May 1
Milan , May 1, 2015 – 12:35
Online Editor
” The work is the first priority, there rassegnamo and do not lose heart “Thus the president Sergio Mattarella christened the May Day, Labor Day, at the ceremony of the Knights of the work at the Quirinale. According to the Head of State, Labor Day “must awaken hopes and shared commitments, but to do so must be based on sincere words.” Celebrate the work is not to ignore the difficulties that our country, but the message they want to launch Mattarella is optimism and hope: “Italy is going to make taking high values which underpin our democracy. Innovation is our challenge. ”
Unemployment and the issue of the South
There are two difficult issues that crop up when it comes to work: unemployment and the difficulties of the South. The lack of jobs remains “a searing wound in the social body,” recalls Mattarella. “No Italian citizen must feel abandoned, no one should throw in the towel,” because “the civilization, the Constitution, the common good can prevail. Must prevail, “said the president of the Republic. Those calling for work can not be left “without concrete answers,” but without forgetting that “we can not do without the young, must enter the system as protagonists.” Mattarella also place the issue of the South as primary to reduce the North-South gap, which “is taking on serious dimensions”: now a “new Southern question arises before the country if you want to take a leap forward towards more equitable development” . He said the president strongly Mattarella stressing that “it is imperative that South colder.”
The appeal
Finally, the thrust of President is the delicate situation that our country is experiencing, “We are at a crossroads and deciding what will happen in the coming months will determine a long cycle: there are still selfishness and corporate defenses that hamper our potential,” he said Mattarella asking “national system” supports “the positive forces” that can be seen. The work is a priority and – this is the appeal of the head of state – must “know how to direct efforts converge and find, through dialogue, common commitments.” For “all” the head of state also wants the EU: “It is clear to everyone that the EU must steer their course,” specific Mattarella, and Italy will be more “cohesive” more help “to Europe take growth-oriented policies. ” And this is certainly not ‘question our Europeanism. ” And in his appeal he does not hesitate to include the unions on issues of labor and the reform of the labor market “look forward to a fruitful dialogue and a common commitment, also with social and trade union.”
Women penalized “condition of backwardness”
Another issue addressed by the president is” the criminalization of women’s work, “which is” state of backwardness. ” According to the head of state, quest’arretratezza “takes away resources and quality businesses. The increase of women’s work, however, would favor not only the growth of GDP, but also the reduction of poverty, because it would be a driving force for many service activities. ” “However, the level of female employment in our country can hardly satisfy us – added the head of state – less than one in two women has a job, and 46.7%, recorded by ISTAT, it ranks second lowest in ‘European Union. Although this is a national priority. “
1 May 2015 | 12:35
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