Thursday, July 16, 2015

The decree law is pensions. In August the money – The Time



The courtroom of the Senate approved yesterday, definitively, the decree Pensions. The yes were 145, 97 i no and one abstention (the Senate is tantamount to voting against).

The measure is therefore now reads, having completed the parliamentary process. The decree had been passed by the government following the ruling of the consultation that had declared illegal the blockade of the revaluation of pensions pension exceeding three times the minimum. Now on the basis of the text approved by the Senate he will start from next August 1, a partial refund of the pensions affected by the rule of law Fornero on which the Constitutional Court had ruled on 30 April. The rule, contained in the decree “Save Italy”, approved by the government of Mario Mont stipulated that, for 2012 and 2013 on pensions worth more than three times the minimum INPS sprang shut the block equalization. In practice for the two years in question will be re-evaluated at 100% pensions up to three times the minimum, to 40% those between three and four times the minimum, to 20% those four and five times the minimum, to 10% finally those five to six times the minimum.

For checks totaling more than six times the minimum there will be no adjustment. For 2014 and 2015 the revaluation is established instead of 20% and, from 2016, to 50%.

Among other changes regarding pensionio even those that have already taken on June 1. All checks related to annuities and allowances will all places paid the first day of each month or the next day if holiday.

Since 2017, payments will be made instead on the second day valid for banking transactions each month. In the text approved has arrived indicating that pensions will be paid on the second day of the month in January 2016 and 2017 for all months.

Finally were increased resources to dispizione for solidarity contracts. The dl initially authorizing the spending of € 70 million for 2015. In the course of the parliamentary amount has been increased to 290 million euro.


Phil. Cal.


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