Monday, July 28, 2014

Renzi writes a letter to senators: the estate of Italy depends on you – The Press

Renzi writes a letter to senators: the estate of Italy depends on you – The Press

on electoral law remains the preferences node. It is a referendum on immunity and

“From your resilience depends very much of the future of Italy. We are called to a great responsibility not to waste it. ” Matteo Renzi wrote a letter to the senators of the majority on institutional reforms. “Earlier this week so busy I feel the need to write to you that with your support and trust are guaranteed a majority in the government,” said the premier. “We are building a business. A legislature was born with the difficulties that can remind you to mark a turning point in the history of the Republic. The constitutional amendment that you’re discussing exceeds the perfect bicameralism, simplifies the legislative process, balances the relationship between State and Regions, abolishes the CNEL, a State draws most effective and easy-reads the letter-. A revolution of common sense in line with the main European constitutional experiences. You can agree or disagree with this reform: define authoritarian means, however, argue with reality. ” For Renzi, “such a measure alone could give the sense of an entire political experience. But for us to be just the beginning. ” The prime refers to the second reading of the electoral law in the Senate.

“And, in September, it starts with the program of the Thousand Days: the question of justice, reform of the third sector, the proxy tax, reform of the labor market, the infrastructure plan, the simplification of public administration, “says Renzi always. “Only structural reforms will allow us to be credible to use the flexibility needed to jump-start employment and growth. We have a thousand days to return Italy to do Italy. After each make their own choices in freedom and respect. But the days we face can not be thrown away. Do not we can afford us, if you can not afford Italians. ” Renzi urges senators to not throw away the next few days and continues: “We are experiencing a very delicate moment in particular as regards International: Ukraine, Syria and Iraq, the Middle East and the Holy Land for silencing of Libya for us Italians is the next problem. In this frame is on our shoulders the responsibility of making Italy and Europe places a possible dialogue that states the reasons of peace and hope. ”

The prime minister says: “The constitutional reform for which you are going to spend days and nights I fear, not only in the classroom is therefore the rewriting is shared with part of the opposition of the Basic Law, it is also the ‘beginning of a fascinating and difficult attempt to restore substance to the word hope. Of restoring dignity to the word politics. To restore honor to the word parliament. Because the path can begin with the approval of the constitutional reform is necessary then your hard work these days and I would like to thank you. ” The letter continues: “I know that it is your duty and indeed many of you are happy to break the deadlock in the first months of the legislature with an ambitious project.” Then, pointing out that it is “umuliante ‘discuss’ argument absurd” as the name for the House, the Prime Minister added: “We know many of you personally, then, I thought I’d just write informally and perhaps little official to tell you from the bottom of my heart in gratitude and friendship to wish you good luck. There are those who want to block everything. And there are those who want to change, starting with himself. From your resilience depends very much on the future of Italy. We are called to a great responsibility not to waste it. ”

And on the electoral law says: “We have agreed on the basic points: clearly the winner’s prize of majority proportionate principle of alternation , but the discussion of the Senate be able to tackle the nodes are still open: preferences, thresholds, like that. ” And while it is still on immunity and referendum.


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