Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sabelli (ANM): we do not want confrontation with the government but serious reforms … – Il Sole 24 Ore

Sabelli (ANM): we do not want confrontation with the government but serious reforms … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on November 9, 2014 at 15:59.
The last change is the November 9, 2014 at 16:05.

“I do not ask for privileges,” but “adequate facilities, decent working conditions, trained personnel, clear rules and effective functional in a modern justice. ” This is the message to the prime minister by the president of the National Magistrates, Rodolfo Sabelli, opening this morning in Rome, the extraordinary general meeting of the members of the union of the robes. An appointment, the Articles of Association, which falls at a particularly delicate relationship between the government and the judiciary, after the launch of reforms such as civil liability of the robes and the cut to paid magistrates under the new rules on civil justice.

Sabelli: no controversy, we want confrontation with the government on the role
The magistrates, said the ANM leaders “refuse the way of controversy and closing corporate” and reject “offenses” reached by the government in recent months. Above all, you will not “drag” on the grounds of trade union conflict and controversy instrumental, but will maintain “straight back” to the defense of constitutional values. In his speech, Sabelli then targeted the justice policy pursued by Arenula, based on “reforms as poor or very poor quality” and marked “the absence of a comprehensive project” .The Italian courts concluded Sabelli “he has always demonstrated maturity, sense of responsibility, strong sharing ethic. We want to discuss our role because we know that it is endorsed by the dignity of our function “without giving” to the defense of our legal status, “which” is a shield to independence and autonomy. “

One of the motions also proposed strike
Despite the efforts of Sabelli to stay away from controversy and stressed that the meeting is not a declaration of war to the recent decisions government in terms of justice, the nervousness of the meeting (the agenda that sees the adoption of ‘initiatives as a result of government intervention in terms of the status of the judiciary “and” proposals for the defense of the role of the court and to improve the efficiency of the service-righteousness “), is palpable. It is reflected in one of the motions presented proposing the proclamzione of a strike against the robes, in particular, the reform of the civil liability of judges. A reform that said lead author Carlo Fucci (former secretary and member of ANM Unicost, but for years, “independent”) which is a “danger” to the independence of judges.

Meeting with the Government and awareness day on justice
Hardly, however, the proposal will be approved by Fucci, whose majority seems to want to focus on confrontation with Prime Minister’s office, requesting “a urgent meeting with the government, “to be pursued in parallel with the mobilization of members and the proclamation of a national day to raise public awareness about issues of justice. If these efforts do not succeed, and in the event of a total closure of the Government and Parliament to requests for dialogue of judges, rimarebbero open more radical options, such as the strike white robes or astenzione the general audience.



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