 118.

The budget

It aggravates the meantime, the budget of the sinking of the ferry Norman Atlantic caught fire Sunday night : in addition to the 11 confirmed victims (three are definitely Italian) were killed two sailors Albanians who were aboard a tugboat engaged in rescue operations. The two were hit by a rope used to hang the ferry. Among the confirmed victims there are also three truckers Neapolitan , but only two of them would be recognized by relatives. A journey cursed them because for a delay in the delivery of the fish had missed the ferry who had booked and had embarked on Norman Atlantic. It is feared, however, the presence of other victims on the wreck, as explained by the chief prosecutor of Bari in the press conference. Wreck that will be inspected as soon as possible and will be towed to Brindisi.

shadow carousel


Norman Atlantic, the wreck seen close


Do not know the fate of 179 people, maybe direct Greece

According to the prosecutor Volpe, at the time of the incident there were about 499 people on board the ferry. “In addition to the 478 people on the list passengers have been identified three illegal immigrants, two Afghans and a Syrian one of which has already applied for asylum and an overbooking of 18 people. Of all these 179 people are still missing, but a good portion could be embarked on merchant intervened rescue. “Deducting confirmed dead and the people who are saved, only by the navy landmark well 214, and who has been landed in Puglia, 96 in total, with 39 that will land in Taranto between 12-14 hours are 179 people of which we do not know the fate, including many hope almost all boarded the merchant who provided relief to Greece, two units’

Bad weather prevents the return of the shipwrecked

The strong winds and rough seas made it impossible operations landing in the port of Manfredonia (Foggia) of 39 castaways,

who are on board the freighter “Aby Jeannette” of the Maltese flag, off the coast of Margherita di Savoia (Barletta Andria Trani). The castaways would have to be transported to the port of Manfredonia with Coast Guard patrol boats but because of the poor condition of the sea the ship was hijacked in Taranto and it is possible that the survivors have to wait still off an improvement sea ​​conditions. The merchant there are also two people with minor injuries.

Scattered four Italian truckers

The three truck drivers are dead Neapolitans, Giovanni Rinaldi, Carmine Balzano and Michele Licciardi. A quarter, a Messina, Giuseppe Mancuso there is no news and is dispersed . The bodies of two truckers Neapolitans, employees bell Eurofish, were recognized by relatives arrived in Bari. The men of the harbormaster showed pictures of the bodies to the families. Truckers bells would go up together on a lifeboat for early, staying for over an hour at the mercy of the waves. Hours of anguish for Giuseppe Mancuso, 57, a truck driver from Rock of Caprileone in Messina that after the last call to the family when the fire broke out as it is dissolved. Man is not, nor among the survivors nor among the confirmed victims. Mancuso has called his son, a councilor of the small town of Messina, at five in the morning on Sunday two days ago to say he was on a boat, alone. But from that moment there has been no news . The phone, by Sunday morning, is unattainable.

Resigned child, traced all the family

It was meanwhile resigned Monday night the little girl of five years, who was admitted to hospital Perrino in Brindisi last Sunday where he had spent the night alone and where she had arrived by helicopter in a state of hypothermia after being saved during the initial rescue operation. It has been tracked down his father who was also led him by helicopter to a medical facility of the Leccese. Identified the mother and sister who were aboard the merchant ship arrived Monday morning in Bari and on board of which were 49 shipwrecked ferry Norman Atlantic.

shadow carousel


Norman Atlantic, the rescue of shipwrecked


The investigation

There are three investigations initiated on shipwreck by prosecutors in Bari, Brindisi and Lecce. The files will be merged into one investigation in Bari under the leadership of Attorney Joseph Volpe. The commander of the Norman Atlantic, Argilio Giacomazzi, and the owner of the vessel Norman Atlantic, Carlo Visentin are investigated for the crimes of manslaughter shipwreck, multiple manslaughter and negligent injury by the prosecutor in Bari. The ship, meanwhile, was impounded and is currently the trailer from the company Brindisi Berretta, who has been appointed by the court. The ferry will be towed to Brindisi. “No one can take possession of the wreck without committing a criminal offense subject to prosecution,” said the prosecutor of Bari about the final destination of the Norman Atlantic impounded for rogatory with Albania: “The Navy has reported the presence of tugs Albanian officers shipowner. We asked the Albanian aut horities to ensure that this does not happen. ” There is still unclear how we developed the fire blacks garage and the question of the alarm since late .. This investigation will be acquired also the handsets private Shipwrecked ferry.

