Sunday, June 28, 2015

the opposition asked Renzi to report in Parliament – The Messenger

The opposition asked the government to report to Parliament on Greece.

“The situation is very serious and worrying. The exit of Greece from the euro would be a disaster for the whole of Europe, for the whole euro area, especially for our country, hanged as his debt, “he says Renato Brunetta is, leader of Forza Italy in Deputies, speaking of TG5. “Padoan, Minister of Economy and Finance, is immediately in Parliament to explain what’s going on, but especially into giving Parliament a policy direction that this government has not had to solve the problem of Greece. The problem in Greece is resolved, Greece will not be left alone, “concludes Brunetta.

” In the face of a scenario that promises catastrophic What will you do the Italian Government to save Greece from the brink? The Italian executive is immediately in Parliament to report on how it intends to move because today we do not know absolutely nothing, “also he calls the deputy forzista Stefania Prestigiacomo. “If Greece fails – continues the blue – there are worrisome repercussions on all European markets and therefore also in Italy: Italy is already in bad shape, they lack only the consequences of a default by Athens. Renzi and Padoan clap a beat before it’s too late. “

” Monti, Letta Renzi and led us to a huge exposure to Greece, 65 billion. In proportion to GDP are the first Italian creditors in Europe. Hardly there will be refunded this amount. The Italian government has to report to Parliament on the exact exposure against Italy, has to explain how it intends to deal with this huge loss and the dangers of rising bond yields, “says Ignazio La Russa, a member of the Brothers of Italy.

“We demand that the minister Padoan is immediately to report to Parliament on the increasingly likely Grexit. We would like to hear the true orientation of the Italian government. And also we would like to understand if our country wants to play an active role to prevent the worsening of the Greek crisis. Now is the moment of clarity, “he says even with the Left Ecology Freedom of Deputies leader Arturo Scotto.

” What was the position of the Italian government sull’irresponsabile ultimatum given to the government Tsipras Eurogroup? And the choice of punishment not to extend the program for three days? Minister Padoan is to report to Parliament as soon as possible. ” It asks what the deputy Stefano Fassina, which has just announced a farewell to the Democratic Party. “The governments of the euro-zone – continues – have proposed to the greek government, as in 2010 and 2012, an unrealistic program, a package of measures recessive, socially unjust and aggravation of unsustainable debt. The government Tsipras has had the courage to return the word to his people and to seek to reject the ultimatum. The referendum on 5 July is a lesson in democracy for the entire euro-zone. It is a step of historic significance. The Italian government which side are you? “.

” Tsipras has behaved in a firm and dignified not yielding to the blackmail which gives our prime minister is not elected by anyone, “he writes in a tweet Alessandro Di Battista, member of the Executive M5S. “In Greece the people will decide. No one knows how it will end but only this did go on a rampage the EU banks, “adds the exponent of the Executive M5S.

In the event of bankruptcy and exit from the euro in Greece” surely there will be some market tensions. But I am convinced that Italy is a strong country that can not be afraid of contagion. ” He is telling the microphones of the Gr Rai deputy secretary of the Democratic Party Debora Serracchiani. “We have worked hard to stabilize our economy – claims – we made some very important reforms for the institutional simplification. We did everything that allows us to say that we are ready

 Also a possible exit of Greece from the euro. “

To the question of whether this option would give breath in Italy who wants to leave the euro,” has long been – replies Serracchiani – that There are some political forces that invite the country to leave the euro, openly declare that we can not move forward in a European context. What will happen in Greece – and I hope it does not happen again – maybe make you think someone who thinks that the exit from the euro is basically a walk as well as a solution. “


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