Monday, December 22, 2014

Stability Law, who wins and who loses with the maneuver in 2015 – Il Sole 24 Ore

Stability Law, who wins and who loses with the maneuver in 2015 – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on December 23, 2014 at 07:06.

“We are not perfect, but we try to do things,” he said last Friday to agencies Premier Matteo Renzi, as the hours passed and the text of the maxi-amendment delayed to arrive. If the government is not perfect, what of his law Stability for 2015? Maneuver that cuts taxes, maneuver that stabilizes the bonus from 80 €, says the official version. Beyond the general judgment that often can only be given in a report, after having measured the actual effect of the different measures every law Stability has its winners and losers, “the day after”. Categories, subjects, lobby called to deal with more or less taxes, cut funds or appropriations, rules for or restrictive. The full picture is shown in these pages. Among the winners there are certainly beneficiaries of the bonus from 80 €, confirmed by the operation, even if in the end they lacked the resources for its extension.

Next to them there are 330 thousand beneficiaries of the baby bonus, which saw the reduction of the threshold for access to a Isee of EUR 25 thousand compared to 90 thousand Euros of revenue originally planned. Families raking in another year with the extension of the bonus on building renovations, energy savings and the purchase of furniture and appliances: all measures that will give a shot in the arm to two industrial sectors (construction and furnishing ) already hard hit by the crisis. Stop also to increases in the fee Rai and green Vat facilitated at 4% on ebook.

Of opposite sign, the exchange rate of the pellets, passing (in the protests) from 10 to 22 percent. Leave a little ‘bitter taste in the mouth, however, the application of the ordinary taxation to severance pay in advance paycheck: a measure inte nded to help families in distress or otherwise in need of money, he spent a levy heavy (see page 5) .

For businesses and self-employed, however, is decidedly positive IRAP tax relief on labor costs, which for years weighs on the competitiveness of Italian companies, although the effect from 2015 means that the effects of cash will not be immediate. Will start immediately, however, the elimination of the cut in rates IRAP, introduced last spring. Another measure to be discussed, the split payment, so in practice the suppliers of Pa will be paid net of VAT. Compared to the initial bill also not arrived special openings on the flat- rate regime for the self-employed and the mini-companies, intended to replace the lowest level since 2015 are the income limits initially envisaged including that of 15 thousand euro for professionals and adds an extra edge for those who, in addition to self-employment, also collects income from employment or retirement.



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