But the result, that rejoices Grasso (“A good sign by the institutions’) and Boldrini (” It is the moralization of politics “), do not get there without pain.
The majority splits: almost everything Pd vote ‘yes’; Ap or do not show up or does not vote; SVP in the Senate refrains. And the opposition is in no particular order: FI abandons work; M5S the House and goes to the Senate says “no”; Sel gives the go along with the League and FDI; while FI abandons work. The approval of the resolution, which clears the “privileged pension” for the MP who undergoes a final conviction in more than two years for mafia crimes, terrorism, against the PA (except for abuse of office) and for all those involving sentences of not less in the maximum 6 years, including tax fraud, but not the illegal financing of political parties, was a fairly uphill. Which required endless meetings, talks more or less reserved and several rewrites of the document.
A meticulous work, in short, that saw President Grasso in the front row. His is in fact the first draft then revised and corrected in the light of the views of respondents and constitutional demands of different political forces. In resolution 2.0 in fact it appeared measures that were not there before and that have been harshly criticized by the 5 star that eventually either voted against or are gone. First of all, the chance to regain the annuity in case of rehabilitation. This can be requested three years after the end of the sentence (or after 8 or 10 years in the case of serious crimes and recidivism) and, if there is any, the annuity will be restored because no criminal record becomes clean and is therefore less “the negative condition” that led to the cutting of the retirement benefit.
The resolution, which collects 8 yes Senate, of 19 components (Grasso did not vote), and 12 in the House, including 7 of the Pd, unconvincing but all Dem. In addition to the hard speech in the House of the former treasurer of the DS Ugo Sposetti according to which ‘there is increasingly bending all’antipolitica, “Senator Silvana Amati did not submit to the Council of Presidency because , as explained by a party colleague, “has remained consistent,” despite the recent and persistent pressure of Renzi, with “his basic approach is contrary to address the matter with a resolution” rather than a law, as also they demanded Ap and FI . “On the law – is pressing Maurizio Gasparri – at first we were all in agreement, then it is preferred to campaign in the elections and in the end you have chosen the way of resolution.”
That however all They seem to forget how it was the instrument with which the annuities were introduced. In addition, some members of the Democratic Party as Linda Lanzillotta have tabled amendments (all in the Senate they were presented 16) described as “saboteurs” who were ultimately withdrawn because “they would actually overturned the decision.” The 5 Star, meanwhile, remain on a war footing. The annuities, reiterates Grillo, were cut just as the Bottici defends the first resolution Grasso accusing the majority of it “unnatural” to the point that “it can not be rated.”
The League trying to lift I am asking the shot with a “counter-resolution” to cut annuities for all, but the sortie of Calderoli is branded as a “provocation” “no hope of passing.” The cut, meanwhile, will become operational in 60 days, when it enters into force the resolution. And to “pay the cost” could be among others Berlusconi, Dell’Utri and Previti.

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