History Article
This article was published May 18, 2015 at 13:47.
The last change is the 18 May 2015 at 17:07.
Green light of the Council of Ministers Decree Pension Act after the ruling of the consultation that rejected the freeze in the indexation of pensions decided by the government Mountains. This was announced by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. The decree also contains a measure that “enable from June 1 to liquidate all pensions on the first day of the month.” “No pensioner will lose a penny,” he said yesterday the prime minister after the ruling of the consultation that has rejected the freeze in the indexation of pensions. “We will write a new rule that will return in the pocket 4 million Italians on August 1, 500 Euros a head.”
On August 1, “Poletti bonus” to 3.7 million pensioners
“The trove, well, there was – said the prime minister – and the we use for pensions. They are 2,180 million euro. They will go to 3.7 million retirees who receive 1 August a nice bonus, the bonus Poletti. ” Renzi exemplifies: “If you take 1,700 gross pension, you will have 750 euro. If you take 2,200 450 euro, if you take 2,700 gross 278 euro, one-off. ” They will not have the bonus “650 thousand pensioners, those over EUR 3,200 gross. They will not receive anything. ” Impossible, reiterated Renzi, return everything to everyone: “If you were to simply reset the norm we have to find 18 billion euro and we should take money to others, from kindergartens to infrastructure.”
From 2016 will be paid revaluations
Renzi then stated as revaluations will be provided from 2016. “There is also the issue of indexation from 2016: what earns 1,700 euro pension will have 180 euro revaluation year, or 15 euro per month “, that checks for” 2,200 euro gross 99 euro a year and those of 2700 are EUR 60 per year, or 5 euro per month. ” An indexing mechanism “more generous than in the past,” said the Minister of Economy Pier Carlo Padoan.
The new stability law reform pensions
A next intervention on pensions is still expected in the Stability Law. “The regulations of the past intervened in way too hard, ‘commented Renzi. It is time to leave more flexibility in output and “give a little more space” for those who want
to retire before giving up part of the check.
Padoan ” Our response avoids infringement procedure EU ‘
The government’s response to the ruling of the consultation prevents clicks an infringement procedure for excessive deficit, Padoan said the minister at the end of the CDM, remembering that “having to face the full consequences implied total return with the judgment would bring the debt to 3.6% “in relation to GDP. “Consequences of size which I think have not been evaluated properly in the debate.” “Nobody loses anything – assured Padoan – the problem is who benefits and how.” As the hypothesis of a rain of appeals, “I do not know if we will, but we’ll see if there will be appeals must take into account that with this decree, things have changed.”
Renzi “Rimediamo the damage done by those who voted for the standard”
The Prime Minister has responded to those who now accuses him of stealing from the pockets of Italians, as the leader of Fi Renato Brunetta. “When this rule was voted – he said – we did a different job. It’s funny that those who voted say that now goes back everything. We are making up for the damage done by them. Even those opposition leaders who voted for the law Fornero and now would like to ignore it but to which we are remedying damage. ”
Other measures in the CDM
Nell’odg instead are a legislative decree implementing a European directive on the reuse of public sector information, next preliminary examination of four legislative decree (safety of operations at sea in the hydrocarbons sector, the reception of applicants for international protection and recognition and withdrawing international protection status, but also of financial statements and consolidated).
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