December 30, 2014 | 08:36



The Navy takes command of the ship carrying migrants to … – Rai News

The Navy takes command of the ship carrying migrants to … – Rai News

A ship off the coast of Corfu this morning sounded the alarm for the presence of armed men. On board there are hundreds of migrants, perhaps abandoned by smugglers who – according to some witnesses – were on the boat


Six men of the Harbour you fell on cargo ship protagonist of a yellow: adrift off the coast of Salento with many refugees abandoned by smugglers on board. The merchant ship Blue Sky M, flying the flag of Moldova, launched this morning off the coast of Corfu a sos for the presence of armed men on board.

The military of the Harbour, arrived on board the ship with two

helicopters, took control of the boat, a few miles from the coast of Salento. The cargo was in danger of crashing against the rocks between Otranto and Santa Maria di Leuca. The controls had been tampered with by the smugglers before fleeing, leaving the merchant adrift.

The number of immigrants with cargo on board is heading towards the port of Gallipoli. The authorities speak of about 600 migrants likely Syrian nationality, including women and children. The Navy sent a tugboat in the waters of Gallipoli party from Taranto that would tow the ship to the docks of the port city of Salento.

The Mayor of Gallipoli, Francesco Errico, has set up the crisis unit which is taking steps to coordinate relief efforts. The City has made available an entire school building and requested the support of civil protection and health authorities. The arrival at the destination of the cargo is expected around midnight.


Greece, sos from ship off the coast of Corfu 600 migrants abandoned the … – BBC

Greece, sos from ship off the coast of Corfu 600 migrants abandoned the … – BBC

Milan , December 30, 2014 – 12:54


A cargo ship off the coast of Corfu, in the Ionian Sea, flying the flag of Moldova, sounded the alarm for alleged armed men on board. The SOS was given by someone who is on the ship. According to the state broadcaster New Hellenic Radio, Internet and Television would be involved “illegal immigrants.” Now the Blue Sky M (the name of the cargo) is heading to the coast of Salento, as confirmed by the harbor master of Gallipoli. Initially it was direct in Croatia.

Abandoned by smugglers

Aboard boat, which was sailing near the island of Othonoi, northwest of Corfu, there would be 600 migrants, Syrian national. Men as reported by the general command of the Coast Guard would be of Syrian nationality and were abandoned by smugglers. The weather condition, they know the Greek authorities, are adverse. The wind is blowing in at 49 km / h and the sea is rough. According to reports in the Greek media, the Merchant Marine Ministry in Athens was informed SOS by the Italian authorities. From Corfu were sent two

helicopters of the Greek Coast Guard. Also coming a frigate that was in the area.

The change of direction, without passengers water food and blankets

After a few hours the ship changed course and headed for Italy (initially was directed in Croatia). To confirm the report also ANSA Italian sources. Admiral Nikolaos Patrinos, head of the Coast Guard says that a call from a passenger has gone back to the position of the vessel 10 miles from Corfu. “We’re trying to locate the ship and to understand what are the vessels in the vicinity.” Patrinos added that the passengers would be “without water, food and blankets.” Another member of the Coast Guard, however, specified that the ship’s captain, contacted, said he did not need help and that the boat is in no danger.

In the same air of Norman Atlantic

The warning comes two days after the fire of Norman Atlantic, which required a massive relief operation, in spite of which at least ten passengers died, still uncertain how many of the missing.

December 30, 2014 | 12:54



Norman Atlantic, the dead rose to 11. Three Italians – The Messenger

Norman Atlantic, the dead rose to 11. Three Italians – The Messenger

I am under investigation for multiple murder and culpable wreck the captain and the owner of Norman Atlantic, the ferry caught fire off the coast of Albania. Rose to 11 dead, including three Italians, while 427sono people saved. But it is yellow on the missing: 38 seconds Greece.

Three truckers partenopei – according to reports – have died in the terrible fire of the ship. The three truck drivers were employees of the firm Eurofish. To recognize the bodies of the family members. The three Neapolitans were carrying out a transport of fish for New Year’s Eve dinners. These are their names: John Rinaldi 34 years, 55 years and Carmine Balzano Michele Liccardi 32 years all married and with children. The three Neapolitans were employees of the company EuroFish whose director, Pietro Avolio, is also president of the consortium Neapolitan fish. The victims are working at the headquarters of the Mugnano Eurofish, companies based in Naples, Volla, Mugnano and Spain.

