Friday, December 30, 2016

In 2016 offences, a decrease of 6% – Corriere della Sera

Also this year, in Milan, there is a decrease in crimes compared to last year, where he had already been reported a decrease. The combined total of the crimes to the 15th of December marks a 5.9% in going from 146.491 to 137.884. Similar data (-7,0%) for the province of Milan. This is what emerges from a traditional fiscal year-end of the Milan Police station. “The operation of Sesto San Giovanni has greatly motivated our staff,” said the questore of Milan, Antonio De Iesu, referring to the story of Anis Most, the alleged terrorist was killed in a firefight with the police on the 23rd of December last. An extraordinary operation, “precisely because the result of the ordinary activities”.

“Most had no accomplices in Milan”

And speaking of the terrorist, De Jesus reiterated: “The state of the investigation did not reveal any links to Anis § other possible accomplices or supporters in Milan or in the Milan area”. “I know that the fact that the truck started from the Milanese, and that the alleged terrorist is back in Milan may seem like the closing of a circle, but in reality it seems to be just a case”.

The “model Milano”

The goal for 2017 , said De Jesus, is “more machines and less cement”, rationalising and enhancing the resources in order to strengthen the control of the territory. “The statistics I’m passionate about,” he said to the commissioner, stating also that the decrease of 7% in the province it is more significant if one considers that it occurred in spite of the decrease of resources for the forces of law and order. After the year of the Expo, in fact, the expansion of the temporary is finished, and a lot of resources from Milan has been moved to Rome for the Jubilee. The commissioner spoke of Milan as “a virtuous model that should be exported” for the effectiveness of the synergy that exists between the police and between the police and the local public administration, “as did also notice the same minister yesterday”. “Milan is a model of coordination for the forces of law and order, he added, and th e control of the territory, and the crimes of the so-called predators, will be our core business also for the next year.”

The new year’s concert

The commissioner also explained the security measures for the “big concert” new year’s Eve in piazza Duomo. “We will have 40 agents in plain clothes in and around the city with your smartphone of the latest generation that use the Lte technology and that we will see live what happens in a certain place from our operations room. It is a technology that operates on the Telecom, she added, that activate only during large events, and thanks to an exclusive part of the transmission bandwidth allows us to have clear images without suffering from the overhead of the network”. Each opening for access to the area and cordoned it will see the presence of at least 6 representatives of the police with metal detector to prevent it from being introduced in the area of bottles, weapons or dangerous objects. Piazza Duomo is not the only area staffed: other ad hoc services for the new year are provided for example in the area of the Navigli a nd corso Como.

Most robberies in the pharmacy (and more arrests)

The 2017 will further increase the control on the territory, also for the prevention of offences predators and related crime is widespread. Theft and robbery, have already dropped respectively by 4.6 and 6.7 per cent, will reduce further, a particular attention will be given to robberies in the pharmacy, on which present conflicting data. If the 2015 to 2016 has gone from 114 to 175, the arrests of the perpetrators have increased their time: in 2015, ended up in handcuffs 85 people, in 2016, were 125, including some responsible for dozens of episodes.

scams for elderly

with regard To the abuse in the family, the commissioner has recalled the “innovative system”, with the Eva project, which allows for the arrest of the responsible persons in delicate terms. Another goal for 2017, already in 2016, is the reduction of the scams of the elderly: “these crimes Are particularly heinous,” said De Jesus, explaining that most that investigation serves that prevention and awareness. In the coming months, it will continue projects in collaboration with the local administration, to continue to inform citizens so more and more widespread.

Police: “the More visible presence on the streets”

the Traditional year-end meeting for the provincial commander of the carabinieri of Milan, colonel Canio Giuseppe La Gala. “In addition to the activities of the intelligence and control of the land is very important to increase the visible presence on the streets, which is one of the activities that we are increasing the maximum to give a message reassuring the people at this time,” said La Gala. “70% of the crimes in the territory of Milan and its province are being pursued by the police – he added -, this is a fact that makes us understand the commitment to which the Weapon is facing on a daily basis and for which has recently been awarded, through its station Commanders, from the prestigious Ambrogino d’oro”. Among the data released, there is that one of the requests of intervention to the operational centre of the Police: 75.960 the calls which have generated over 30 thousand operations and more than 5 thousand arre sts.

Sixteen murders, only two unresolved

more Than 1,400 have been the kg of cocaine seized, with 1740 crashes; 183 men ended up in handcuffs for abuse against women, an increase compared to 101 the previous year. Of the 16 murders recorded in the territory in 2016, 12 were followed by the police, and only two have to date remained unsolved. In addition to underline the commitment to the contrast of the scams to the elderly and to create conditions so that the citizens ‘ perception of safety, the commander, wanted to emphasize the potential dangers of the phenomenon of the binge drinking, and the “binges” of alcohol of fashion among the very young boys. “I don’t want to issue warnings, but to ask for greater responsibility and accountability to both adults and to young people themselves, we are available to go into schools,” he explained to The Gala, adding that in 2016, are in addition 38mila students encountered in the schools of the province d uring the projects of education to legality.

December 30, 2016 | 10:49



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