Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Electoral Act, Renzi and Berlusconi seek the agreement. Summit on 18 – Il Sole 24 Ore

Electoral Act, Renzi and Berlusconi seek the agreement. Summit on 18 – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published November 12, 2014 at 15:31.
The last change is the November 12, 2014 at 16:13.

Face to face with the Prime Minister’s office between 18 to Matteo Renzi and Silvio Berlusconi. It will be the last meeting on electoral law, as revealed yesterday by Premier Door to Door. Will need to seek agreement sull’Italicum, after the amendments made by the top night with the majority parties on Monday night (prize list, a mix of preferences and blocked lists, electoral threshold only 3%). Changes not all like Forza Italy.

OK to scheduling Italicum the Senate, Finocchiaro rapporteur
Meanwhile, the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Senate has voted to calendarizzare the electoral law and decided that the rapporteur will be the president Anna Finocchiaro. This was early on Twitter Senator of the Democratic Party, Francesco Russo, however, without specifying the date of commencement of examination dell’Italicum. Renzi wants the approval of the Senate before the end of the year. And ok at third reading by the House in early 2015.

Berlusconi ready at the OK list of award
Berlusconi, who yesterday hit the twin objectives of fi regroup and keep alive the covenant of the Nazarene with Renzi know that on one point the prime minister is adamant the award to the list; and is ready to give him that. In return Renzi could yield the minimum threshold, even though the majority summit at Palazzo Chigi, Monday night, it was an understanding was reached 3%. But it is useful to treat a percentage. The real goal of the minor parties, as dall’Ncd Angelino Alfano, would be 4%.

Sacconi for Italicum no solutions bastard
It is certain that the war of nerves is in progress. And Ncd tip officially standing on the threshold of 3%. “In the electoral reform all it takes. The award to the list already provides governance and has as its corollary the minimum technical threshold of 3 per cent to ensure even representation. Solutions bastard, combining the prize list and high threshold of entry, are the only hope of eliminating competitors uncomfortable and do not achieve the right balance of principles that stand the test of time is the election law, “attacked the leader of the Senate of the New Centre-Right, Maurizio Sacconi. And the NDC leader Angelino Alfano, in an interview to the press, said: “The barrage of 3% is the balance right.”

The strategy of Berlusconi
The Knight think especially at this time to keep the channel open with Renzi. There is certainly required a written note to the Covenant of the Nazarene to assume that Berlusconi expects something beyond the electoral law and invests the delicate game on the Quirinal Hill, and possibly (though denied) a review of the law that condemns all’incandidabilità Severino. The possible resignation in early 2015, Giorgio Napolitano, the return to the polls away from the dreaded Knight and at the same time offer you the opportunity to reach an agreement on a name considered “non-hostile”.

Reform constitutional text in the House Chamber on 10 or December 11
Meanwhile, the bill on constitutional reforms, already approved by the Senate, the House will go to the House on 10 or December 11. The deadline for amendments to the text shall be 12 noon on 24 November while the general discussion in the committee will be completed by the 18th or 19th of November. This was announced by the President of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the House Francesco Paolo Sisto



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