– The people of the school, including students, Tuesday on strike and took to the streets against the reform of Renzi, but the government and the majority, if one part reaffirm goodness of the bill and the intention to go ahead, do not give the other to leave a door open to dialogue. “There’s a ‘take it or leave it’ – said Minister Maria Elena Boschi -. If there are changes to be done, we will do. There is total closure.”
The appeal of the minority Democratic Party – An appeal to the government to listen to the world of education is also the minority of the Democratic Party. In a letter published in the Huffington Post signed Fassina-Civati-D’Attore also asks to drop the part on assumptions making a law on temporary workers.
The opening of Renzi after whistles in Bologna – What the situation is complex it was seen Sunday at Bologna, where the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has reacted strongly to the whistles from the stage and the disputes, only to discuss in private, on the merits of the bill, just with some of the temporary workers who had challenged.
Giannini: “Strike on issues unrelated to the reform” – The Minister Stefania Giannini has instead called “perplexed” because the points on which they strike “are absolutely unrelated to what we want to do with the good school, that school autonomy and empowerment of the training. ”
But the minister also added that “it is good that you enter into the merits, for an assessment of the content of this reform” on which you can make “improvements”. Like what made Sunday evening in the Cultural Committee in the House, signed by the Democratic Party, which lessens the power of principals, one of the most contested of the bill.
Can a confrontation with union leaders – The House should lay off no later than 19 May, the text of the “Good School”, which then will go to the Senate. The president of the Education Commission of the Senate, the dem Andrea Marcucci, announced that he would ask to Susanna Camusso, Annamaria Furlan and Carmelo Barbagallo to be audited on the reform. “Let’s see if this time Cgil, Cisl and Uil have really intend to make concrete and realistic proposals,” added the senator of the Democratic Party. Then explaining, however, that he made this decision for some time and “without hearing any of the government. It seemed just the right thing to do and I proposed.”
Giannini: “But Camusso has read the bill? ” – When the positions are still far apart, with unions announcing thousands of demonstrators in protests and provide accessions massive strike. Although, in reality, there are plenty of Professor and head teachers who claim not to join and on Twitter speak of “ignorance” about the contents of the bill. The same concept expressed by the Minister Giannini (“perhaps Camusso has not read the bill”) and from Pharaoh Undersecretary David, speaking of “ghosts and lies”; while the Minister Woods, about the strike asks: “I dare not imagine what they could organize if, instead of putting 3 billion, we had made cuts like all other governments.”
The reasons for the protest – The unions for their part reiterated the reasons for the protest, and especially not the “super powers in the management”, the request for a plan intakes to stabilize the work of teachers and Ata and renew the expired contract for seven years, in addition to heavy investment.
The marches in seven cities – The processions take place on Tuesday in seven cities (Aosta, Bari, Cagliari, Catania, Milan, Palermo, Rome), and see lined compact five unions of school: FLC CGIL, UIL school, CISL school, Snals Confsal and Gilda. In the square also Cobas, but is unmarked by “five unions monopolists” who, according to the leader Pietro help, “have already argued in favor of a compromise to lose with Renzi”.
concern in the capital after the riots in Bologna – The protests in the capital worries the Interior Ministry, in light of what happened Sunday at Bologna-police clashes with protesters: a circular sent to prefects and quaestors invites “the authorities’ provincial public safety to treat with care the supervisory activities of vulnerable targets. “
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