Tuesday, May 5, 2015

School, in thousands against the reform tv Renzi: listen to the protest … – BBC

Milan , May 5, 2015 – 08:57



The people of the school, students, teachers and administrative staff, and strike down in square from north to south against the reform desired by Renzi. A night raid of the students of universities and schools outside the Ministry of University and Research has given the “the” in the protest. Outside the headquarters of the ministry, in Viale Trastevere in Rome, he appeared a banner that read “We want a really good school.” A group of boys staged a flash mob whose images were then uploaded to Youtube. Then, in the early morning, the first gatherings, to reach the venues for the departure of the processions: seven in major Italian cities, followed by rallies, flash mobs and debates to express dissent for the contents of the bill in 2994, being approved in Parliament. In the square, to challenge the government with the unions and students, even some members of the minority Democratic Party, as Stefano Fassina – which was disputed by the demonstrators – and Goofy Civati. At the end of the morning the Network of Knowledge spreads a note with the “numbers” of the event: 25 thousand students demonstrated in Rome, Milan 20 thousand, 15 thousand in Bari, Cagliari 5 thousand, 10 thousand and 5 thousand in Palermo to Catania. “Renzi has found not only students, parents, teachers, staff Ata, but all citizens united against the bill school,” says Danilo Lampis, national coordinator of the Student Union.

” We listen to the protests’

A day that seems to have stirred the waters: from Bolzano, where he participated in a Democratic Party convention, the premier Matteo Renzi , to end the morning he said: ” There are many people who are protesting, we listen because it is right, even entering into the merits, but we put 3 billion school. Some say that there are few, but certainly more than there were before. ” “Today we have the courage to jump-start the best energies starting from the school. Shortly before the opening of the President of the Senate, Piero Grasso : “There is the availability of the Senate to hear the teachers who went on strike today,” he said. Because for the good school – he added – need a positive comparison to arrive at solutions should be shared. The school’s teachers and children and the future of the country.

More and students another blitz Tuesday morning at the Pincio from the balcony overlooking Piazza del Popolo in Rome, the boys UDS unfurled a banner ” The government refuses to listen – said Danilo Lampis, who is the national coordinator of the organization – and proposes a school totally opposed to the proposals dell’AltraScuola, written by students in recent months. ”

Schools closed

One hundred thousand demonstrators a Rome , tens of thousands of people in other places, for the general strike that some trade unionists have called “the greatest of all time.” Hundreds of schools closed across Italy, with membership rates by up to 80%, according to organizers. The demonstration was called by major unions – FLC-CGIL, UIL and Cis School, Snals, Gilda – in seven cities: Aosta, Milan, Rome, Bari, Catania, Palermo, Cagliari. They also expressed the Cobas – Usb, Unicobas, ANIEF acronyms and minors – in twelve cities. The protest will continue Cobas Wednesday 6th and Tuesday 12, groped to boycott the tests Invalsi, which were to take place today in the second and fifth year of primary, postponed at the last moment not to make them coincide with the day of protest.

Premier challenged

A Bolzano , one hundred students rallied, shouting slogans against the school reform front of the theater of the city, where he was expected intervention of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi . A cameraman was hit by a full bottle of mineral water, plastic, thrown by a demonstrator. In his speech, the prime minister praised among other practices of alternation between school and work in the province, saying: “We need to copy from South Tyrol model of training.”


School, here is a map of the protest: all appointments, city by city




The reasons for the protest

A strike the precarious school, but also the teacher hired, against the books and territorial mobility. Students took to the streets against cuts to private schools decided by the bill, against private funding to public school, ask for more money for school construction, reform of the cycles, a rethinking of the autonomy. In the square also parliamentarians and leaders of the main unions. “If the government does not listen to us – the students wrote in a note – we will continue to mobilize: boycott Invalsi tests on May 12 and we will fight together with the teachers to block the ballots.”

In piazza

Schools empty therefore. Streets and squares filled. And behind the trade unions with the most used banner: “Joining the school.” According to data provided by the organizers of the protests across Italy showed 80 thousand people: 25 thousand students demonstrated in Rome , 20 thousand to Milan , 15 thousand to Bari , 5 thousand to Cagliari , 10 thousand to Palermo and 5 thousand to Catania .


Leading the way in procession against school reform brand renziana the federal secretary of the CGIL Susanna Camusso . “Here in the square – he says – is the world that the school is: there is the world of students, teachers, technical personnel and families. It will be a vocal minority in the country but is one that builds the future of the country. ” A reference to the Camusso, in a phrase undersecretary David Pharaoh that were somehow just as “vocal minority” opposed to the front of the teachers draft bill. Camusso went on to say: “Now we will see the effects of this protest. If necessary we will find other ways to continue our struggle. ” “This – he said – is the arrogance of those who have no arguments. Today has been made one of the biggest strikes in living memory. “

” Agnese? Does not have our problems, “

Among slogans and chants were heard the voices of professors: those arguments, as Professor of relief that the journalist (” But the wife of Renzi today not on strike “) replies:” The lady Agnese Landini (which teaches Pontassieve and this morning came regularly in class, ed ) does not have our problems: she the certainty that the end of the month salaries will come into the house. ” Also criticize the consultation “open” that the government says it has guaranteed to arrive at a shared reform: “A pseudo listening – replica another teacher -. A flop, the numbers say. ” And the prime minister suggests: “If he wants to know what is really listening, counsel to Renzi read the book of a great mayor of Florence:” The expectation of the poor “of Giorgio La Pira.”

Minority Pd

The school reform presented by the government “he points unacceptable.” He said Stefano Fassina , deputy of the Democratic Party, parading through the streets of Rome in the procession. “It’s changed – he underlined – the part that deals with the powers of principals who follow the model of” one man in command “that would Renzi for Italian institutions.” E Pippo Civati ​​, also in the square, said: “I read today a phrase that could be pronounced Giannini minister by his predecessors as Moratti and the Gelmini – said Civati ​​-. The minister said that this is a political strike. This however is not a political strike because politics is not any more, because the Democratic Party has betrayed its electoral commitments and has made a reform school far away from our political culture. ”

The replica of the government

Dry the reply of the Minister Giannini that live on Radio 24, the question of why seven years occurred a strike with such a large membership, he replied: “Why seven years there took care of school to change it. ” And metaphorically, about the teachers eligible to contest the 2012 fall outside the recruitment plan, he replied: “I have won a contest. One thing is to have a driver’s license, one thing is to buy the car. ”

May 5, 2015 | 8:57



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