Men’s Master showed relatives of transporters photos of two bodies recovered a short distance from the ferry. The three truck drivers of EuroFish transporting products regularly on the route Igoumenitsa-Bari on board the ferry company SuperFast. In this case, however, used the Norman starting from Igoumenitsa, arriving in Ancona to logistical issues. The three had left by plane 26 with destination Igoumenitsa, there they found the truck, took the goods (a load of eels) and headed to the port to board the ferry. The arrival was planned for 28 to Ancona.

The three have died from hypothermia. After the fire the three have called Avolio (company president EuroFish) by raft. Would in fact been among the first to escape from the ship. Because of the rough sea the boat rolled over, making the three end up in the sea; shortly after the death ipotemia. This is the most reliable reconstruction of the facts. On the phone with the three Avolio told with words of dread those moments. Shortly after the tragedy.

Two more dead. Meanwhile, the medical team of the ship San Giorgio Navy intervened in an accident on the tug Iliria, involved in towing the ferry Norman Atlantic. When towing wire breakage of trailer hit two sailors Albanians. Both died.

The ship San Giorgio , where they were rescued about 180 castaways of Norman Atlantic,

 is still in the vicinity of the ferry fails and then slide his arrival in the port of Brindisi that was scheduled in the morning. The ferry Norman Atlantic, however, would currently be towed by a vessel toward Albanian Vlora. At the following ferry Norman Atlantic proceeding towards Vlora there are also tugs Italian family brindisina Barretta. The latter has been delegated by the prosecutor in Bari, as auxiliary police, to execute the seizure of the ship and to deal with the judicial custody of the vessel. The guardian appointed Francesco would Barretta.

The bodies of the victims will be brought to Bari. The commander Argilio Giacomazzi left the ferry after left alone on board along with four officers of the navy. 8 Recovered bodies of the 10 confirmed dead, 2 others, informs a tweet of the Navy, are still on the wreck. 38 others shipwrecked ferry Norman Atlantic are expected in the morning at the port of Manfredonia (Foggia).

does not add up. “I do not pronounce on the issue of the missing: to forecast the number seems absolutely premature,” said the ministers Wolves and Pinotti at the press conference. “The point is uncertain if anyone in the agitated to launching the boat, has fallen into the sea. By way of precaution we moved starting from the official list. Gradually, as we proceeded in the relief effort went honing names saved comparing them with the list of boarding we got a clear picture “.But in the ship there were a dozen illegal Afghans, three deui which save on San Giorgio. Among the 427 saved There are 56 crew members, including 22 Italians. Among the passengers, 234 Greeks, 54 Turks, 22 Italians, 22 Albanians, 18 Germans, 10 Swiss and then other nationalities.

“Many people unfortunately fell overboard. I have also seen a dozen people who were on board a boat which then ended up in the sea and do not know what happened to them, “said one witness. “We heard yelling” fire, fire “, the fire and the fire in five minutes – says the man – the whole ship was on fire. It was dark and there was a lot of smoke. There was little to be done: many people fainted, we were isolated. ” The man would have to go to Rome, where he would spend the New Year together with friends.

The flames are matches from the garage of the ship . “We’ll burn like rats, we are in danger and do not know how we will

resist,” is the dramatic story of who is still on the deck of the ship. The nightmare begins at 4:30 am about twenty miles off the coast of Albania: the ferry, owned by the shipping company Visemar navigation, had departed from Patras and, after a stop in Igoumenitsa, was expected in Ancona at 17 Sunday.

The victims. Georgios Doulis died while trying to reach a lifeboat. His body was recovered and transferred to a patrol boat in Brindisi where they were taken even more seriously wounded four, two who were on board the ship, a Navy Rescue swimmer and a soldier of the Harbour. On the corpse arrived in Brindisi is however a yellow.

The Norman Atlantic , which can accommodate up to 836 passengers and 250 cars, was chartered in December by the Greek company Anek Lines to replace the ship Ellenic Spirit, currently under maintenance, for connecting Venice-Igoumenitsa-Patras: the contract will be completed in mid-January. What has sparked the flames will be investigations to clarify; perhaps a short circuit, possibly a problem in one of the 128 truck in the garage, some loads of oil.

