Thursday, July 2, 2015

Corruption, State calls for more powers to fight PA still “formal” – Reuters Italy

ROMA (Reuters) – The measures taken by the Government against corruption are even more formal than substantive, and should be given more powers to the authority to combat a widespread problem, especially among local authorities, he said today the president of ‘Anak Raffaele Cantone.

In his first report to Parliament, the magistrate admitted that, one year after the birth of the National Anti-Corruption, the overall picture remains “characterized by the spread of corruption in large sectors of the public administration and mismanagement of public resources “.

He also said that the three-year plans for the prevention of corruption processed by the 90% government seem more a fulfillment “mere formality” to comply with the law that evidence of a real commitment: “In fact, against the general performance by the government, the quality of documents in terms of method, sustainability and effectiveness appears substantially insufficient “.

The President ANAC cited in particular the case of staff turnover, which is planned only in 40% of cases, while only 61% of the administrations have initiated procedures for whistblowing, ie to collect reports on alleged abuses.

Even in terms of transparency, said Canton, governments seem more concerned about “fulfill an obligation rather than formal-bureaucratic ‘civic’ and accountability”.

The President ANAC today called on the Parliament first of all to clarify” the scope of the rules on the prevention of corruption and transparency of private companies in public control and the subsidiaries “, with corrections to the law 190 and decrees related.

But Canton also thought to serve more powers to impose sanctions, and not just monetary, to his authority, to punish such governments that do not adopt anti-corruption measures and ensure their proper implementation.

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