Thursday, July 31, 2014

Senate Government beaten with a secret ballot Renzi: “It is a remake of … – The Press

Senate Government beaten with a secret ballot Renzi: "It is a remake of … – The Press


the amendment of the League: “Classroom authority on ethical issues.”
Pd in ​​alarm: “The return of the 101 that affossarono the election at the Quirinale»
Prime Minister speaks in the direction: “Among snipers that most other Pd »

complicates the course of the reform of the Senate. This morning, the government was defeated in the Senate on an amendment of the League. The House with 154 votes in favor, 147 against and 2 abstentions approved by secret ballot rule that assigns responsibilities to the Senate “on matters ethically sensitive”, on which the government and the majority had a negative opinion.


The amendment, signed by the League Senator Stephen CANDIANI assign the new Senate the opportunity to legislate on some subjects ‘ethically sensitive’ such as bio-will, marriage and civil rights. Prior to the vote in plenary, there was a heated debate on whether the secret vote on the amendment. In particular, the Democratic Party Senator Luigi Zanda has harshly attacked Senate President Peter Grasso, who has defended his choice by appealing to comply with the regulation.


In the direction of the Democratic Party Renzi tried to calm tempers, despite the voting Stay with the ‘shadow of the ” snipers “that affossarono the election of Romano Prodi as president of the Republic in April. “Do not you talk about the remake of the 101,” the premier said. “I do not think that the story is all inside the Democratic Party, however, we will reason and we will go to the Chamber if that item has a meaning to the implant. I think not, but we’ll see. ”


And always in front Renzi back to the Democrats on the issue of electoral law. The points are “raise a little ‘the threshold for the award of the majority” and “the introduction of preferences,” clear opening of which the Secretary of the Democratic Party asks “mandate” to its direction. Specifying, in particular, to “vindicate the agreement with Forza Italy ‘, given the position of the five-star’ change position every day, are like that.”


But in today’s day the way for the government seems to be even more tortuous: the executive goes for the second time in one day, with the approval of an amendment Nitto Palma Forza Italian decree on prisons voted in the Senate Judiciary Committee, which eliminates a provision inserted in the decree by the House, which provides that the judges of first appointment (of a particular competition) can be assigned to the Probate Court. The amendment was passed in fact, vote, yes even with some members of the majority, that is, Gianluca Susta (Sc) and Tito Di Maggio (Pi), and thanks to the abstention of Henry Buemi (PSI), the last two also “dissidents” on reforms.


Today President Grasso ended up in the crossfire of the senators-69 of them have advanced request for voting secret – and the Democratic Party, who criticized him for having just given this opportunity in the classroom The harder the leader of the Democratic Party Luigi Zanda who has challenged the use of the rules “to give shortcuts and policies for the protection of the sniper political and not moral. ”

But fat is also finished in the viewfinder of grillini. Di Maio says: “I’m afraid, from vice-president of the Chamber, the previous 24 hours that she has created with her bad choices. These precedents have the fear that they may get in the interpretation of the Regulation Room. The damage caused by you will be used to throttle the parliamentary debate. ”


For the five-star approval of the amendment on the skills of the Senate of” ethically sensitive issues “was an assist in favor of the Senate elective. “With these powers in the most important, the Senate should be elected directly by the people, is a great victory,” says the group’s parliamentary M5S. Opinion completely opposite to the Secretary Reform Ivan Scalfarotto, that the rule “creates damage in the battles for civil rights, forced to bicameralista quagmire.”

The amendment had received the dissenting opinions of the majority of the rapporteur Anna Finocchiaro and Reforms Minister Maria Elena Woods. Favourable that of the speaker Roberto Calderoni. Shortly before the vote, the Democratic Party Senator Felice Casson had asked to be able to sign the amendment League.

BEATEN THE GOVERNMENT amendment Leaguers


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