Sunday, July 19, 2015

Renzi: “Less taxes with reforms resources for 50 billion? Already the study” – TGCOM

– Matteo Renzi ensures that taxes can really get down thanks to the reforms. “It ‘a pact with Italians – says the president of the Council -. We have always said that finally, after so many years of inaction, now you can. We started with 80 euro, Irap. If the reforms will go forward, and I think they will, in 2016 via all taxes on first homes, in 2017 via a good part of IRES, personal income tax brackets in 2018 “.

Renzi: cutting taxes is real commitment

Leonardo Rafanelli

In an interview with TG2, the prime minister assured that “the numbers to take home this result, continuing to lower the debt because otherwise our children will have to continue to pay our sins and it is not right, we are providing that Parliament will continue to work with intensity. ”

“I decided in Europe, unlock the works in Italy” – And yet Renzi says: “We have to be decided in the EU, but also able to unlock the public works in Italy” pointing the finger at the “news that we read about judges that block companies or contracts”.

The Prime Minister also emphasizes that “every time we go in Europe tell us that we have to spend well the EU funds and the South not we do. For this you need a balance. We know that in the EU we are among the best, as the UK has the debt to 5%, France 4, and Italy is under 3%. We do our part but we have to spend more money than we are. ”

The node covers – As for the node covers, Renzi says that 50 billion needed to cut taxes will. “We have already started – he explains -. The ability to do it is clear. It ‘a plan that we are studying for at least six months.”

“Italy back locomotive EU” – With the operation tax cut Italians Renzi wants to send a “strong message of confidence”: “For years – he said – the politicians have said ‘we tax there, will we tax, we tax you’. Since we are the government, we began to return money that the Italians. If finally comes this message of confidence, Italy, which is a great country, it stops being a country of whining and complaints and returns to be the locomotive of Europe “.

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Matthew renzi

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