Turin, July 30, 2014 – Day of Protest No Tav dawn in the territories affected by the construction of the high speed railway pass of the Third , including Genoa and Tortona. A group of protesters has gathered in Serravalle , with flags and banners, marched up to Libarna, where it was expected the first expropriation. Here dozens of protesters were faced with law enforcement , arranging themselves in front of deployed agents. There were a few tense minutes, when the cops drove with shields against demonstrators. Were launched tear gas. Eventually it flew a few push and the situation has not degenerated and is then returned to calm.
No Tav group subsequently resumed the march toward Arquata . A Moriassi Serravalle along the road in the forest have been set up barricades and small flags placed in the ground No Tav this morning were planned expropriation of some private land for enlargement of the construction site of the third pass. movement No Tav Third pass launched in recent days an appeal through the network should gather themselves together affinche No Tav also from other regions. On Saturday a delegation of the movement was present in the Susa Valley while driving No Tav the yard to Chiomonte.
The expropriation of the third pass, write the No Tav third pass on their body information online, are “a big buck, given the determination shown by the committees in preventing this from happening “. “To overcome the obstacle-explain – they offered to the owners up to five times the market price of their land and their homes to reach an amicable agreement and, mind you, they did so with public money that should be used to noblest purposes. “
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