Reforms Renzi: chaos. Chiti proposes mediation. Hold on … Zanda – Nothing done, for now, in the conference of leaders of the Senate convened on the issue of reform. According to reports, the presidents of the groups have essentially reiterated the positions expressed here this morning, but it was decided to take a ‘pause for reflection’ of a couple of hours, until at 14.45, for a mature decision on the continuation of the work. At the moment you are in a meeting of the majority in the Senate, and a press conference is convened at 14 Sel.
The President of the Senate puts forward a mediation proposal – in accordance with reported by Loredana De Petris (Sel) – during the group leaders set aside the thorniest nodes (composition, election and powers of the Senate) and start the examination of the constitutional bill in Article 3, the senators appointed by the president. The aim is to give time for the mediation on Articles 1 and 2 of the text. However, the government says no
to the proposed start voting on constitutional bill in Article 3: “The logic is sequential, first, Articles 1 and 2.” So
Secretary Luciano Pizzetti to reporters that the challenge in the Senate. “I want to categorically deny that the critical are the government and the majority – said Pizzetti – because in committee and by the letter of the Prime Minister, the government has given ample signs” opening on reforms. “Yesterday we went to sleep with an agreement made” for the purpose of obstructionism, he says, “and we still do.”
Chaos in the Senate on the bill to reform the Constitution. Reduce the amendments, vote by August and first week of September to send the final vote were the contents of a mediation proposal advanced this morning to start the debate from the Democratic Party Senator, Vannino Chiti. An opening in the Senate debate on the new front in the name of ‘Frondeur’, launching a mediation on the timing of the reforms. But there is Sel (‘the stone guest is the covenant of the Nazarene’) and
dispute broke out with the Democratic Party . ‘There are conditions to mediate – says at that point Zanda – Who submitted 6 thousand amendments have not said to want to reduce. So we continue to work on schedule ‘. The Ok to Chiti had arrived from Fi and Ncd. No by the League and the M5s. At the end of the debate, the President of the Senate
Grasso has called “the team leaders immediately” to make a decision “on the continuation of the work” in the Hall. Work suspended until the end of the meeting.
Woods: Chiti ok but no to blackmail filibuster. “The government, as always, is helpful in finding additional meeting points” to change the constitutional bill but “can not be subjected to blackmail obstructionist, so I had seen as favorable to the proposal of Chiti” mediation. The minister says Maria Elena Woods in the Senate. “I think it is only right for government intervention to restore the reality – says Reforms Minister Maria Elena Woods, in taking the floor in the Senate – I think the attitude of the government in three and a half months in committee and the test proven willingness to find meeting points. Never has there been opposition of the government with the speakers and with the large majority which led to a text adopted in committee. Nowadays it is not to discuss the yes and no government but yes and not by a large majority that voted in committee that text, which at this point is no longer the basic text of the government. ” “Probably – adds Woods – not all of it will be possible to find a meeting point between the majority and the opposition, as is the case on all measures and in the democratic game. But it is unthinkable that a minority to state his case to the detriment of the majority.”
Cricket: we will go by the Parliament. “What are we are doing in Parliament? us to take the piss, to support a simulacrum of democracy while these make a shot State?’ll stay as long as you can “to prevent the coup” with the elimination of the Senate elective. ” If “will not let us choose, we’ll go.” This was written by Beppe Grillo’s Blog. “Better get out and talk to the people in the streets of Rome and Italy, agora do better every day among the people who hold the candle to the traitors of democracy and of the Fatherland. Them leave you alone to stir their laws and emerge among the citizens. Fresh air, “added the leader of the M5S Blog.
CRICKET LAUNCHES SURVEY – Beppe Grillo launched an online poll to ask the militants M5S to express themselves on the assumption of a manifestation of parliament against the bill on constitutional reforms. “Are you in favor of the Parliament to the streets to denounce the attempted coup d’état in place? Vote,” it said on the website of the comedian in a note entitled “Parliament Square”.