“Ship overloaded ‘. Some truckers ferry was overloaded and the “top heavy vehicles was friction with the garage ceiling, it may be that a spark is started from there.” It will always be an investigation to clarify whether there were deficiencies with the doors: inspection carried out 10 days ago by the International Paris Mou had shown a “failure” of the structures that need to prevent a fire from spreading. But the owner of the ship, Carlo Visentini, denies “the problem was but it was quickly resolved. The ferry was fully functioning. “

The fire. The fact is that the fire has spread very quickly reaching the upper decks. The ferry immediately became unmanageable and the commander said abandonment. Despite this edge have managed to drop one lifeboat, which were put in unless forty people. The crew would also be able to contain the fire to the bridge 5, but the high temperatures and above the thick smoke are likely to transform the ferry in a steel coffin for hundreds of people.

L ‘investigation. Open three investigations by the prosecutor in Bari, Lecce and that of Brindisi, culpable for the sinking. The prosecutor of Bari, Giuseppe Volpe explained that it is a first configuration of crime. Fox stated that ‘you are acquiring the first technical listening shipwrecked and rescuers “and then it will be evaluated with the prosecutor in Lecce” the final configuration of the offense and the local jurisdiction. “

The wreck . The Visemar Navigation, shipping company of Norman Atlantic, instructed the Dutch company Smit, specializing in rescue naval operations for the recovery of the wreck which lies a few miles from the Italian coast.

The shipowner: certain efficiency ship . “The company is confident in the work of the investigative authorities – said the owner Carlo Visentini – that will have to find the exact cause of the accident, but it is certain the full efficiency of the ship, a ship of recent construction, with all the necessary certifications to operate ». So Admiral Carlone to P.Chigi: “The ship was inspected December 19 in Patras: 6 deficiencies were found of which 2 immediately resolved” and still “no relevance” in the fire. “For the other four had been prescribed the solution in 14 days. The ship was fully efficient, met all the requirements. “

Relief difficult. To make it even more difficult relief efforts, coordinated by Italy, the conditions prohibitive weather. Throughout the morning of Sunday, the sea force 7-8 waves raised by more than five meters, making it impossible to approach maneuver the ship in flames. In the afternoon the conditions improved slightly but the wind of 35-40 knots and poor visibility forced rescuers to operate only with helicopters. The aircraft of the Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard Italian, all day so have been commuting between the ferry and the ships in the area: the Italian, Greek and Albanian ones and merchant hijacked in the area.


Renzi: “We have the numbers to the Quirinale. Slackers at home also … – The Messenger

Renzi: "We have the numbers to the Quirinale. Slackers at home also … – The Messenger

End press conference year long, conversational, full of jokes, much in defense of what was done or made on site by the government, that of Matteo Renzi that, granted the meager results of the GDP in 2014 (-0.4), confirming ‘rhythm ‘as’ keyword of 2015 to give the sense of change and the urgent need to do everything to Italy to resume its role in the world. ” First target reforms, “without which we leave,” but that is not enough: “We must – said the prime minister – a paradigm change at the EU level.” The plan Junker “is a first step but it is not enough,” there is half – said the prime minister – the deduction of investments from the Stability Pact: “And ‘one of our historic battle, the Italian Presidency of the principle was affirmed but it was declined. We’ll see if the request is accepted by the Commission. ” “Time will tell,” Renzi adds that, however, is confident that “Italy will do it without a doubt. There is a moral commitment, and if we fail – says the prime minister – the blame will be all mine. No alibi. “


 Forced to defend themselves without enthusiasm by a string of questions on the Quirinal, Renzi succinctly states that “when Napolitano decides to leave, there are numbers to elect a successor.” Unconcerned by ‘holding parliamentary “the secretary of the Democratic Party claims to” be in the conditions, when the time comes, to express a name around which clots the majority required by the Constitution and the affection of the Italians. ” The vote for the Hill is still considered the premier “of great importance and institutional importance, but not political. It is not a vote of confidence on the majority. “

