Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Jobs Act, yes the Chamber: FI, League, M5S and 40 deputies leave the Democratic Party … – The Messenger

Jobs Act, yes the Chamber: FI, League, M5S and 40 deputies leave the Democratic Party … – The Messenger

On the House to the Jobs Act, which now returns to the Senate. Shortly before the final vote, all opposition MPs – Forza Italy, league M5S over the minority of the Democratic Party – have left the classroom and did not participate in the vote.

The measure passed with 316 6 yes and no. Forty members of the Democratic Party (on a group of 307 members) did not vote the Jobs Act, two have said no to the text, the other two abstained. The no are those of Joseph Civati ​​and Luca Pastorino. Abstained civatiani Paolo Gandolfi and Giuseppe Guerini. Voted no remaining in the Chamber also Francesco Saverio Romano Forza Italy and Gianni Melilla of Sel, while Massimo Corsaro, the Brothers of Italy-An, voted yes in dissent from the group.

In the measure were indicating the period of protection provided for cases of dismissals for economic reasons or disciplinary. Innovations, than provided by the Statute of workers, concerning new permanent jobs, “to increasing protections” and that will have to be divided in the decrees which, according to the commitments made by the Government, will come into force with the beginning 2015. It was well designed “for economic dismissals the possibility of reinstatement of the worker in the workplace, providing economic compensation and certainly growing with the length of service” and limited “the right to reinstatement of redundancies null and discriminatory and specific types of disciplinary dismissal unjustified.

Thirty Members of dem have signed a document in which they explain the reasons why it did not participate in the final vote. Despite the changes made in the House, the installation of the proxy at work, it is explained, is not satisfactory. Among the supporters Cuperlo, Bindi, Boccia, Zoggia, D’Attorre.

Goofy Civati ​​has instead reiterated in the classroom “profound disagreement to the vote of the group to which I belong.” “The theme was to give a sign that we understand the outside. According to me, or you vote against or exit the message is the same. “

” In the delegation there is no logging of temporary contracts: the points on labor are points of retreat from the right of workers’ Fassina said. “It continues – he added – to insist on the precariousness of work to promote growth: this is disarming, after all that has happened in these years no one understands that it is a recipe failed.”

Fassina has acknowledged that mediation has improved the text “but – said – remain negative evaluations on decisive points.” Lacking such resources for the active and passive policies, and the same funds for cushions in 2015 are less than those for the layoffs notwithstanding in 2014. Also critical to the dismissal rules, the demotion and the remote controls.

“I do not participate in the voting – said D’Attorre – because despite the work worthy of the committee system of the delegation is still not satisfactory and is unresolved knot of resources for social safety nets.”

Signs of M5S in plenary during the final debate. Upon completion of all colleagues of tripod Davide group exposed sheet with the inscription ‘Licenziact. ” The President Laura Boldrini ordered its removal to the committed.

“The Jobs Act is against the rights of workers and useless for employment. Serves net position of all those who do not share it. Writes on twitter the national coordinator of Sel Nicola Fratoianni addressing the parliamentarians of the Democratic Party.


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