SPEAKERS – “If the conference of leaders is orientasse positive suggestions for advanced speakers we ask you to have a space to cultivate the depth of the issues that have divided the positions.” He says the rapporteur of the bill constitutional
Anna Finocchiaro in the Senate. “If you really manage to regain the ability to work physiologically we also affirm the principle that any changes to the text of the Committee ripen here in the House,” he adds. The rapporteur
Roberto Calderoni adds: “In the commission that I could not give my contribution because the numbers” of the majority were armored “and whatever could be changed only at the meeting. Plenary Now I’m not saying there should be constituent but a spirit of willingness on the part of all and especially the government.’m tired of weaving the cloth during the day and at night to see it unravel. “
THE DEBATE IN THE HALL ON REFORMS DDL – Proposal mediation of the senators ‘dissidents’ of the majority illustrated by Vannino Chiti in the Chamber of the Senate. “I present a proposal shared with colleagues who hold the majority,” he explains: reduce the amendments and “focus the discussion on the reform around major themes. Vote by August dozens of key amendments. Then the first week of September the statements and the final vote “. “We focus the comparison around major themes, which support the reform project: the method of election of senators, the number of deputies, immunity, the election of the President of the Republic and the guarantee institutions, the powers of the Senate some subjects, the referendum and the popular initiative laws, division of powers between State and Regions. “
Chiti replicates the leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate, Luigi Zanda :” I welcome than an indication of Chiti voting because “the articles of the bill on reforms” terminate on August 8. then if the final vote were to go to the earliest days of September would not call it a trauma., but “because it can be used” l ‘ agreement of all “groups of the Senate.
Ok Forza Italy but precise: the covenant of the Nazarene must not be scratched. ” I also say to the senators of my group “of withdraw the amendments obstructionist. “But not all the changes you asked Chiti will be accepted by the government, because there is the agreement of the Nazarene, which is the reference point that we should not or can scratch.” So Donato Bruno (FI) in saying yes to the mediation of its time.
Sacconi (Ncd): ok proposal Chiti, serves a broad consensus – “This proposal makes sense if it finds a wide consensus. ” The Ncd Maurizio Sacconi said the leader in the Senate, in welcoming the proposal to Vannino Chiti to reduce the number of amendments, the comparison only concentrate on some issues, and then postpone the final vote of the constitutional bill in September.
The Group To Italy welcomes the proposal for mediation. The group Popular for Italy “can not but welcome the proposal” mediation Vannino Chiti. He said the leader Lucio Romano in the Senate.
League instead get a “no”: “No deal, need real answers and then decide the route. In If not thank you and goodbye, we give up to make the holidays “. The League, with the team leader Gian Marco Hundred, says no to the proposed mediation of Chiti and asks guarantees: Renzi “sit down at the table to think” on the proposals of the League, is the request.
comes the voice of Cricket: open Renzi? The toys are already hard , says leaving the Hotel Forum in Rome speaking with reporters.
Boccia Chiti the leader of the Movement 5 Stars Vito Petrocelli: “Our 200 amendments do not move from here: we also work at night, you can not close on August 8, and postpone the vote until September.” “It scares the path that Zanda wants to impose. • Go to group leaders, we will defend the schedule. Reform will deal with our 200 amendments.”
Sel: available but without covenant limits the Nazarene. “extremely wide availability if you really want to enter into the merits and discuss changes, but it is interesting for us to grant one more week”, as proposed by Chiti, but understand from the government, “if you really want high mediations” . So Loredana De Petris (Sel), who points out: “The Stone Guest is the covenant of the Nazarene.”
Quagliariello: Renzi scheme exceeds pact Nazarene – “Senator De Petris right when he says that free debate in Parliament can not be bound by agreements outsiders “such as the Covenant of the Nazarene” but I like all the members of the majority Yesterday I received a letter “from the premier Matteo Renzi” which reads the unequivocal willingness to overcome the schematic exterior. should seize this opportunity the opposition. ” He says the senator and coordinator Ncd Quagliariello in the Senate.
At the end of the debate Senator Mario Mauro (PI) has proposed a stop of at least one couple of hours of the work of the House to give the opportunity for groups to make a reflection
and then convene a leaders to decide whether to accept the proposal of mediation with the withdrawal of the amendments and obstructive a new work schedule in the Senate. But
Zanda (Pd) replied: “It seems to me that the debate
Chiti conditions for a solution that seemed to me very successful, there are “. “Who has presented 6000 amendments did not say to want to reduce,” he says with reference to Sel, and then “we continue to work on schedule.”
League and Sel demanding the convocation the conference of leaders to discuss how to proceed on reforms. After Luigi Zanda (Pd) noted that the group leaders are useless because there are no conditions for mediation, Loredana De Petris (Sel) said: “I think it is rather useful to have a chance to figure out if there is the ‘intention to really do a job on the merits that will lead to good results. ” Gian Marco Hundred (League) has requested that the Minister Woods expresses a position in the classroom