Hence the consideration that, even in the face of an election result of a tense and prolonged confrontation between the political forces, will not be returning to the polls on predictable corollary: “Go to the elections would agree with me, not Italy.” Says Renzi, who then act on jobs is more generous with information on the Quirinal and, in fact, reveals that to remove the provision on public employees by law was him personally, and not because “I do not think that the system of public

employment is not needs to be changed, “but because” there was no point in inserting a provision that deals with another. ” Will reform Madia – adds – to deal in February or March of the public sector, on which the prime minister has specific ideas and strict: “My idea is that those who make mistakes even in public pay. For those who do not work well because it is not put in the position to do so, it is the responsibility of the leaders , but so-called slackers are sent home. E ‘right to dismiss those who, in the public administration, is absentee or steal. ” From PA corruption, these days, is a short step. And Renzi remembers asking an increase in penis: “You must return the stolen goods, whole and not in part. The discounts are made at the supermarket, not the corrupt. “

Defense a sword also the election law:” And ‘serious and ensures governability. ” As for the “safeguard clause” to make it go into effect in 2016, “just put it at the end, otherwise it seems that you do not want to make the law.” The 15 000 amendments announced? “We are experts in” kangaroos “to neutralize” the answer to that Renzi, in this regard, recommends to the League Calderoli, “expert in election laws – the last one that did was the” crap “- to rest a bit ‘this round ». Who, however, according to the prime minister, can not be encouraged to keep aside, both on reforms that in the match for the Hill, is Silvio Berlusconi: “And ‘completely physiological and normal FI sit at the table for the election of the head State. Berlusconi, who has voted for several million Italians, was decisive in ’99 and 2013. And if anyone thinks that there is no Forza Italy B erlusconi, greetings. It ‘a hypothesis that can not come up with even the theorists girotondismo purest. “


Orenove / 2. Jobs Act, Renzi “dismisses” the drifters of the PA – ilVelino / AGV NEWS

Orenove / 2. Jobs Act, Renzi "dismisses" the drifters of the PA – ilVelino / AGV NEWS

” For me it’s created a system in the public sector so who pays wrong ‘. Sunday had opened to greater flexibility for the state from February to discuss the reform Madia; yesterday – writes PRINTING – in the traditional year-end press conference, the premier Renzi went further. Explaining that yes, the rules governing the public work will be on Parliament to intervene, but also offering his personal point of view: ‘My idea is that anyone who does not work well because they choose not to work well, the so-called slackers, it should mandate at home ‘. It motivates a backstory told in recent days by the newspapers: in the decrees of the Jobs Act dismissed by the Council of Ministers on 24 was originally a paragraph that expressly excluded from the measure of the state, then suppressed, as he unveiled Senator Pietro Ichino. ‘I suggested I remove the rule’, says Renzi, ‘made no sense insert it into a text that spea ks of another’. But the ability to intervene on public employees is fully open. (…) The point that appears most controversial is to identify the ‘economic and organizational reasons’ dismissal in the public sector. Just as there are

questions about which portfolio companies may be already included in the rules of the Jobs Act and which are not. It is the same Renzi to explain that it is said you have introduced the novelty of the private audience in exactly the same way: ‘If we decided not to provide for the poor performance (as grounds for dismissal, ed) for individuals, not to say that no one can predict the public ‘, where maybe you can imagine’ a greater role of judges versus private ‘. Reflections that are still postponed for a couple of months, when the law Madia, stops in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Senate will resume its path (after approval dell’Italicum). Although easier to predict outputs from P a will not be a walk (…) “.


Monday, December 29, 2014

Ferry on fire toll rises: 10 dead on Yellow Special … – TGCOM

Ferry on fire toll rises: 10 dead on Yellow Special … – TGCOM


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– Ten passengers dead, 427 saved, and the yellow of the missing. After 40 hours, the tragedy of the ferry Norman Atlantic traveling from Greece to Italy, does not have a certain and definitive conclusion. Salvi all 44 Italians on board, only good news of a shipwreck that has still obscure points: one on all the ship which was carrying other people who are not on the list of passengers. The premier Renzi “Avoided massacre”.

