Saturday, May 16, 2015

School bill, the sponsor: “The strikes are damaging to students and … – TGCOM

– “Who moves outside the law produces damage against the students and their families. They will have to explain the reasons for any illegal blockade of the ballots. ” He said the President of the Commission of guarantee on strikes Roberto Alesse, after the announcement of a new Cobas stop two days. “The Authority will assess whether the announcement of the union is legitimate,” he added. Renzi: “Listen not give in”.

School Reform disputed

Paul Dal Dosso

The dates of the stop by region – “We would have preferred a unitary call – says the spokesman of the Cobas Piero Bernocchi – but we think it should be broken through the inertia to urgently give a strong signal that calms teachers and demonstrating the legitimacy of the proposed form of struggle: and for that we held, hoping strongly that the other unions to do the same, the block of the ballots and any school activity for all staff for two consecutive days, from the day following the end of classes, differentiated by regions. Namely: on 8 and 9 June in Emilia-Romagna and Molise; 9 and 10 in Lazio and Lombardy, 10 and 11 in Puglia, Sicily and Trentino; l ‘ 11:12 in Liguria, Marche, Sardinia, Tuscany, Umbria, Campania and Veneto, 12 and 13 in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piedmont and Val d’Aosta; 17 and 18 in the South Tyrol. “

” We await a new date by the bad teacher Renzi “- The Cobas” remind principals that you can not proceed to any final ballot before the completion of the lessons (paragraph 7, art.192 of Legislative Decree 297/1994) and that you can not move official ballots already called in the days of strike (anti-union activities) and that we would be forced to pursue any illegality in that sense. “” We look forward to a new call by the ‘bad teacher’ Renzi – continues Bernocchi – to explain, among other things as might a headmaster with hundreds of teachers in the various complexes – he sees, at most, two or three times a year in college teachers – judge their teaching skills. “

” How they could do even parents and students, awarding wage increases to a 10% ‘best’ teachers; with such psychic qualities a president “will engage” Albi by local teachers never seen and known; why should they be citizens, and not the state, to fund schools with the 5 per thousand? “.

I Cobas, based on the answers that will come, will assess” how to continue the fight, even beyond two-day block already announced. We discuss this with the workers in the days of joint mobilization between 18 and 20, during the vote on the draft bill in the House. “Finally, there will be a national demonstration on Sunday, June 7, or alternatively dozens of events take place in the same day.

Renzi: “Well suggestions, but listen not give in” – On the reform of the school Matteo Renzi wrote on Twitter: “I’m reading the responses of prof. We will treasure of suggestions and criticisms. The school is the challenge to bring Italy to do … Italy. “” Listen means listening, not pander to strength. It’s not that we do or what you say or we are not Democrats … “he added then Prime Minister in response to a follower who suggested he” go over the concept of democracy because much talk and not listen to anything. “

“Who hired not fired after three years” – Renzi then responded well to a follower who asked him if he cared professors or the elections: “The elections will be in 2018 . Those in Europe in 2019. The school is forever. “Taking on the clarity bill Good School, the premier also emphasized that” people who have been hired not fired after three years. And ‘one of the many urban legends “.

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Matthew renzi

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