Rome – “The great question of pensions must be addressed. Let’s face it: if I am a woman of 62 years, for me the rules of the past intervened too rigidly. If a woman to 61, 62, 63, wants to retire two or three years ago, giving up 20-30-40 euro, to enjoy the grandson instead of having to pay 600 euro a baby sitter, you must find ways for him can afford. ” So the premier Matteo Renzi , illustrating the decree law on pensions approved today by the Council of Ministers following the ruling of the Supreme Court which declared illegal the non-indexation of pensions in force since 2012.
“The decree, the text of which will be delivered after it passed the House and Senate, it contains some interesting innovations: from June 1 will pay all pensions on the first of the month”.
TABLE Here redemptions announced by Renzi
The CDM – said the head of government – approved an intervention on the “revaluation of the total contribution” to prevent the decline of pensions . “Because of the crisis,” said Renzi, “pensions would have to be lowered because they are revalued based on a coefficient linked to the GDP.” “Pensions do not touch,” added the premier, “no one loses a single cent despite the crisis.”
“And ‘the last straw – continues Renzi – that those who voted that standard spade to say eh, but now we must return all . We are remedying damage that made them “because when the law was passed Fornero” I’d hold the potholes in the city of Florence. ” Criticism “are simply ridiculous”.
On the timing and the imminence of the regional vote, the premier said: “On pensions do not mess around. We did not racing to be told that we do in view election, is madness. ” The prime minister stressed, however, that “we have learned by the agencies, as it should be” and “in two weeks we have found the solution. There is no pre-election tension, real or imaginary, that makes us feel shy on pensions “. The solution to the node pensions “we have given right away because we want to give a strong message to our European partners.” A message that is also “to international markets and to pensioners, and we do it starting from the premise that the great issue of pensions must be addressed”.
The political reactions. “The 500 euro are not suitable, the problem is that it blocked the revaluation of pensions and not can not think of one off, “said Maurizio Landini , secretary general of the FIOM-CGIL, in Naples at Alenia’s Capodichino, talking about the issue of pensions. “If we have to stagger it is discussed – he said – but we must give an answer to what he says the consultation.” On pensions, the leader of the Fiom says you need to do a “confrontation on the entire pension system” because what has been done so far “is wrong”. “We have the highest retirement age in Europe – he concluded – and it does not take long to realize that if you increase the retirement age increases youth unemployment”.
From M5s is the leading Beppe Grillo to attack the prime minister on his blog: “It is consummated” as “another vote trading between the president of the electoral council and citizens. This time even the most subtle of 80 euro. A few days before the regional elections comes the surprise announcement: August 1, reimbursement of 500 Euros for 4 million pensioners . Taking a marketing communication shameful. Because it uses a slogan that knows how to finish on the front page and that gives the perception that this government gives money to retirees. While here it is money that has been taken illegally to pensioners and now you are obliged to return the stolen goods after the ruling of the Constitutional Court “.
All ‘attack also Carroccio: “On the issue of pensions we hired a lawyer to lodge an appeal against the legislation Fornero to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, accompanied by the signatures of esodati who are still waiting.” This was announced Matteo Salvini at the end of the federal council of the Northern League, “Renzi is losing shots, giving 500 euro to someone in August penalizing others.”
Brothers of Italy , meanwhile, is the organizer of a class action to return to pensioners who have suffered the block: “I invite all pensioners who today were kidnapped again by the decree of Renzi on pensions – has the president wrote on Facebook Giorgia Meloni – to turn to FDI: we will provide free legal assistance to start a class action against the government to force it to return all pensioners and not to give alms. We will not allow to Renzi teasing million people and not give back what is due. “
Criticism raining down from the unions:” On pensions Renzi received a first partial answer but the question It is not resolved yet. It is not enough to heal a one-off bonus arrears because it is returned only 30% of the amount due. Governments have taken from the pockets of pensioners 16 billion euro in four years and no one knows where they got the big rents while not asked anything. “So the secretary general of the Spi-Cgil, Carla Cantone He adds: “On the revaluation in 2016, instead we are faced with a step forward, but we want to check the text to understand how it is actually protected the purchasing power of pensions. This is why we insist on a comparison of the merits with the government. “
” The government says that when faced with a problem is correct answer. Cisl believes, considering the burden on public finances that would involve the return of 5.7 million pensioners equalization of the cost of living due in 2012-2013, which could have been fair and socially just solutions, giving priority to pensions medium-low, while leaving out the treatment of very high amount. The government’s response, however, is inadequate and insufficient. “He said the confederal secretary of Cisl, Maurizio Petriccioli . For the UIL, is Domenico Proietti to say that executive’s decisions “do not conform to any of the information contained in the ruling of the consultation”.
In the Council of Ministers dedicated to the pension bonus, even a decision of a different sign, an initiative linked to the anniversary World War I: Matteo Renzi announced a minute of silence in memory of those who died Sunday, May 24 to 15.
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