The President of the Republic makes no secret of its intention to complete in a short time his second term. The date in his mind is already well defined: the end of the year, at the expiration of the Italian Presidency of the European Union.
It is a path which is rumored for some time in the palaces of Roman politics and now there is also the certainty that the president’s decision is taken. However, the mood of the president is not the one with which, until a few months ago, he looked at the end of his tenure. He had hoped for a long time to tie this date to the success of institutional reforms and the electoral law.
WITH friends who come to visit or talk on the phone, Giorgio Napolitano reveals a twofold sense these days. On one side is pleased with the energy and determination on display by the Prime Minister, Renzi. He feels that the dynamism and willingness to deal with the problems are the political factors of which the country needs at this stage drama. The legislature needs a motor and Renzi demonstrates that he has the temperament suited to embody the spirit of the times.
On the other hand, the President of the Republic makes no secret of its intention to conclude as soon as possible its second term. The date in his mind is already well defined: the end of the year, at the expiration of the Italian Presidency of the European Union. The reasons are related to the difficulty of the task, more grueling for a man who in the month of June will celebrate ninety years.
Napolitano is tired and feel you have a right to be. Meeting the commitments on time, internal and international ones, but it’s thinning out the agenda, whether it is to get away from the Quirinale. In a few days, the 17th, will be at Bocconi University to assist the memory of Giovanni Spadolini twenty years after the death. Then a couple of European events, including one in Turin, useful to remember that the fate of Italian takes place in Europe and elsewhere. Finally, the New Year’s message to the Italians, the last of the nine pronounced after 31 December 2006.
is a path which is rumored for some time in the palaces of Roman politics and now there is also the certainty that the decision the President is taken.
In 2015, Napolitano will follow the events from the studio of Italian Palazzo Giustiniani that is ready to welcome him as president emeritus. However, the mood of the president is not the one with which, until a few months ago, he looked at the end of his tenure. He had hoped for a long time to tie this date to the success of institutional reforms and the electoral law. Especially the latter, which does not require, as is well known, a review of the Constitution, he has always seemed the most appropriate time to close and open a new one, precisely because, in the condition of the country, it is a law system designed to ensure the general structure of the institutions.
So a law unconstitutional stripped from the elements which caused the sinking of the previous standard in the work of the council. And at the same time a model able to reassure the public about the fact that the political debate develops within well-defined levees and possibly between forces that tend to recognize each other as fully legitimate, capable of exchanging the roles of government and opposition in an environment of stability. It was only on this basis that Napolitano had agreed to a second term. And who remembers the inaugural speech before the joint session, April 22, 2013, also recalls the harsh tone, almost scathing in which the head of state had just re-elected members of parliament called to their responsibilities. At stake was then as now the correct functioning of the institutions and political prospects capable of making firm the European roots of the internal dialogue.
In the mosaic imagined by Napolitano was much more: the reorganization of the bicameral system The reform of public administration, justice, and more. But the new electoral law was almost a pledge to offer urgent Italians to convince them that the season of eternal transition was really behind.
As anyone can see, today the scenario is not as hoped and Napolitano hide his disappointment. It is clear that at the end of the year we will not have the reform of the vote, but it is equally certain that the president will not wait for the time of the parties. It is not intended to be conditioned by the delays and the usual practice of the court. On this passage shows very strong with his interlocutors. So is not the link between reforms and resignations. And there will be the inauguration of the Expo 2015, as stated in the premier Renzi. The output from the Quirinale will be the fulfillment of a personal mission, whose budget is given by the large amount of acts performed in more than eight and a half years. But if the political parties have not been able to shape finished in a new chapter of history of the Republic, the President of the leaves to their responsibilities. Not the asseconderà just to cover gaps and weaknesses of a renewed only in small part.
Now prevail because of health reasons, so each day spent in building costs a sacrifice that not everyone is aware . Napolitano is sure to have passed brilliantly the toughest test on the psychological level, the evidence before the magistrates and lawyers in the process of Palermo. But the whole story, as you know, I hurt. He often repeats two points that are close to my heart. First, it intends to be managing a new political crisis and the government does not feel more than withstand the physical and mental efforts already incurred in the recent past. Even more so – and it is the second aspect emphasized – he would not lead the country to new elections ever anticipated. There will be no longer a dissolution of Parliament signed by him. It will eventually decide on the successor. And the president believes that in a democracy, Parliament must be ready and able at all times to elect another figure at the top institutions.
This is the path envisioned at the Quirinale. The parties have so little time to address the problem and prevent the choice of the successor of Napolitano’s here in a few weeks, will turn into another episode of institutional attrition. However, the script has not been written yet. There is an assumption of real agreement on a new name. There are three subjects in the field more, the Democratic Party, Forza Italy and the Five Stars. Plus other minor subjects likely to play their game, as the League. Whether and how the wires are tied, through such arrangements transparent and underground, for now we do not know. But everyone knows that time is running out.

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