Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Gorino and Goro, after the barricades against migrants. Renzi: “The Italy that I know welcomes them” – The Republic

FERRARA – “Goro and Gorino is a story that is difficult to judge, on the one hand there is the part of the population very tired and worried, but on the other hand we are talking about twelve women and eight children, probably on the part of the State was better managed, but also from the point of view of the dialogue”. The chairman of the board Matteo Renzi, to the recording of “Porta a Porta”, intervenes at the end of a long night and day of the barricades in the municipalities of Ferrara di Goro and Gorino. A resounding protest that has forced the coaches of the twelve migrant women, with their children, destined to be a hostel requirement by the prefect Michele-Dove, for a “state of necessity”, to make an about-turn. The women, one pregnant, were diverted into other facilities in the area of Ferrara and the province. The premier is clear on the matter: “I Want to be clear: the Italy that I know, when there are twelve women and eight children makes their best to solve the problem.”
On the reception of migrants, Renzi has asked for the involvement of all. Italy is ready to impose a veto on the Eu budget if the countries of the East do not welcome the migrant, his reasoning.

in the Meantime, the refugees rejected the controversy rages on, with the leader of the League Matteo Salvini tweet: “I’m with the inhabitants of Gorino”. While the diocese of Ferrara, and thunders, with the vicar general, monsignor Massimo Manservigi: “In these dramatic hours, in which many Italian cities are called to respond to the humanitarian emergency that every day becomes more troubling, the Church of Ferrara-Comacchio is close to those, women, and children in particular, who have lived on our territory one night so hard and hostile, repugnant to the christian conscience”. The Church is not in doubt. “The ‘rejections’ of Gorino and Goro leave amazed,” says don Armando Zappolini, president of the national coordination hospitality communities (Cnca),

The road block is still there, the morning after, at the entrance of the country, and the authorities raise their hands, looking for a decent elsewhere. The twelve women, including one pregnant woman, have been diverted into other facilities in the area of Ferrara and the province, their children have followed them, and while in the country you decide on other forms of struggle in order not to receive migrants, the prefect pencola between understanding and sarcasm. “My first thought, says the prefect of Ferrara, Michele Tortora - goes to women, of which I dare not think what they have tried, through the Mediterranean sea, going by coach to Bologna and then to Gorino and finding himself finally in front of the barricades”. And then, by bending the considerations in bitterness, “there have been hotels where we asked they said they do not have no place. Already, there are hordes of tourists who turn out in November in the riviera.”

they did Not want refugees in the country and, for now, they will have. The resounding protest of the inhabitants of Gorino and Goro , the small towns on the Delta of the Po of ferrara, with barricades drawn on the streets of the country, got guests coming in from ending up elsewhere, after a day (and a night) whooping. The bus that was carrying the migrants on the spot did turn back. Fiscaglia, Ferrara and Comacchio: in those three centres there was a roof, it gave. What was supposed to rectify initially, it was a hostel of Gorino, the requirement by the Prefect of Ferrara, to address the emergency.

There was, however, on Monday afternoon, the new traumatic of the roadblocks, erected to Gorino with pallets of wood in the three points of access to the village (and wider then even Goro) to block the convoy, escorted by the police. And this protest has an impact: the prefecture, gendarmerie, police, the mayor of Ferrara and other municipalities in the province have agreed upon late in the evening to hijack the refugees in other structures of the province of ferrara.

“I am very ashamed of what happened to Ferrara, I think we should shame those people who have prevented the accommodation of women and children”, and the comment of the prefect Mario Morcone, head of the immigration department of the ministry of the interior, to the microphones of Gr 1 Rai, intervening in the case. And the same term also makes use of the mayor of Ferrara, as well as president of the province, Tiziano Tagliani. “I am ashamed. If at this time the Town of Goro, who has received much from the institutions, do not welcome the twelve foreign women I need you to reflect on the meaning of institutional collaboration”. The mayor then called “exaggerated” the protest anti-immigrant: “I think that has been fomented by the policy. I note an increasing difficult y of implementing the guidelines of the ministry of the Interior”. Foreign women are left for six hours in the police station of Ferrara until the time when it is decided around midnight, and for reasons of public order, slipping them into three structures, Ferrara, Fiscaglia and Codigoro. “I intervened,” concluded Tagliani – because when there are situations of this kind is a duty to find a solution.”

Goro is not hosting at the time any homeless, says the prefect Tortora, compared to about 800 that already exist in the province of Ferrara. “The system of reception becomes more and more stressful – highlights-Dove – but the procedures were correct. I was not expecting a reaction like that and I found it puzzling”. As to the choice of Goro and Gorino, the prefect has as well motivated. “Goro is one of the eight municipalities of the ferrara does not have any migrant. And the hostel we felt that it was not particularly popular in the winter, and received, therefore, from an economic content”. Or even, has done makes sense, a gain, given that the structures that host refugees are paid. “There are months that we’re looking at hotels, but as soon as they hear about the refugees all tell us that they are full. I leave it to you to judge…”, with irony about the “hordes of tourists in November, flock to the riviera .”

Anci: “Just send the refugees in the hotel”. On the case intervenes Matteo Biffoni, Anci delegate to Immigration: “it is crucial that the management of the welcome refugees is spread in a suitable manner on the whole national territory and to be involved in this match the statutory auditors. What happened to Gorino, however, urges us once again to emphasize the need to hasten the application of the requirements by

time advanced by the Anci and implemented by the Government in a circular signed by the minister Alfano. The problem is not only a better sharing between the Municipalities, but especially to raise the level of quality of the reception, ensuring the centrality of the Municipalities and of the relations with the associations of the territory. It is not permissible to continue to send the refugees in hotels, where they remain without control and creates discomfort in the community.”


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