Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Taxes: Renzi and the “pact with the Italians.” Landini: “Reform of tax? Tell the truth” – News Free

Rome, July 20, 2015 – Matteo Renzi in an interview on the subject tg2 back taxes by proposing a “pact with Italians”.



“If reforms are going forward, we will be able to reduce 50 billion in five years taxes Italians”.
Then Prime Minister explains what has already been announced to the Assembly of the Democratic Party: ” in 2016 via all taxes on first homes, in 2017 via a large part of IRES, in 2018 the new personal income tax brackets and pensions. ” “The resources are there: it is a plan that we are studying for six months,” said Renzi “After so many years of inaction we can do it. Just by being the country of whining. ”

From 2016 tax cuts and elimination of the tax on the first house – “If we continue to keep on track the construction site of the reforms, as I believe, in 2016 we will take a snip of the taxes which will continue in 2017- 18 in a timely manner, “announced Renzi Assembly sel PD and explained. “For five years we will have a commitment to cut taxes that is unmatched in the Republican history of this country. A Copernican revolution, without increasing the debt. “

Elimination of the tax on the first house: ” In 2016, if we do the reforms, we will eliminate the tax on first homes. ” The project provides for “the elimination of the tax on the first house, the IMU on agricultural and bolted.” In 2017 it will be the time for action IRES and IRAP and in 2018 on personal income tax brackets and pensions. By 7 August, in addition, the reform of the public administration “will have the final reading in the Senate.”
“It will be a tax cut without precedent and the Democratic Party will be the first party to do so,” he said the prime minister warns “I’ll spend the next two years to play as the festive surgeon currents, but to restore dignity to Italy”.

Cuperlo: Renzi not tie tax reforms – Among the most critical voices as stated by Renzi Assembly of the Democratic Party is to report to Gianni Cuperlo, a member of the minority dem, that of Republic criticizes the premier setting of reforms as conditions for reducing taxes.

“We are not at market figures,” says Cuperlo that raises: “I wanted to hear a word on the recovery of evasion”, or to minimize the taxes you cut the welfare. For Cuperlo, Secretary dem spoke well of Europe, immigration and growth but “has bypassed serious obstacles, such as the loss of votes and the moral issue.”

Luigi De Magistris: “Renzi a dodger. Greece is creating a small in Italian neo-liberal policies “- ” Renzi is a matacchione and a dodger, but now there is more fools “. And ‘as stated by the mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris, host to 24 Mattino di Alessandro Milan on Radio 24, criticizing the tax cuts announced by the prime minister.

“For years, municipalities are cut – he added de Magistris -. Even when Renzi made the operation of the 80 euro, actually it took a cut of resources to municipalities. Now is a typical propaganda Berlusconi saying ‘cut taxes’, then the load on the municipalities. I do not believe anymore. In 2015 and 2016 only in Naples Renzi it has cut 350 million euro. Renzi is creating for us a little Greece, there is strangling every day so then the auditors should cut sevices citizens. He was mayor at the beginning and I was expecting a different approach, instead I see the worst tradition of liberal governments in recent years, with more propaganda “.

Pippo Civati:” Renzi as Berlusconi “- “That’s Renzi is no longer even an evolution of Berlusconi, Berlusconi,” said Pippo Civati ​​from Florence on the sidelines of the last day of Politicamp Possibile.La revolution Renzi “And ‘the title of all newspapers for two years, “he added Civati, but” the conditions of the Italians have not changed. Renzi says that we are the enemy because we are not possible but unlikely: I think it’s unlikely he and more and more. “

Giorgio Squinzi (Confindustria): Renzi is on the right track – For the president of Confindustria, Giorgio Squinzi, the government with proposals on taxes Renzi, “going in the right direction. It all count “.
I hope, adds Squinzi” who successfully complete them. ” “Sure would help the recovery”, but the ideas of Renzi are not “directly related, those I read in isolation.” Resources? They can get “a real spending review that are waiting for years.” Squinzi argues that Europe will not put a stop to the proposed Renzi. Besides the jobs act, concludes, “will bear fruit”.

Enrico Zanetti, Economy Undersecretary, “Renzi does not dream” – “is absolutely not a book of dreams It is a complex challenge and achievable, provided you make your main objective of economic policy in the coming years. ” It ‘as stated by the Secretary for Economy and Finance Enrico Zanetti defending Matteo Renzi.
“This challenge can be won not by making cuts phantasmagoric 30 billion overnight, but continuing with the 7.8 bln ‘year of savings and reinvesting the additional resources that will result from a growth that has set in motion “and using the deficit.

Maurizio Landini (FIOM CGIL) “tax reform? Tell the truth “- ” If you reform the tax you have to have in mind that the future of the country and you want to tell people the truth. ” The Maurizio Landini said on the sidelines of the Unity Day in Florence.
“If the Prime Minister says that there are more resources – he added – I wonder whether it is better to invest them in a special plan at work” because “this It is an emergency. ”



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