Friday, February 19, 2016

Rome, Berlusconi insists on Bertolaso ​​is the best candidate. But Salvini asked more time – Il Sole 24 Ore

History of the article


This article was published on February 19, 2016 at 15:41 hours.
the last change is the 19 February 2016 at 17:19.

“We wanted to give a clear signal of discontinuity and diversity of the politicians of the left politicians. we did not choose a party man, a champion of the bla bla bla, but a sample of doing, with great management skills. Guido Bertolaso ​​has worked by my side for three years, I know him well. It is absolutely the best mayor that Rome can give to remedy the disaster caused by the administration of the left. ” After a cold shower yesterday, with the “pause for reflection” imposed by Matteo Salvini, the leader of Forza Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, Bertolaso ​​sponsors, raised in an interview with TG5 the candidacy of the former head of Civil Protection.

Salvini city deserves a week of reflection
But the League’s secretary he realized that the statements about the Roma ‘harassed’, to be treated with “more tact and more caution “pronounced in recent days by Bertolaso ​​are indigestible for his electorate. It continues to take time. “Rome is worth a week of reflection … as in Milan we chose Parisi, who is the best candidate and he will win, so in Rome and in all the cities we have to choose the best possible candidate. Listening in the first place the Romans’ reiterated today Salvini, interviewed in The phone call on Channel 5. He added: “I’m going to Rome on tiptoe – he added – is a city that has been so badly administered … here why I say let’s take a few days because Rome does not deserve mistakes. “

The divisions in the center
Yesterday, the rethinking of Salvini of Bertolaso ​​has scuppered the summit at Palazzo Grazioli with the secretary of the Northern League and the leader of FDI Giorgia Meloni to define candidates in other cities. Within a few minutes the summit jumps. Meloni went on a rampage declaring himself “shocked”. His right arm and FDI leader, Fabio Rampelli, Salvini accused of “sabotage.” And now the situation seems out of control. Francesco Storace, the candidate of the Right, who recently denounced calls for him to retire, said he was certain that Bertolaso ​​in March will not be the candidate of the center. Inside FDI are convinced that Salvini points to put on track Alfio Marchini, the entrepreneur who obtained the latest municipal 10% of the vote and it is now supported by fittiani and Ncd, but which had placed Meloni considering veto too far left . At this point it is also possible that the League will pull out. But returning back is dangerous. “If you miss Bertolaso, jumps around,” warns Berlusconi. Also because the friction between the League and FDI are not only in Rome: Bologna at Novara and Pordenone, Salvini wants candidates League mayors.

Marchini: well stop Salvini of Bertolaso, but there’s no secret pact
The candidate for mayor in Rome Alfio Marchini, commenting on the stop of the League Guido Bertolaso ​​candidate of the center of the Capitol has excluded agreements under the track with the leader of the Northern League ( “There are no secret deals”) but has made no secret that he appreciated the position taken by Salvini position that “merely to take note of reality ». As for his program, Marchini announced at 24 AM on Radio 24: “We will present a security bill and we have a row of senators and MPs who want to do it, I believe that now is the time to address some of emergencies such as prostitution, begging, rovistaggio waste, illegal trade, the fight against counterfeiting. ”

Tomorrow most candidates by Rutelli
The main candidates in the primaries of the center in Rome, but Guido Bertolaso, Alfio Marchini and Stefano Fassina, meanwhile, will be tomorrow at ‘final event of’ the Next Roma ‘- an initiative promoted by Francesco Rutelli – the Auditorium Conciliazione. They have confirmed their attendance Roberto Giachetti, Roberto Morassut and Gianfranco Mascia, in addition to the candidate of the center Bertolaso ​​and the ‘civic’ Marchini. There will also Fassina, the Left candidate for mayor Italian and Sel. Among the guests also the Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin and national chairman of the Democratic Party and the Roman Commissioner Matthew Orfini.

Jobseekers M5S: we want to govern Rome, ready to challenge
“No fear to govern Rome, we are ready for the challenge.” To say it in a press conference at Montecitorio are the six candidates 5 stars competing for the mayor of the capital. Who among them will be the most voted in the second round – next week on Grillo’s blog – will be the candidate M5S the Capitol. “We are determined and proud to govern the city – said Marcello De Vito, a former adviser to 5 Stars in the City and candidate for mayor in. 2013 – for us it is a burden but an honor. We do not arrive unprepared, and we are ready for the challenge. ” Virginia Ray, also a former councilor (and date in pole position with De Vito) added: “If we continue to entrust the city to the usual parties will continue to fall into the abyss. Only if we put us at the helm, we think we can change things. With our honest leaders can reverse course. So yes we want to govern, heck if we want it, “he said.



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