– What happened to Pompeii , with the trade union meeting which resulted in the closure of the excavations while thousands of tourists waiting in tail under the sun, is outrageous. Writes the premier Matteo Renzi in its enews. “It hurts like the strike of Alitalia,” he added the prime minister, adding that “no one questions the right to the assembly trade union or to strike. But there is also need common sense and responsibility”.
“At a time like this – writes Renzi – keep thousands of tourists from all over the world, under the sun for a trade union meeting surprise means to desire the evil of Pompeii. It means the evil of Pompeii. I do not have it with the unions. But if this continues we will have to defend the unions themselves . The assembly on Friday in Pompeii, in the manner, in those forms, is simply scandalous. We will continue to work for Pompeii, despite them. ”
“Many are betting on our failure” – The premier also spoke again of the economic crisis. “Many people say that it’s all bad. They bet on the failure. We do not. We try. Every day. Step by step. We do not want just pull Italy out of the crisis. We want to bring it back to the place it deserves: driving Europe “. The two slogans, emphasizes, are “reforms and growth.” “If reforms will go ahead – and I believe – we can lower the debt, unlock yards, lower taxes. The design is clear, we can only achieve it! And the Democratic Party will never be the party of taxes.”
“We pay too many taxes, crowds continue like this” – “In Italy we pay too much tax – says Renzi -. It ‘s crazy to continue like this. The strategy is clear: while we fight the’ evasion. If we all pay, we pay less. ” The Prime Minister then reiterated that “in the third year” government “will eliminate all taxes on first homes (Tasi and IMU). In 2017, the fourth year, engrave sull’Ires to lower taxes for businesses. In 2018 we will touch and personal income tax brackets minimum pensions “.
The reaction of the trade unions – ” There is no need for our country to demagoguery or raise a cloud of dust “and” the trade union confederation and in particular the CISL has always had a role responsible “. He said the general secretary of Cisl, Annamaria Furlan, after the words of Renzi. “And ‘one of the few times I agree with Renzi,” said the leader of the UIL Carmelo Barbagallo, but “the apology should come from leaders and even politicians.”
UIL: agree with Renzi, but also faults executives – “And ‘one of the few times I agree with Renzi”. So the UIL leader Carmelo Barbagallo, stressing that he had already ‘apologized in the past with tourists and citizens for the inconvenience caused by industrial action but also that “in many situations the apology should come from leaders and even politicians” who can not solve problems of workers.
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