Friday, May 8, 2015

Cameron on the verge of an absolute majority. Miliband him … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on 7 May 2015 at 07:30.
The last change is the May 8, 2015 at 11:08.

London – David Cameron is moving towards an absolute majority of seats in the House of Commons. With a further surprising acceleration – belying polls Eve – the Conservative Party could win 325 seats out of 650, according to projections by the BBC calculated on actual counting of the votes.

It is the magic number (you only need 324 for the traditional absence of Members of Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland who won the seat, but do not sit to the municipalities) that would allow the outgoing prime minister to lead the country in solitary. We are on the edge of arithmetic and destiny coalition might still be preferable to ensure a solid majority in the country. The real count of the votes is still in full swing and as we write the Conservatives have won 210 MPs, Labour 195, but the counting continues, and with the arrival of the single constituency numbers are updated constantly.
The final outcome will be known during the morning, but the overall meaning of the vote in a country that chooses continuity but widens at the same time, their offer policy is now clear. Labour falls – projected – 232 deputies a score in less than those achieved in 2010, while the Tories will earn a similar extent. Ed Miliband is going to announce his resignation in the office of Labour in London, writes the Guardian online.

The collapse of the Liberal Democrats is vertical: the leadership of the party, except Nick Clegg, was removed from parliament and is projected by the Lib Dem could increase to nearly 12 deputies, 45 fewer than they had in the assembly outgoing . The triumph of the Scottish Nationalists confirms extraordinary, according to projections, with 56 deputies – on 59 competing in Scotland – ten times more than those who had won five years ago. And the Ukip’s Nigel Farage march in the country with more force than expected: the electoral system does not allow him to have more than 2 or 3 deputies, but if you read the outcome in key proportional Europhobes the British are the third force with 3.5 million voters. And it is an electoral system no longer able to represent the reality of British politics to be targeted. The data Scots will exemplify the image: SNP should ensure 56 deputies with 1.5 million votes on a national basis, the Ukip a couple, with 3.5 million or almost all English. Are the ingredients for a growing tension between the nations of the Kingdom of Elizabeth.

The day will bring other verdicts and concern the fate of the leaders. The uncertain destiny of Nick Ckegg, vice premier and the Lib Dem leadership, a party made beheaded. The next few hours will tell the fate of the country is clear: voters chose continuity, rewarding a government that has navigated the crisis, managing to restore the economy, accelerate recovery and create jobs more than anyone else in ‘ European Union.



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