Saturday, August 16, 2014

Migrants, Alfano: “Italian sample reception. But to October just … – The Press

Migrants, Alfano: "Italian sample reception. But to October just … – The Press


Migrants, Alfano, “champion of Italian hospitality. But just to October Mare Nostrum, succeeding the EU “


 Minister: ‘Europe will take the responsibility. ” Continue arrivals on the Italian coast. In the port of Naples today over a thousand refugees. Will be routed in shelters.


In Naples came this morning a Navy ship carrying more than a thousand immigrants



“On 18th October, the ‘operation will take a year and there will be a second anniversary. ” The ultimatum comes to Europe in August by the Interior Minister, Angelino Alfano, during a press conference. The head of the Interior Ministry said that “of the operation Mare Nostrum, on October 18, have saved over 70 thousand people and we do not know how many of them would have died without our mission. We are proud to have saved lives. ” The line, he added, “is to welcome those fleeing war and persecution and to enforce the laws in Italy. These two things go hand in hand. ” Alfano then reiterated that “the responsibility of the border of the Mediterranean must be European migrants do not want to come to Italy but in Europe and then Frontex should take over a Mare nostrum.”

Land For unabated, two dead

continue, unabated, the landings. There is also a baby of 20 days between 279 migrants arrived last night in Pozzallo with a boat of 25 meters, which has passed the device operation “Mare Nostrum” and was intercepted a few miles from the port by a patrol boat captaincy. Among the refugees there are 66 women and 31 children. There would also be two deaths, the news emerged during the press conference of the Minister of the Interior. Other migrants were assisted and accompanied in shelters waiting to be transferred. And the port of Naples has just arrived at Pier 42 a Navy ship carrying 1004 refugees. On site there is a crisis unit and all law enforcement and health involved. The migrants from different countries, will be identified and subsequently sorted in different centers. Initially the ship was to disembark at the port of Salerno, where from July 19 to today, there have been two other landings.

The numbers of Mare Nostrum

The Minister Alfano said that “of the operation Mare Nostrum, the last 18 October have been saved over 70 thousand people and we do not know how many of them would have died without our mission. We are proud to have saved lives. ” The line, he added, “is to welcome those fleeing war and persecution and to enforce the laws in Italy. These two things go hand in hand. ” And yesterday in Lampedusa pointed out the results of the fight against human trafficking, which led to the arrest of 539 people smugglers in the period 1 May 2013 to 13 August 2014 This year, almost 10 thousand migrants were repatriated, while over 53 thousand migrants currently present in the structures of reception: 28% in Sicily, the region that bears the brunt.

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 Marco Neirotti and Miriam Rebaudo

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