Friday, February 19, 2016

civil unions, Woods: “Numbers are not enough Pd, serves meeting point” – The Republic

Rome – The Minister of Relations with Parliament, Elena Woods, sounded the alarm. “On civil unions the votes of the Democratic Party are not enough.” Then warns: “We need a meeting point”. In the direction of a meeting between the parties, the President of the Senate, after the withdrawal of thousands of the League amendments (roughly six hundred) have remained, open to the hypothesis that the ‘Kangaroos’ were to be judged “unacceptable.” The hypothesis, which would radically change scenarios in the Senate , concerns a “kangaroo ‘before signing Andrea Marcucci could lock down the bill Cirinnà , and those, much more numerous (about a hundred), the League, which could affossarlo. the inadmissibility of ‘kangaroos’ would result in a possible brightening of the climate in the classroom, totally exposing the stepchild to the Assembly’s decision and inducing the Democratic party to pick up the threads of a middle ground inside and outside the party. with the M5S back ‘in play’ (although contacts with the Democratic party on the issue is now closed) to approve the bill Cirinnà, after ‘ ad Alessandro Di Battista RepTv that the votes “5stars are available to the law, and not the Democratic Party.”

Woods: “In the Senate democratic party does not self-sufficient.” “In the Senate democratic party It does not have the numbers to push through the bill on civil unions, even if you count the votes of Sel. for this you need to find a meeting point with the political forces that are there. This was stated by Minister of Relations with Parliament, Maria Elena Boschi. “The laws are made if there are numbers – said Woods – the Democratic Party in the Senate is not self-sufficient.” So, he added, “we have to create a point of meeting with the political forces that we are,” but “this is the difficulty and beauty of democracy”. “The discussion” of recent weeks “is already a step forward – continued -. We are a government that is different sensitivities. It is an act of courage in Parliament to discuss this issue.” “I do not think a defeat having the courage to address this issue – said Woods – then I do not have a crystal ball and I do not know what will happen, because the way is the first step in Parliament. I hope that the road we need both short runs because there are so many people waiting for too long and are entitled to see their rights recognized. “

Fat:” Kangaroos unacceptable. “” is a hypothesis in the field, given the importance of the theme “. So the president of the Senate Pietro Grasso answers the question whether it is plausible that are declared inadmissible all the amendments so-called “ supercanguri ” to the bill presented Cirinnà. “I’m considering all assumptions and all the scenarios – adds – being able to finally have a” human “file of only 1,200 amendments net of eligibility assessments.” The premissivi ( “kangaroos” ed ), continues Grease “are tolerated weapon in front of a filibuster in exasperation. Now we are facing only a few hundred votes.”

bill Cirinnà
super kangaroo
kangaroo amendment
civil unions
Madame palace
rights civil
emendmento marcucci
new center
Maria Elena Boschi
Pietro Grasso
Andrea Marcucci
Angelino Alfano

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