Saturday, May 16, 2015

School, the House first yes to reform. Renzi: nothing decrees for … – The Messenger

As the premier excludes decrees excerpt for hiring of 100,000 temporary workers (“impossible just because the entries are linked in part to the new school model”), began the process of approval of “The Good School” by the House. Yesterday in a sitting pretty excited approved the first seven articles of the reform.

The court has given the green light in Article 1 of the text (243 yes, 107 no and 1 abstention) determines that the autonomy of schools for what concerns the management and the parameters of annual hours of material, the strengthening of school time and flexible scheduling time overall that will allow schools to be open also in the afternoon. Article 2 approved with 251 yes and 83 no, delivery to the principal the possibility of an effective and structural management of the school staff, the funds of the Institute and of technological equipment and materials.

With 267 yes and No. 92, is then validated by the Assembly Article 3, which includes the activation, only in the 2nd period and the last year of secondary school degree of electives that will be at the discretion of the students, making use the share of autonomy and spaces of flexibility. The House then gave its blessing in Article 4 on the school-work and the fifth article on teaching in prisons.


 It is to be noted that the government has been defeated on a technical amendment to the substance of the budget committee. The error due to admission of the vice president of the Chamber Roberto Giachetti which closed the vote while the group of the Democratic Party was in the process of orientation of the vote, however, has not affected the way of subsequent ballots. To record the concerns expressed by the House Budget Committee on the covers of economic reform, in particular, those relating to the amendments approved in the Culture Committee.

However, holding court all day, however, were the statements of Chairman of the Board, Matteo Renzi, who expressed satisfaction with the reform bill: “I am very happy with the discussion about the school because after years and years of talk finally enter the merits of what is the main challenge of the country. The more we talk with serenity and tranquility on the merits of the reform, we have more to gain. Finally focuses on the school. “


 The premier also stressed that “after discussing it decides, otherwise the country stops.” Renzi has also claimed responsibility for the investment of his government: “We are the first government that puts more money on schools. Hundred and sixty thousand assumptions between this and next year is a huge figure. For other precarious there can be other procedure that that competition. I take a commitment: we will enter only for the competition and I do not separate the assumptions of the reform, because for too long the school has taken no structural criteria. ” While the votes were in progress, a few steps from the House to the streets of the Pantheon, the unions have created an initiative of listening and comparison.

They came whistles and protests both for the two deputies democratic Simona Malpezzi and Anna Ascani who sought a dialogue in the square and is the leader of the minority dem Stefano Fassina.

             Saturday, May 16, 2015, 09:23 – Last Updated: 09:45


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