Thursday, November 20, 2014

Renzi: to bid farewell to the receipts, need tracking – Il Sole 24 Ore

Renzi: to bid farewell to the receipts, need tracking – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published November 20, 2014 at 15:00.
The last change is the November 20, 2014 at 17:55.

“We eliminate the receipts and sostituiamoli with electronic traceability.” So the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, speaking at the presentation of the Digital Champions, has announced that it intends, with the proxy tax, to ensure that “the Inland Revenue to stop being a vulture and become an advisor to the company and the people.”

“When you have to criticize the government say” think that to govern is to use tweet. ” There are many arguments to criticize the government, but the point that I felt more barren is this three times. The point is that stuff, twitter, social, is not the opposite of serious policy. Of course, the prime minister is little geek chic … “. So Renzi then responds to the criticism of the unions, adding that “we have to carry out the usual suspects concrete opportunities like this.”

Enough with the cliche that “Italy is a combination of bad luck,” and just by saying that instead it’s all good. We need to change things that do not go with the awareness of the qualities that we are in Italy. We must “improve ourselves, and will stop ‘to think that we have a future.”

Renzi then calls a “paradigm shift in the country.” Why “not all white or all black, but there are two ways to describe Italy.” On the one hand, “we used to say the cliché that Italy is a combination of bad luck: the brains are all abroad, we who are left are all of the pancreas … Let the freedom to think that anyone who is not a blockhead. ”

But “if Fabiola Gianotti became director of CERN is a paragraph in the newspapers, if you make 153 thousand new jobs do not say.” On the other hand, “there are those who respond that risporanti are full, that’s all right.” For Renzi there is a middle ground: So “we have to change Italy because it is right,” and digital tools “to help Italy to become better.”

“I do not know how we can reach other countries and other realities, but I know that inside us we have outstanding opportunities. My job – he concluded – is to show that Italy can get going again, there are a lot of problems but we are Italy. “



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