Sunday, October 23, 2016

Rome, “the Town worried about the accounts:” the day the Rays on wages – The Messenger

On one hand, “the pain”, admitted by the councillor Andrea Mazzillo, to close the budget. On the other, the dispute of the wage enhancement that is not yet unlocked, in fact it is arrived to the phase of the ultimatum: “If will not be unlocked by 3 November, we will come up to the general strike, meanwhile, goes ahead with the class action,” announces, among others, Giancarlo Cosentino of the Cisl. Wages accessories and budget are the two issues that “speak” and look at the first real problem for the junta-Ray: one of the accounts.

The solution of the Town to return to pay the contract of a decentralised and settle the debt by 340 million with the Mef for the prizes distributed in the rain to the employees of the capitoline (from the 2008 l 2013) passes from the floor of the indentation. The M5S would like to draw from the savings imposed by the Government with the Save Rome in order to protect the bottom of the salary enhancement, which otherwise would be emptied for at least 3 years. In this match of the tour there is also another unknown: it is called the Ministry of the Economy, to which the Municipality asks for 220 million spaces of stability pact to cover the off-balance sheet liabilities.

the Agenda at hand, are the salaries of the 23 employees of the capitoline on the first obstacle. The unions are fence-sitter, but they have already secured the post of 3 November. “The mobilization remains,” announces Christmas Cola of the Cgil. “We expect a solution, in negative or positive, but ultimate”, raises Francesco Croce of the Uil. Waiting to find an organic solution to the accounts, the Capitol moves forward. At least in the ads.

Budget online and accessible to all, practically in real time, starting from the next: it is the goal of the open budget initiative, presented by Virginia Ray, with the councilors on the budget, Andrea Mazzillo, and to the simplification, Flavia Marzano. “Our administration is dota of this innovative tool to ensure that all balance sheet data are readable and usable also by non-experts – highlights the mayor – it’s never happened in the past, for the first time, you can touch with hand the transparency is not only formal but understood as the accessibility and comprehensibility of the data”. In particular, no longer need to wait the 15 months prescribed by law for the publication of the budget by the ministry of the Interior. But the move forecast in 2017, even if potentially more transparent, remains a path full of obstacles. Starting from the times: to get to the final approval by 31 December, as prescribed by the rules, you sh ould start the process very soon, with the first away for free in the bargain in the first half of November. A goal at the moment is very difficult to achieve. “Like many authorities we are a bit in trouble on the timing of the forecast but only because we are at the first year in which they entered into force, the new principles of accounting harmonisation – supports Mazzillo – But we’re working on it”.

On the budget weighs, however, especially the uncertainty of cuts to current spending, to avoid a new imbalance in the accounts, may exceed 300 million euros. The city administration has asked the Government for a lifeboat from 220 million and avoid the commissioner. The first signals from the ministry of Economy are not encouraging: the Municipality should carry out autonomously the reduction of the current expenditure necessary to put in security of the accounts. In addition, the margins of manoeuvre as possible – even if I Mef to decide for the go-ahead to the requests coming from the Capitol – should not exceed 150 million.


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