Sunday, May 3, 2015

“Parades, prohibitions as for the ultras’ – BBC

Milan , May 3, 2015 – 08:58


Angelino Alfano (ANSA)
Angelino Alfano (Ansa)

ROME -There have been burning cars and broken windows, hooded boys attack the police with Molotov cocktails. “The worst has been avoided,” reiterates Interior Minister Angelino Alfano as there are damages to millions of euro.

possible that we should be satisfied just because there were no serious injuries or even casualties?
“According to information we had gathered for some time, the demonstration on 1 May could be a new G8. We have too many examples, some recent, in large countries like Germany, not to know that these demonstrations can turn into real looting of the city. In this case, the protesters had decided to storm the gates of Expo Square Cadorna and then get to the ladder. This was the worst “.

The premier Renzi says that thugs were spoiled children.
” That’s right, it seems to me that this is supported even by the declaration of some parents. Apart from the video shot by the police, where you see young people with Rolex wrists. Then, of course, there were also the scoundrels who certainly were not the first experience and in fact have been implementing a diversion to groped to violate areas symbolically most representative. “

The Italians were joined by many foreigners, because they do not have them stopped before?
“There was a strong activity prevention with 2 arrests, 52 complaints, 32 expelled and so much material seized. More than half were foreigners. The work went ahead after the parade, with 5 arrests, 17 complaints and 32 people taken to police headquarters for controls. Certainly the budget will be further positive for the investigator. “

Why did you not willing the suspension of Schengen in order to prevent the arrival of foreigners?
“Why had gathered after the devastation of Frankfurt during the summit of the ECB a month and a half ago. We could not close the border for weeks. But most of all we did not want to create problems for visitors to Expo. It would have been a success for the black bloc. The police have been able to handle the square in admirable fashion without getting to such drastic measures. “

A Milan judge has decided not to validate certain expulsion of foreign nationals. This has created damage in prevention?
“We do our duty. I prefer not to comment on the decisions of judges. “

Police Chief Alessandro Pansa said that the decision not to charge is served to keep the violent under control.
“He’s right. They have been made available personnel and equipment appropriate to the event, but the management of the square competes technicians. While exploding bombs paper, men and women of law enforcement have to make decisions. And I can tell you that they made a smart choice because the demonstrators wanted to be pursued so that the principals were discovered that prevented the protesters access to the historic city center. They threw Molotov cocktails to distract agents and plan attacks elsewhere, however we managed to prevent it. “

There will be something you can do to prevent the guerrillas?
“In the new draft law on urban security we expected the deferred stop for the protesters to have more powers to block them and inaspriremo treatment of sanctions for those who wear a helmet or other clothing to conceal her identity. “

Do not you think there are grounds to proceed by decree?
“I’m more in favor of the bill with fast track, in any case we will discuss in the coming hours. Meanwhile, we will give a more effective instrument to the prefects. “

“We are working to prohibitions estimates as with football matches. When there is a high degree of danger will be allowed to parade in the center of the city, just as it does when it prevents the fans to go away. “

The governor of Lombardy, Roberto Maroni has announced the allocation of a half million euro to compensate for damage caused by the citizens. Did not touch the government?
“We are ready to do our part, the property is sacred. For this we are ready to add money to the Region state resources. Citizens must recover to the last euro. “

What should we expect in Expo next six months?
“We prepared 25 security plans, there are thousands of people involved, 490 sites under surveillance. Unfortunately that law and order is an issue which affects all the great democracies. Just see what happens with the police in the United States or in the stadiums in other European countries. “

This can not be justified.
“Certainly not. But what happened on Friday with gas masks and black suits abandoned just half an hour after the clashes for me is the yield of the violent. If we want to address the root problem of these young people so violent, then we must speak of early prevention, school, family. “

League and 5 Star Movement calling for his resignation.
“Funny, I’m late, in the last 15 days they had not ever asked for.”

May 3, 2015 | 8:58



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