Wednesday, June 17, 2015

School, Renzi: “To discuss and then vote” – TGCOM


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– Aut aut Matteo Renzi on the school bill. “Or the decision is a disaster as saying protesters. Or as we think it can be improved but it is the first reform after decades puts money on the school and gives educational continuity – in fact, the prime minister wrote on Facebook -. We discuss, but we do changes then we vote. Otherwise jumping investments “.

” Stop education cuts “ -” The Good School bill – says the post – provides one hundred thousand professors more, a different organization based on autonomy, more money for training and finally the merit in the evaluation. For the first time a government puts more money (many) about the school because it is strategic for us. Enough with the cuts to the school, we invest at last! “.

” Measure blocked in the Senate, a risk investment “ -” In many, however, objected to this provision – observes Renzi – asking for the withdrawal and saying it would destroy the public school. In the Senate accordingly the measure is blocked by thousands of amendments seeking to stopparne approval “.

” Now, one of two things. Or this measure is a disaster – he continues – as protesters. Or, as we think, it can be improved but it is the first measure after decades putting money on the school and returns educational continuity to our boys. We discuss, we make changes, but then we vote. Otherwise jump investments “.

” For new hires need a new organization “ -” Today someone mentions blackmail – said the prime minister – but the truth is very simple: you can take only and only if you change the organizational model. Give more teachers to schools requires institutional autonomy and a different organization. Otherwise the school becomes social safety net for temporary workers and educational service for our children and families. We hire the teachers to put them to work in a different organizational system (which explains the role of the principal, which can be discussed, but someone who decides in school autonomy takes. Or think of going ahead with the circular from Rome ?) “.

” With the bill, the school will have more resources and more staff “ -” A normal regime – continues the post – you take each year 20 thousand people. We invest on the school and plan to make 100 thousand. The precarious – that are three times as much – they would like to be hired and all of course you can not because you enter the school winning a competition otherwise. We have, ready for comparison since the next national conference on school. “

” If the bill approved in the House goes through in the Senate – said Renzi – the Italian school has more resources, more personal and it is stronger. Because after years of cuts finally there are those who invests in schools not in words, not in the convention. “

Speakers groups Senate:” Thinning number amendments “- Thinning the number the amendments to the bill to allow school approval quickly: this is the request that the rapporteurs of the bill in the Senate Education Commission, Francesca Puglisi (Pd) and Franco Conte (Ap), have turned to the opposition and the Democratic Party After the call came Tuesday from the President of the Council on the timing of the “good school” and the risk of a shift in hiring of temporary teachers.

School, the stop of Renzi

Henry Laurelli

Matthew renzi
Good school
Ddl school




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