Monday, May 4, 2015

The Italicum and ‘law, is 334′, 61 no Renzi, “Commitment maintained” – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

L Italicum and law 334 is 61 no Renzi Commitment maintained 22:08 May 4, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, May 4 – “Commitment maintained”. Exults Matteo Renzi one minute after the final green dell’Italicum. Does not hide the satisfaction Maria Elena Boschi : “Mission accomplished”.

Renzi, Pd writes proud history. Now node Senate

The electoral reform and ‘Law : 334 you’, and 61 votes against, by secret ballot requested by the League and Forza Italy, the Aula of Deputies approved the new voting system, introducing the list headers blocked (100 in all), the preferences, a runoff if no list or party obtains 40% of the vote, the majority of the premium is not more ‘to the coalition but to the party.

Woods, 61 no political fact, but it’s important not to give up

Italicum here is how the new law

The majority holds the shock wave even the secret ballot puts in trouble ‘keeping the government. But the last mile of the way dell’Italicum not ‘been some downhill. The Pd is pat, at least 40 – if not 45 – ‘dissidents’ internal vote against (by Bersani to Letta, from Cuperlo Bindi and Fassina), grumbling even in the Chooser Area civic and popular. And the opposition who leave the classroom and choose the Aventine, not before he asked the secret ballot, the last attempt to implement a blitz, perhaps with the help of the minority dem. That, however, ‘although gaining some votes, can not’ break ‘.

Tensions were also recorded inside Forza Italy , the group in the front row to lead the patrol of the Aventine. Since the morning, in fact, the parent company Brunetta announces that the Blues did not participate in the vote.

The other minority forces reflect, evaluate all the alternatives, with grillini to remain favorable in the Chamber when the vote was clear. The mood inside the forzisti is felt immediately: leave the room and ‘a poor choice and counterproductive, accuse’ verdiniani ‘and’ fittiani ‘. So much so that during the discussion on the agenda, which preceded the final ok to the reform, about twenty members of FI disregard the guidelines of the group and remain in the classroom. Brunetta minimized. In the end, however, ‘different blues present for the final vote: among them, Francesco Paolo Sisto, in quality’ of President of the Commission for Constitutional Affairs – so ‘justified’ – and Francesco Saverio Romano, fittiano the first time that publicly announces his vote against all’Italicum.

Since the morning Renzi boasts tranquility ‘: the new law “will bring’ clarity and stability ‘,” says Prime Minister , convinced that with the ‘Italicum “things will change really.”

After the final ok, on twitter, the Prime Minister wrote: “Commitment kept, promise fulfilled. Italy needs of those who do not always say no. Next, with humility ‘and courage.”

Minority streets against the Italicum – VIDEO

Duri comments of minority Pd : “What bitterness the half-empty room. So ‘the challenge of Pd to the country and’ more ‘weak,” says the leader resigned Robert Hope .

Civati ​​attacks the government “not uphold ‘more’
perhaps autonomous group” – VIDEO

“Dissent and ‘it was large enough . The political is on the approval of the law is the size of dissent and ‘not insignificant, “notes Pierluigi Bersani .

Choosing civic vindicates the importance of his votes, “we determinants.
Without us today the majority was not there,” notes Enrico Zanetti .

Satisfied also Area popular : “passed a good law,” says Angelino Alfano .

But it ‘by the opposition that rises a chorus of criticism and protest, “Renzi as a black cloc massacred democracy,” accuses Carla Ruocco of the directory 5 Stars . I have asked grillini Mattarella not to sign the law. Brunetta speaks of “Pyrrhic victory”. For the blue Renzi “in the Senate does not have the numbers to approve the reform of the Senate.” For Nicholas Fratoianni Select “Renzi halves democracy”. Chiosa the League’s Roberto Calderoli : “It ‘s true that the worst there’ never end, because after the Porcellum and ‘came Porcellissimum”.


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