– Eighteen years’ imprisonment for aggravated murder. And ‘the sentence imposed by the GUP of Civitavecchia to Marco Di Muro, 21yo, accused of murdering his girlfriend 16 year old Federica Mangiapelo, found dead on the shore of Lake Bracciano Halloween night of 2012.
The ruling, issued by the gup of Civitavecchia Maresca after more than three hours of deliberation, has gone beyond same requests of the prosecutor Eugenio Rubolino, that Di Muro had requested a sentence of 16 years imprisonment. According to the indictment, the young man was going to kill his girlfriend at the height of a dispute, probably for reasons of jealousy. Muro would first yanked, knocking her to the ground, and then drowned holding her head under water.
The death of Federica, a yellow three-year – Federica, 16 year old at the time, was found dead by a passerby; the body was on the beach of Lake Bracciano, near Anguillara, a town near Rome in which he resided. The “yellow” was immediately intense. On the girl’s body, no apparent signs of violence; so much so that initially the most accredited investigative hypothesis was that of an accident.
The police ascertained that Federica was leaving the home of his father Gino around 22.30 of November 1, to go with her boyfriend Marco to celebrate the night of Halloween. At about 3 am, there would be a fight with the girl who claimed to be her home. The next morning he was found his lifeless body.
An autopsy at first excluded the violent death – Di Muro, immediately questioned (it was questioning river 12 hours ), he said that in the moment in which he was brought up quell’annegamento, was not with his girlfriend. Autopsy would then came further evidence in favor of the boy on the body of Federica was not found any sign of violence and technically there was talk of death by natural causes.
At the time it was Marco Di Muro writing under investigation as a “necessary act” in order to allow specialists to carry out the checks provided Ris, since the boy was believed to be the last person to have been with Federica. The young man repeatedly said he had left his girlfriend alone, in a particularly cold and rainy night, around three o’clock in the night.
The following tests on the body of Federica and the turning of the investigation December 2014 – In December 2014, Marco Di Muro was arrested on charges of aggravated murder, and placed under house arrest. The accusatory hypothesis was that of a fight, perhaps for reasons of jealousy, at the height of which there would be a jostling, falling to the ground, and eventually drowning. On the other hand it was precisely the expertise pneumological in place of recording evidence to shed light on the matter: Federica, according to these subsequent investigations, had died by drowning and cardiac arrest or natural causes.
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