Friday, May 29, 2015

Renzi: “I bet no unpresentable will be elected” Waiting … – BBC

Milan , May 29, 2015 – 13:20


The debate on the candidates so-called” unpresentable “ no enthuses the premier Matteo Renzi . Indeed. For the head of government is a fake problem because “none of them will be elected.” He explained on TV speaking Friday night to Virus on RAI-2, noting that in addition to regional parties there are always more lists of support that usually can not reach the minimum quorum to elect even a single representative. And he said today in his weekly enews: “Never seen so self-referential debate and far from reality – said the leader of the Democratic Party -. I would bet that as everyone knows but nobody dares to say none of them, no! , He will be elected. They nearly all expressions of small civic lists that thanks to the electoral system of individual regional are assembled to take one more vote (blessed be the Italicum that finally this will avoid shedding nominations!). But even if none of them will be elected me interested in discussing legality ‘.

The anticipation of the names

Meanwhile there waiting for the spread of the Antimafia list containing the names of those that the same parliamentary committee chaired by Rosy Bindi are advised not to vote because of their slopes and criminal proceedings. Including four candidates Puglia whose names are known for several days, the list should be the end of twenty people. Bindi will be the same to announce it at a press conference in waiting times.

Fat: “Bindi? I can not stop it “

The question is addressed in the morning the president of the Senate, Pietro Grasso , in which the senator had asked Rev. Luigi Compagna for intervention to prevent the spread of the names by the Bindi. “The chairman of a committee together with the bureau of the committee – said Grasso – have full availability for their actions and deeds. Not within the duties of a president of one of the two Houses, could interfere on a Bicameral Committee. ” For the interior minister and leader of Ap, Angelino Alfano , “there is a law that states when you can nominate and when not, when elected if you fall and when not. The rest – told the TG1 – belongs to the responsibility of the parties. “

May 29, 2015 | 13:20



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