Thursday, May 21, 2015

Anti-corruption, so the House with 280 votes in favor: the bill is law – The Messenger

Yes definitive anti-corruption bill to the Chamber of the House. The text was approved in the House with 280 votes in favor, 53 against and 11 abstentions. Against voted M5S and Fi. The League abstained.
Reading the result of the vote was marked by a long applause arose from the benches of the Democratic Party.

The measure introduces a hold on crimes against Pa. In fact it is visibly strengthened the “regulatory framework” with the anti-corruption ‘ increased penalties for the main crimes against the public administration: embezzlement (from 4 to 10 years and 6 months), its corruption ( from 6 to 10 years) and improper (one to 6 years), induction undue (6 to 10 years and 6 months). As for corruption in judicial acts (from 6 to 12 years assuming base), the penalty can rise to 20 in the worst cases. They are identical to the sanctions of the concussion , but it is extended of a public service. The law provides discounts for “repentant” . Who works will indeed enjoy a reduction of sentence by one-third to two-thirds. The mitigating “active repentance” is recognized to those who strives to effectively prevent further consequences of the crime, to secure evidence and identify the perpetrators or to the seizure of the sums transferred.

A undergo a substantial tightening of sanctions is also the framework of the 416 bis : 10 to 15 years (today is between 7 and 12) the penalty for those who participate in a criminal syndicate, from 12 to 18 years (instead of 9-14) for the one who organizes or directs. And if the Mafia is armed, you can get to the promoters even up to 26 years in prison. Then there is the part about false accounting , with false company that is again becoming a crime punishable by imprisonment. If the company is listed, those who commit false accounting risks imprisonment from 3 to 8 years; if it unlisted, between one and five years. It always proceeds of office, unless these are small companies not subject to failure, for which a penalty is reduced (from 6 months to 3 years). It reduced penalty even for minor events, and is expected to be no punishment for the offenses particularly serious. The use of interception is possible only in the false accounting of listed companies. As for the administrative liability of companies, double the fines (up to 600 units in the case of companies on the stock exchange and 400 for non-listed). The text also provides for the restitution of stolen goods.

In the most serious crimes against the PA, in fact, you can not be more bargain before they were fully returned price or profit of the crime. If convicted, the guilty party is always obliged to pay the equivalent of the profit or the illegally perceived. The financial compensation in the administration is injured condition for access to the suspended sentence.

             Thursday, May 21, 2015, 19:09 – Last Updated: 20:06


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