The weekly greek To Vima, considered among the most influential, has meanwhile released the number of missing 38 ,. And the Minister of Infrastructure Maurizio Lupi , during a press conference in Palazzo Chigi , was quick to point out that “making predictions about the number of missing, we also called the minister greek, it seems absolutely premature. The numbers are dancers. ” Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti confirmed: “We will continue to probe the sea to see if there were still missing.”

on the boat, adrift for several hours, c ‘ was more than a moment of Panic and rescuers had to deal with the turmoil of the castaways who huddled trying to be rescued first. The military brought before the children, women and the elderly to the level where they could go up helicopter – have told some survivors – but there were at least fifty men who beat and threw them out to take their place.

The gratitude to the rescuers who have worked tirelessly in a scenario very difficult, came today from the premier Matthew Renz over the year-end press conference. “An intervention so ‘full of passion, dedication and tenacity has prevented a real catastrophe,” he said, goes to them “my gratitude on behalf of all Italians. The work of our compatriots will render proud of tricolor and our common membership “.

The commander of the Norman Atlantic, Argilio Giacomazzi, was last on the ship, gives evidence of ‘seriousness’,” added the president of the Council. “It ‘was written a page interesting and beautiful of seriousness”, but it remains a page “dramatic for what happened and that fills my heart with sorrow for the victims.”

So while three prosecutors, Bari, Brindisi and Lecce are investigating what happened, the ship Norman Atlantice was placed under seizure while the commander Argilio Giacomazzi , and the owner of the ship, Carlo Visentini, are currently investigated for the crimes of shipwreck manslaughter, multiple manslaughter and negligent injury.

Norman atlantic
Matthew renzi


The burning of Norman Atlantic




State licensable with Jobs Act? Renzi: Parliament decides – TGCOM

State licensable with Jobs Act? Renzi: Parliament decides – TGCOM

– It ‘a tough battle going on between the government officials and the same majority that supports the applicability of the Jobs Act also to the state. In particular, the validity or otherwise of layoffs in the public sector also holding court. While ministers and Madia Poletti deny, Ncd and Civic Choice insist and promise to battle Rooms. Renzi does not exclude anything, “Parliament will decide”.

State licensable with Jobs Act? Renzi : Parliament decides

The prime minister in an interview with the Day- QN takes no position for the moment: “It will be the Parliament to rule on this point, raised by Ichino. There is case law in one direction and the other.” The controversy is in fact more important than the one raised by Senator of Civic Choice Pietro Ichino, the extension of the contract to increasing protections also to state, however, denied by the government. So far, the Jobs Act, says Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti, is in fact always been seen as a tool to encourage hiring in the private sector, pulling the ball exclusively business and never the state as employer.

Even Minister P. A. Marianna Madia has repeatedly denied a generalization of the rules. For the interpretation of this Ichino, according to which the absence of an explicit reference to the exclusion of state results in their involvement, has arrived completely surprising. Forcing the government (and the same Renzi through responsible economic Pd Filippo Taddei) to

constant clarification. Clarifications but not enough to Enrico Zanetti, Economy Undersecretary and fellow party Ichino, who puts on paper his irritation: “I find this quite frankly baffling weary of some ministers in denying the applicability ‘of the Jobs Act to public employment “he says pointing out that the duality with the private” will not stand. ”

Then there is the issue of collective redundancies. Unexpectedly, the decree provides that the rules on individual dismissals also apply to those of at least five workers. A rule that perhaps served to appease the most belligerent within the majority but who sent furious unions. Not only the CGIL, ready for new strikes and judicial appeals against the whole package, but also the far more cautious CISL. Just the former trade unionist Cesare Damiano promises his commitment, also inviting to appreciate what has been achieved so far.

Finally, the approval of the decrees of the Jobs Act in the Council of Ministers of 24 December has left many problems to solve, on which political parties and trade unions (but also members of the same government) announce already battle. The first game is played right on the new social safety net designed to absorb progressively earlier Aspi and mini-Aspi and retire the cig notwithstanding. The implementing decree was approved in fact “unless agreements”, ie in the absence of the SIAE stamp final State Accounting and identifying some of the shell.


Renzi: the norm on the state I removed me from the Jobs Act – The Press

Renzi: the norm on the state I removed me from the Jobs Act – The Press

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 Article taken from the edition on newsstands the day 12/30/2014 .


