Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mattarella, less selfishness by the EU Brussels: via a “quote … – TGCOM

– “Europe may once again be a catalyst for development, we use our resources to relaunch and strengthen the plan Juncker”, so the head of state Mattarella on the occasion of Europe Day. The Chairman shall call a change of course on austerity to reduce social imbalances and cites Schuman and his statement: “Today, as then, there is need for growth and justice. We choose our destiny”

 Mattarella, less selfishness by the EU Brussels: via a & quot; & quot immigration quotas;

The message – A speech clear that the President Sergio Mattarella Day in Europe: 65 years ago as “Europe will not be alone,” he says, citing the Schuman Declaration and signed on 9 May 1950, which started the CZECH (Community of Coal and ‘Steel). The challenges are many Union today but we need a raise. And the message goes straight to Brussels: “No more selfishness on austerity and immigration”. It occurs the “We are Europeans” and a warning not to consider only the bureaucracy but also the opportunity to be together, as long as you focus on growth.
points – Work, young, development, role of ‘Europe in the world: these are the main points of the speech of the head of state. Mattarella ribadise that solidarity and peace were the basis of the cooperation pact between countries which until recently had fought: “Less selfishness to play a role peace in Africa and the Middle East. ” The goal, according to the president, is to return to have an authoritative voice: “The new challenges of global society must put Europe with new ambitions and new goals to deal with creativity.”
EU plan on immigration, will be discussed Wednesday – From European sources comes a communication A of an imminent measure to redistribute immigrants across the continent. But is ready frond of no: Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary and the Nordic countries on a war footing to prevent them from arriving on their territory. Brussels is also working to prepare a mission in Libyan waters, which will block the boats at the start. Will be discussed in the Commission Wednesday, meanwhile, the dossier is circulated in the capital.

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