Monday, May 25, 2015

Berlusconi: I will not be the leader of the moderates, but not my heir … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published May 25, 2015 at 10:50.
The last change is the 25 May 2015 at 11:08.

“You have to give life to a great subject that should not be a party but an electoral committee ». From the living room of “Che tempo che fa”, Silvio Berlusconi last night stated that it suggests a widening of Forza Italy, “a coalition of moderates all of Italy.” The new political will but not the former prime minister to his guidance. Former Knight certified fact the intention of becoming its “noble father” and not the leading candidate for the next general election. With a joke he then dismissed the question of Fabio Fazio on his successor: “I still have not turned up,” but “there are great characters who can aspire to, not even in Fi.”

Berlusconi: no primaries
“In a monarchy it is the sovereign who decides the successor, in a democracy it is the people who decide the leader,” was the first clarification of Berlusconi, responding to Fazio who asked what the woman (siu speaks of daughters Marina and Barbara, but also former minister Mara Carfagna, ed) who will take the reins of the party. One party, the blue one, that will “extend its boundaries’ turning moderates in Italian” political majority “, said Berlusconi denying any notion of primary (” are easily manipulated and with the primaries were chosen the worst mayors that cities have had in history “) but by reference to the indication of the leaders, the convention of the Republicans in the US. Of one thing, however, Berlusconi said he was certain: it will not be the heir of himself. “I’m not candidabile for six years and I know my age. I can give you a boost and promote a great crusade, but then there must be someone, “he stressed before attacking those who, by Angelino Alfano Raffaele Lease, has left or is leaving Fi. “They are professional politicians, they make policy for their own benefit” and have “hope of a political future,” was the thrust of the blue leader, who has joked about Interior Minister: “We say that is attached to the his chair with strong affection … “.

“In Italy suspended democracy”
Last night was not missing even accused the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, to be undemocratic. Berlusconi reiterated that “the situation is worrying,” because “there is a man ever elected to lead a government. In Italy there is a suspended democracy, which is leading Italy to a crisis stronger. ” As for the agreement of the Nazarene with Renzi, it is considered broken permanently (“I’m sorry but it’s true. It was not a contract with clauses but was method in which I hoped very”). Attacks also to Matteo Salvini. “You can not think that Fi without its leader who is not candidabile and does not go on TV – said Berlusconi – will withstand a Salvini who goes on TV six hours a week.”

Opening on civil unions
From point out the opening of the leader of Forza Italy on civil unions: “I personally believe that there is no reason why in a civil state a boyfriend and a girlfriend heterosexual or same sex can not help each other if sick or bequeath something, “said Berlusconi, adding that there is a department of Forza Italy who is working on the issue. Last lines for the team of AC Milan. “I’m looking for someone who is willing to share with me funding for my Milan. I’m not going to leave him, but to bring it back to the levels of a few years ago when it was “the most successful team in the world.”



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