Renzi: the norm on the state I removed me from the Jobs Act


 “He will decide the text of Madia on pa.” “The Quirinale? We will have the necessary votes “

” For me it’s created a system in the public sector so who pays wrong. ” Sunday had opened to greater flexibility for the state from February to discuss the reform Madia; Yesterday, in the traditional year-end press conference, the premier Renzi went further. Explaining that yes, the rules governing the public work will be on Parliament to intervene, but also offering his personal point of view: “My idea is that anyone who does not work well because they choose not to work … more

 francesca schianchi

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“He will decide the text of Madia on pa.” “The Quirinale? We will have the necessary votes “

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Ferry on fire, the testimonies of the survivors – The XIX Century

Ferry on fire, the testimonies of the survivors – The XIX Century

 The ferry on fire in & # x2019; Adriatic

The ferry on fire in the Adriatic


Rome – originally were 478 people aboard the Norman Atlantic , the ferry went up in flames in the Adriatic, and not 466 as initially indicated. Already in the early hours of the emergency, some of them had already given the first dramatic testimony.

We hugged each other tight to try to keep warm. If you do end up drowned, die of cold, “he said on the phone with the Mega TV Channel a temporary Greek still on board the ferry on fire. It reports that children and elderly people were rescued by helicopter.

“The ship is tilted, we are in danger, will burn like rats , do not know how we will resist,” he told a castaway greek, Nikos Patheodosiou.

“We’re out on the deck, we are dying of cold and suffocate from the smoke, the fire spreads more and more,” is the story of another shipwrecked Greeks. Yorgos Stiliaras: “The floors are hot, people are shaking and coughing. Do not know if we’ll make it. “

” It looked like the Titanic ‘, said in broken English two teenage sisters of Greek nationality rescued and admitted to the hospital on Norman Atlantic Perrino in Brindisi. Their conditions are good but, like the other castaways rescued, are in shock and very scared. Soon will be discharged.

The Englishman, hands and face black smoke

It’s called Nick Channing-Williams, is a castaway Norman Atlantic ferry arrived safely at the base Air Force of Galashiels. Her face and hands blackened by the smoke but the smile is bright and to show gratitude to those who saved him we wanted to take a picture with the Air Force pilot Captain Paul Popes who worked in the rescue. Nick at home is a noted horseman.

The wife of a missing: “I saw him die,”

The wife tells of seeing him die after that, for four hours, hugging, holding hands, they had tried to escape. The son had gone to the hospital in Brindisi to recognize the corpse of his father, but has not been able to do. “It’s not him,” said a little ‘in Italian and some in greek. Georgios Doulis, 67, was returning from his land in Switzerland, Greece, where he had spent part of the Christmas holidays. That trip, ferry, going up the Adriatic, he had done on other occasions. At this time it is dispersed. But his wife Theodora, 56, admitted in the hospital in Galatina (Lecce), has lost hope: “I and my husband have been more than four hours in the water: I tried to save him but did not succeed, he told me “we die, we are dying. ‘” In tears, who is helping her get over the shock, also remembers some dramatic details, such as what, “my husband came out blood from the nose, perhaps because he had hit his head to the ship. At one point came a rescuer, tried to cut the plastic tarp that had been trapped and when my husband at the second attempt succeeded, he died in my arms. ” Labros, instead, crying but, even if it seems impossible now, still believes in a miracle. Because this morning had arrived safely in Brindisi of having to make a dramatic act, the worst of his young life: to recognize the corpse of his father. It, however, is out of the morgue a few moments later: “It is not my father,” he whispered to the representatives of the greek orthodox community of Brindisi and Lecce. In his heart, he still has hope.

The soprano: “There were people who beat the others to be rescued”

“I have witnessed dramatic scenes of panic and for hours I could not see the end of the nightmare, especially as darkness fell and the helicopters were slow to return. ” The greek soprano Dimitra Theodossiou, talking on the phone in a firm voice, while Lecce is reaching by car Rimini. Wants to return to the theater, where he hopes to sing in Nabucco, the theater of Rimini, as provided for the calendar of its commitments before boarding damned. “It was shocking – recalls the opera singer, yet proven – because the military brought before the children, women and the elderly to the level where they could go up in the helicopter, but there were at least fifty people, mostly Turks, Iraqis and Pakistanis, who beat them, pulling their hair and threw them out to take their place. I too was beaten and dragged, tried to pull me down the stairs, but I reacted strongly. I said: it’s up to us. ” Two of the most difficult moments in which Dimitr a Theodossiou had more fear: “The first time in the early morning, at five o’clock, when I saw the fire and heard the explosions; the second time at ten at night, when I was afraid of not being saved. From eight more helicopters did not arrive, and I was all ice. But then, in the end, we were taken away and were hospitalized in Scorrano. ” Hospital in Lecce, Dimitra spent the night of salvation and was subjected to checks before being discharged in the morning and be able to reach the house of friends.

