Milan , November 19, 2014 – 14:33
ROME – The conviction of Stephan Schmidheiny the Eternit trial was canceled without referral because the offense is prescribed. So the President of the First Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court Arturo Cortese has accepted the request of the Attorney General Francis Iacovello calling for the cancellation of the 18-year sentence on appeal to the Swiss tycoon for environmental disaster and intentional omission of permanent safety measures. The defendant was sentenced by the Court of Appeal of Turin June 3, 2013. Soften the possibility for the victims’ families and local communities to get all the compensation. The limitation period expired at the end of first grade, that is, February 13, 2012. The First Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court has also ordered to pay the legal fees, the number of which is unknown for now, INPS and Inail who had action for not having been accepted as a civil party by the Court of Appeal of Turin in the process Eternit ordered to pay legal costs even a relative of one of the victims of asbestos that had been exclude from the right of indennizzi.Indignata the reaction of the relatives of the victims “Shame!” they shouted. While the Swiss tycoon asks: “Enough processes unjustified.”
Shadow carousel
Thousands of deaths from asbestos Supreme Court: “The offense is required”
The anger of the families of the victims
The ‘process of the century “on the story related to asbestos in the building material had come before the First Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court headed by Arturo Cortese Wednesday, November 19th. The court decided to confirm what has been proposed by the deputy Iacoviello and void the conviction for “willful environmental disaster.” In the auditorium of Piazza Cavour and before the court had gathered a large number of families of the victims for pleural mesothelioma, the cancer caused by the inhalation of asbestos dust in the four Italian plants of the multinational Swiss-Belgian and between citizens of Casale Monferrato, cavagnolo in the province of Turin; Rubiera (Reggio Emilia) and Bagnoli (Naples). And the reaction to the reading of the verdict, was anger and disbelief: “Shame, shame,” they said in so many screaming immediately after the reading of the verdict. “For Inail costs only for the benefits to workers affected by the diseases caused by asbestos have cost 280 million euro which do not recover at a slower because the verdict of the Supreme Court demolished in the root process,” said the lawyer bitter General Inail Joseph Vella.
The om the sentence:” do not give up ‘
“The Supreme Court did not rule on the acquittal – said the prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello, which at first instance and on appeal had obtained the condemnation of the Swiss tycoon Stephan Schmidheiny – The crime apparently was committed, and was done with intent. So we have room to continue our process, we have opened months ago, when we assume the murder. ” “This is not – said the magistrate – the moment of disappointment, but the second half. We do not give up. ” “It is appalling that the idea should be considered as prescribed offenses related to acts which continue to claim victims,” said Legambiente. “Surprise and disappointment” were expressed by the President of the Piedmont Region, Chiamparino. “I am disappointed and saddened, but I prefer to wait before adding another,” said Concetta Halls, Mayor of Casale Monferrato, one of the most affected by the tragedy Eternit. A spokesman for the Swiss tycoon instead speaks of “conspiracy theory” and states: “The decision of the Supreme Court confirms that the process Eternit, in the lower courts, was carried out in violation of the principles of due process. Schmidheiny now expects the Italian to protect him from further unnecessary processes and archives all the ongoing proceedings. ”
Asbestos and life-threatening illnesses
The report of the facts which go back to 1966 (there have been more than 40 years of reconstructions of events) was entrusted to the rapporteur Maria Piera Caprioglio. The indictment of the Prosecutor General of Piazza Cavour was entrusted to Francesco Mauro Iacoviello. According to the investigations that led forward in time the deputy prosecutor of Turin, Raffaele Guariniello, the highest levels of Eternit knew, at least from the 70s, that the inhalation of asbestos dust causing life-threatening diseases, but according to the ‘ prosecution, would have chosen to continue with awareness in hazardous work. And “this formal decision of the Supreme Court does not solve any problem because people will continue to die of asbestos – said the lawyer Sergio Bonetto representing 400 families of the victims – However, there are other processes going on tonight and the Supreme Court has essentially said the maxi-trial was held on suspicion of murder, and therefore I would tend not to be excluded that the proceedings opened with this charge may have a better outcome. ” In Piazza Cavour there were also representatives of trade unions, institutions and associations of family members from France, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Great Britain, Brazil, the United States and Argentina.
November 19, 2014 | 14:33
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