Monday, November 17, 2014

crimes reported – Il Sole 24 Hours

crimes reported – Il Sole 24 Hours

History Article


This article was published November 17, 2014 at 18:28.

First on the actual spatial trends in 2013. Nearly 2.9 million crimes are the crimes reported in 2013, an increase of 2.6% compared to 2012, even if the variation and the pressure (measured as volume in relation to the resident population) are highly diversified by type of crime and from province to province. It’s the first shot that emerges from the data supplied to the Sole 24 Ore by the Ministry of the Interior. Where did point out that it is also increased (and to an extent greater than the offenses) the number of people reported / stopped: 935mila from 2012 to about 980mila last year (+ 4.6%), indicating, that the success of ‘ law enforcement efforts.


can be interpreted positively the increase in complaints relating to certain types of crime. For example extortion (+ 6%) or fraud and computer fraud (20%): It is true that this is partly powered offenses in the first case by the current recessionary economic climate and in the second, by greater use of digital technologies and information systems. But – emphasize the ministry – the fact that they are now more frequently reported, can be considered a symptom of a greater awareness of the criminal act on the part of the victims as well as a confidence in the public protection.

Another factor which could alarm is related to the crimes volunteers consumed: in spite of the fact that increasingly crowd the daily news-in particular those who see women protagonists – the number of years is still at an altitude 500-530. The increase of 64% reported in 2013 that brought the total to 868 homicides is due to the fact that in the calculation includes the 366 victims of the sinking of migrants in Lampedusa (Agrigento) in October 2013.

As for the trend of the other categories of offenses, robbery as a number (44 thousand) were in line with the average increase (+ 2.6%), while growing by more than 10% of the “authors” arrested / reported.

For two types (including those provided by the ministry) there is a trend stationary (muggings, about 20 thousand, following the sharp increase in 2012) or a decrease (car theft, 123 thousand), while increased by about 12% pick-pocketing (166 thousand) and 6% thefts in homes (to share 251mila, these growth slowdown after the 16% more than 2012).

On the territory

More move is the photo taken at the local level. Milan and Rimini (over 8 thousand murders per 100 thousand inhabitants, compared to an average 4,756) are the provinces that suffered the highest pressure. But as Milan, after Rome (5th place behind two large, Bologna and Turin), holds the record for total volume (over 260 thousand complaints), Rimini is limited to 27 thousand and is the ” unwanted ‘second place to his tourist destination that is yes source of income, but also of criminal opportunities (“spread” in the ranking of a population of just 335mila people). The provinces where instead of the crimes reported in relation to residents at the lowest level are the South Benevento, Matera, Oristano, Enna (below the level of 2500). As to the changes, strong increases in Trieste (+ 19%), Asti, Piacenza (+ 16%) and Lecco (+ 13%).

An analysis of the individual types of crime, robberies, it highlights (270 cases per 100 thousand residents, nearly four times the national average, 72) Naples, which also has the record for the book: with 8,415 cases outperforms Milan and Rome, both in the negative area as many large shopping centers. Less targeted residents of small towns, such as Belluno, Power, Sondrio, Aosta (below 10).

With regard to safety in the home, stands the figure of Asti: nearly a thousand burglary per hundred thousand inhabitants (more than twice the national average, 414, and well away from the 700 of the other two on the podium “not found”, Pavia and Turin) and an increase of 44%. A similar strong growth in Lodi and Sondrio. Peace of mind for families instead of Crotone, Power, Naples and Campobasso (in 130 cases).

In pickpocketing “stands out” yet (always for the same reasons) Rimini, followed by the larger provinces, with a good standard of living (Bologna, Milan, Turin, Venice, Rome): nearly a thousand share, compared with an average of 273 Oristano and it reaches the index of ten.

Finally fraud and computer fraud: from Trieste are the most affected (index 422, compared with an average of 230), followed by the inhabitants of Savona and Naples (which also has the record for volume), and the new provinces of Monza Brianza, Stationary and Bat, appear to be less likely to fall into the trap. The increase, however, is a two-digit over most of the territory.



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