Sunday, August 17, 2014

Poletti and art. 18: ‘There is no need to abolish it just the placement contract “- Corriere della Sera

Poletti and art. 18: 'There is no need to abolish it just the placement contract "- Corriere della Sera

Milan , August 17, 2014 – 8:35


ROME – Minister, the new center-right wants to remove Article 18 to new hires. She says that?
“What if we sneak in the usual tug of war on Article 18 does not bring anything home – says the Minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti -. And that instead we need a change of pace cultural retrieve the positive value of the enterprise, such as social infrastructure essential for growth and job creation. So rather than starting by Article 18 of the Statute of the workers, that is, by the redundancies, I’d be starting to Article 41 of the Constitution that protects the enterprise and its social purposes and Article 46, which recognizes the right of workers to collaborate in the management of the company. That means we must leave the old firm-work conflict and reason about responsible participation, sharing and cooperation. ”
So it may not be the abolition of Article 18, the “strong signal” asked by the president of the ECB, Mario Draghi, President of the Council, Matteo Renzi?
“No. Besides, it would be inconsistent with the stand taken by the government. If we wanted to remove Article 18 it could have done with the decree by which we intervened on forward contracts and apprenticeship. Instead, we chose a strategy in two stages: Decree memo and the draft law which will address all aspects of the labor market, by rewriting the statute, said Renzi, shock absorbers review of contracts, including the introduction the contract added to the growing safeguards. ”
What should allow the dismissal in the first three years. But why businesses should have recourse, if they can already use “his” term contract without cause, again for the last three years?
“In fact, this is an important issue. It is not enough to introduce the contract protections growing, if you do not make the open-ended contract, and the contract protections growing it is, a contract less costly for the firm, lightening the tax burden and social security. ”
In any case, we are moving towards a deepening of the gap between new employees and those who work with the guarantee of Article 18
“Yes, there is a problem on this side and go in-depth. Encourage the convenience of permanent contracts would have an initial response. I think we will work on this. ”
And remove any item 18?
“I do not asks no one in the majority.”
Always Ncd asks an amendment to the enabling act immediately to structure this new contract.
“In the draft law the placement contract is expected in experimental form. I think that’s enough. And the schedule is rapid. The decrees of implementation of the delegation will arrive within a maximum of six months. ‘
We look for young people. What results are expected by the European Youth Guarantee?
“We started in May. In four months have already registered 160,000 young people to whom we will give an answer in terms of training, apprenticeship, internship or job opportunities. ”
I do not believe there are few, considering 2 million young people who are not working and not studying?
“No. Keep in mind that this is the first time you do something like that in Italy. Rather, I am concerned that once again the difficulty is emerging South to field appropriate initiatives by many inscriptions of young people in the program. ”
Minister, unemployment, not just youth, is very high. And there are hundreds of thousands of workers in layoffs. If there will be shooting, some of these will return to work, some will be retired in the meantime, another part is likely to end esodata, without work or retirement. She promised a “bridge” for them into retirement. What is it?
“This is the theme that we have in the works, but is closely related to the resources we have available. Processing different options in view of the law of stability. We’ll have to see how far spread the cost of this small bridge or slide if you prefer between workers, businesses and general taxation. ”
Among the hypotheses in the study there is also the “pension loan” means a worker are missing 2-3 years to retirement takes an advance of € 6-700 then return in small installments to the achievement of ‘ retirement age?
“It’s a hypothesis that was formulated by my predecessor, Enrico Giovannini, and we’re looking at along with other.”
These assumptions refer only to workers of companies in crisis or there may be more general interventions to re-introduce elements of flexibility in retirement age?
“Of course we start with emergency situations and then the employees of the companies in crisis. But we are also considering measures to increase flexibility, but does not call into question the current retirement age in the sense that those who want to leave one or two years before would be penalized. Here, too, we must see what resources we have available. ”
To intervene on behalf of those who remain out of work and pension you could also create a universal social safety net? The Aspi yet it is not, it leaves out temporary workers.
“In the delegation are working on a universal shock. But it should be solved the issue of who pays him. They should do business, even those that so far have not done so, but then it would take an intervention in general taxation. And here we return to the problem of resources. ”
Minister, are you in favor or opposed to a solidarity contribution on high pensions or the recalculation of pensions with defined contribution system to operate on those that are disproportionately high compared to the contributions paid? There are assumptions in the study of this?
“I am in favor of such interventions as long as they are connected to the interventions of which I have spoken before in support of workers who would otherwise end up esodati. I believe that the resources that may be retrieved with a solidarity contribution or recalculation contributory social security system should remain in a logic of solidarity for those who suffer the most. Assumptions they have made so many in the past. Now we must make choices. ”
But the high pensions are so few that it would collect crumbs.
“It depends on where the bar is fixed.”
One last question on the next law of stability. After the bonus for workers, businesses are demanding a substantial cut of IRAP. There will be?
“IRAP should be reduced because it moreover has the insane trait to hit businesses in more labor-intensive. But even here there is no escape: we deal with the resources available. ”

August 17, 2014 | 08:35



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