The crime of murder road has passed the first examination in the Senate Judiciary Committee with the approval of the bill. The rapporteur Giuseppe Cucca of the Democratic Party who is convinced that the discussion will begin within the first ten days of June.
Here are the measures of the bill:
Scheduled imprisonment up to 12 years (18 in case of multiple murder) for those who cause fatal accidents driving a car or a boat under the influence of alcohol. It ‘also provided, in these cases, the revocation of the license up to 30 years.
For the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Riccardo Nencini is “good news, an extraordinary step forward.” It also stressed that it was done “a great job, I had to all those families who have lost a child or relative. A first battle won for them. ”
Satisfied also the Deputy Justice Minister, Enrico Costa for whom “is postponed action to ensure severe punishment, but also effective.”
The new measures were shared almost unanimously in committee with only one vote against Forza Italy for which the sanction of revocation of the license until the age of 30 is considered excessive. Perplexity also from popular area that hopes that classroom will address the issue with the necessary distinctions (“sacrosanct punish those who kill, but we must also consider the past behavior, the individual cases,” says Senator Carlo Giovanardi) and the mixed group speaking of “light and shadow”.
Penalties for dangerous maneuvers
Severe penalties for those who cause the death of a person following a dangerous maneuver, even if you do not under the influence of alcohol or drugs: from 7 to 10 years if the fatal accident happens because you cross an intersection through a red light or does a maneuver to reverse the direction of travel or a pass near the crosswalk .
The same punishment will be applied in the event of a fatal accident in the water if those driving a boat is moving at a rate more than twice the permitted or if circulating in a body of water which it is not allowed to navigate.

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