Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A vote Smasher. Divided even Forza Italy – The Time



 The Italicum, thanks to the safeguard clause, will come into force 1 July 2016. Until that date will not be used – and thus, in theory, will not be able to vote until the autumn of next year. Yet, the new electoral law aprovata the Chamber will begin to produce the effects on pripri Parliament from today or, at the latest, immediately after the regional and 31 May. Because the vote sull’Italicum produced so many fractures within the parties and parliamentary groups, which is unthinkable that sooner or later the chickens will not be home to roost, and that, even before entering into force, the electoral reform will ultimately affect geography parliamentary politics.

 True, the government majority holding. But behind those 61 votes against lie friction hardly reassembled. Not only in the Democratic Party. Of course, the democratic camp comes out battered. For the first time, after three trusts in which he prferito exit from the Chamber, the minority Dem finds the courage to openly vote against the government. Despite the secret ballot requested by FI and the League, it is certain that all the big internal opposition (Pier Luigi Bersani, Enrico Letta, Gianni Cuperlo, Rosy Bindi, Stefano Fassina) and with them another forty deputies voting against the Democratic Party government led by its secretary. The Italicum gets 334 votes, the first 352. The majority were confident that loses 18 votes. In the Democratic Party, which starts from 310 deputies, they know that absences are justified 7: 303 MPs in the House Dem present. Always from the calculations made by the Democratic Party, the internal dissidents are between 40 and 45. It grows, then, some of the units facing the minority dem, compared to 38 of the three trusts. Abstentions in Pd Marilena Fabbri, Antonella Incerti and Donata Lenzi. Not vote the two prodiani Sandra Zampa and Franco Monaco and bersaniani Michela Marzano, James Portas and David Zogg. By the Democratic Party they do know that it’s all “justified absences.” Pippo Civati ​​announces: “I will support more government” and suggests the formation of an independent group, with formal exit from the Democratic Party.

 But the vote sull’Italicum changes relationships even within the government majority. Lorenzo Dellai – To parent company of Italy-Democratic Centre – requests, filed with loyalty the green light to electoral reform, to start costuire the new political architecture of the country, that is a democratic camp covering both the Democratic Party as the majority forces Allied. Essential precondition in the Italicum expected the award to the list and the Democratic Party of Renzi will have to choose between being a party of national political forces and attaches a party-list setting neolulivista capable of aggregating political cultures of different values ​​and shared programs. Grumbling even in Civic Choice, which claims the indispensability and the reliability of its MPs. “Without us, the government goes home,” Enrico Zanetti threat.

 But it is the political party Forza Italy which, together with the Democratic Party, comes more buffeted by vosto on electoral reform. The opposition, in fact, leave the classroom and choose the Aventine, not before he asked the secret ballot, the last attempt – the complicit help of the minority Democratic Party – to put in place a blitz, it fails. FI is at the forefront to lead the patrol of the Aventine, but tensions are not lacking. Since the morning, in fact, the leader Brunetta announced that the Blues did not participate in the vote. The other minority forces reflect and then s’accodano. The mood inside the forzisti is felt immediately: leave the Chamber of the House is a poor choice and counterproductive, and accuse verdiniani fittiani. So much so that during the discussion on the agenda, prior to the final vote, twenty deputies of FI disregard the guidelines of the group and remain in the House. Brunetta minimizes. Eventually, though, are different blues present for the final vote: among them, Francesco Paolo Sisto, as chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, and Francesco Saverio Romano, fittiano the first time publicly announced that he would vote against all ‘ Italicum. “I’m staying in the Chamber, because I believe in a parliamentary democracy advanced – says Roman – I believe that this sovereignty of the people that belong to him must be the people and the government, even wrong, he must be able to do its job and the opposition may not replace choices the people. ” This hemicycle without voting Luca D’Alessandro, verdiniano, explaining: “It was a mistake to leave the Chamber. We gave a chance to prove Renzi plastically with 334 yes you can count on a majority not the minority Democratic Party …. ” In the focus of verdiniani and fittiani (who desert the group meeting with the participation of 30.10 only loyalists) returns, therefore, the management Brunetta, but the leader in the House ensures that you have followed the instructions agreed with Silvio Berlusconi.


Daniele Di Mario


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