Sunday, October 23, 2016

Terror in Genoa, the child of 6 years old autistic and deaf and lost during the trip. The story that has touched the web – News Italian


what was supposed to be a normal day of the trip, spent in joy and harmony has turned into a nightmare for the group of companions who had organized a trip to the children of the association Agsa, which unites parents of autistic children, – all following the death of an autistic child and deaf six-year-old is away from the agriturismo Ca du Rat of Tiglieto, Genova, without anyone noticing. To realize his disappearance was just the mom of one of the children on a field trip and, behold, immediately raised the alarm and alerted the police who, in turn, have felt immediately the fire-brigade with divers and elicotteristi have tried the small. And then again, on the spot as well as the police and fire brigade are also deployed men of the mountain rescue volunteers and dog teams and for five long hours, dozens of volunteers, educators, fire fighters and men of the forces of the order you are engaged in the search for the child setting in motion the research around Rossiglione and Tiglieto, on the heights of Genoa.

But as previously mentioned, for five hours, the small, there has been no news of any kind, and the fear that something bad happened, and it grew by the hour until, at around 15.30 hours a volunteer found the child safe and sound, sitting on the edge of a brook, in a clearing while he liked to play by throwing stones into the water. The mother of the owner of the farm where the child has been removed has been expressed on the issue by stating in the specific "We are afraid, rather, he has not noticed anything and when we found it was the intent of throwing stones in a rivulet of water, and every so often threw a urletto. The child was very close to the agriturismo, only instead of running towards the river, where the group always goes in the summer to swim, and where we went to look for him, he had taken a different path, for we have not found immediately, in fact had strayed very little from the farm".

The child is, therefore, rendered account of the great terror, procured to dozens of people and especially his mom and his dad and when it was found the rescuers were told that, on its face, appeared a smile, spontaneous and unconscious way, a smile was born after realizing that many were looking for and were worried for him. After this, he could return to the embrace of his mom and his dad that for several hours they feared not to be able to hug their child.

Who finds a friend finds a treasure. He found much more Kainoa Niehaus, autistic child of just 5 years, from the sparkling eyes, when he met the Tornado, a sweet blonde Golden Retriever. Did not want to be embraced, nor touched. There was a playground, kindergarten or therapy can it interact with the other. Kainoa did not communicate with anyone. It seemed to be destined to loneliness. Did not want to be washed, brushed, or petted, not even by their mother. Then the flight of hope, a journey of 14 hours from Japan, where the child lives with the mother, in Ohio (Usa) to meet Tornado, a dog trained to relate to those who suffer from the disorder Kainoa.

And it was love at first sight, the two are smelled, an exchange that said more than a thousand words. A friendship is already written. As you can see from the photo (on the page) posted on Facebook, the mom (incredulous) you in tears, to the shoulders of the son, lying on the animal: that contact (long-awaited) was so natural… The post in a few hours, has exceeded 180 thousand Likes and thousands of people were affected by the words of the woman, who explained the meaning of that shot. “You see this time? I have never lived a moment like this”, it reads on the social network. “For the first time my autistic son 5 years old he met his new service dog, Tornado. We prepared for two years to this day. The image captures the face of a mother who has seen her child – that she can not hug, wash, cuddle, and touch have – lie down on a dog of his own will. This is the face of a mother who has witnessed countless attempts of social interactions failed. It was ne xt to her son for months, while he during the night, crying, because he has no ties outside of the family.

And now she is sitting behind the child to keep this moment in silence, because there is nothing else to say”. Once the dog proves to be man’s best friend, precious and irreplaceable. At the base of the Pet Therapy there is the great ability of these animals to stimulate the strings, which even we we touch. At the beginning they were supportive and now they have become a bridge with reality. Mom Shannalo know, Tornado pemetterà to Kainoa to touch the world. A world that is still far away, but the first steps have been made. And they are important. That’s why she cries tears of joy, covering her mouth with her hand to get a feel from the child and not to interrupt that special moment: the naturalness that shows in the physical contact with the dog, and an extraordinary condition.

it Seemed out of reach. “Every fight, every diagnosis, every dollar spent, every card is filled, every meeting at school, every tear, every step forward, every step back, are worth this time. I cried countless times, yesterday I did it for a different reason. It is an indescribable feeling,” writes the mom of Kainoa, aware that something has changed in their life. The baby has found a loving mentor to all fours, a patient playmate, a friend, but also a comfortable cushion on which to lean on and feel protected.
The merit of this little miracle is related not only to the determination of ms. Niehaus, but also to "4 Paws for Ability", the group no profìt which has its headquarters in Xenia(thirty miles from Dayton), and focuses on breeding and training a "service dog" for the whole world. Not only children, but also veterans and handicapped persons have resorted to the "service dog" that "4 Paws for Ability", and other international organisations are making available. Many airlines recognize their therapeutic utility and allow service dogs to travel in the cabin, regardless of weight, without paying a fee or ticket. They will fly together and also the Tornado, and Kainoa to Japan. The family Niehaus is wider, has a fighter in more, in this difficult battle.


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