The castaway greek: “No one told us anything,”

“No one gave the alarm, no communication,

no one told us what to do and where go. Alone we climbed and we wore life jackets. ” Tzonas Athanasios, 47-year old trader greek traveling with his family on the Atlantic Norman told the agitated moments of the sinking. You landed this morning in the port of Bari with his wife Natasha, 43-year old Canadian-born, and sons Sebastian and Dimitri of 14 and 11 years. They were headed to Germany for a vacation. “We will return to Greece today with the aircraft,” he said. Recounting the fire the 47-year old Corfu said: “Nn know what happened. We have not heard no explosion. We were sleeping and we heard voices of people talking in the corridors of a fire. I thought of a small fire and we’d be back to sleep but when we went upstairs we saw smoke and flames everywhere. Everyone was like crazy, panicked. We waited about an hour and a half before boarding the boats, around 5:30, and then after about four h ours we climbed the largest ship that brought us here. ”

The rescuer: “I pulled the strings from the hands”

He still sore eyes from smoking for eight hours spent aboard the ferry Norman Atlantic in flames but to weigh on him the most is having to choose who was to rise before helicopter and leave so that circle of hell. Fernando Rollo is the aereosoccorritore fell among the first, from a helicopter of the Air Force, to board the ferry to organize relief efforts. And to think that with his 54 years is on the verge of retirement. “But Renzi – jokes – I sends us.” “With each passing hour, the flames grew, the black smoke that gave no respite, water thrown by tugs on the ship and the dark advancing – adds – the ferry passengers were in panic.” “At that point – he continues – it has become difficult to adjust the climb to the helicopter. As soon as the basket or the winch on the bridge came down the desire to escape from the trap became stronger around a thousand hands and attacked the sling. ” “He stepped over each other, screaming and tearing hand the rope.” “To try to salvage, as it always does, before children, women, the elderly and the wounded – says Rollo – I screamed and threatened several times to leave the helicopter and leave them there.” “We are prepared for this type of relief but, say, that what has been among the hardest in which I participated.” “The difficulty – he explains – was also to keep as still as possible the helicopter, a HH139, which with the wind threatened to swing dangerously basket and harness while the survivors were taken on board. ” “As soon as the survivors arrived in front of the opening of ‘helicopter – says Shepherd – is arpionavano to handle and there was no way to remove them. It was the salvation and would not let go. ” “The most dramatic moment – adds the commander Laneve – is when the ship is tilted. Everyone then thought of ending up in the sea and the waves and the cold would not have saved anyone. From that moment it was the chaos which, thankfully, along with the preparation of the men of the Air, has taken over. “

A castaway: I saw four dead

“I saw four people dead, with my own eyes, I’m quite sure, were in front of me.” He told reporters a man of Turkish nationality, just come down from the merchant ship that brought him, along with 48 others shipwrecked ferry Norman Atlantic, in the port of Bari.

“On the spear – he said – we had four dead, two men and two women, I think, because you could not see well in the dark. ” “Many people – said the man – unfortunately fell overboard. I also saw a dozen people who were on board a boat which then ended up in the sea and do not know what happened to them. ”

“We could hear yelling fire, fire, fire, fire, and in five minutes – says the man – the whole ship was on fire. It was dark and there was a lot of smoke. There was little to be done: many people fainted, we were isolated. “

” I was trapped, “

” When I saw the fire I was near the restaurant. I went down to the lower level and are trapped by the flames. ” It is the short story of Leonidas Costantiniris, a truck driver who was on Norman greek Atlantic and that this morning arrived in Bari. The man has burns on his face and in particular on the soles of the feet.

is Costantiniris was among the first castaways who was sent down from the merchant that led him to Bari and transferred to hospital. His condition is not serious, said the coordinator of the operations room of 118 in Bari, Alexandros Charitos.

The most serious burns are those soles because when the man was trapped in the ship, the shoes, the contact with the floor glowing, they are liquefied. Along with him was taken to hospital a young Georgian woman pregnant.

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